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The Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement. BOEMRE is a bureau of the Department of the Interior. Our mission is to manage the mineral resources of the Outer Continental Shelf in an environmentally sound and safe manner.

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Pacific Region News

BOEMRE Assisting State of California in Review of Proposed Plan to Develop State Leases: Company Applies for Permit to Develop Oil and Gas from State-Issued Leases from Existing Platform in Federal Waters

Carone Petroleum Corp. has submitted a project proposal to the California State Lands Commission (CSLC), the state commission that oversees oil and gas development in California waters, to develop three state-issued oil and gas leases utilizing existing infrastructure by drilling from Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Platform Hogan, located in 154 feet of water approximately 3.7 miles offshore Carpinteria, Calif.

The CSLC is currently reviewing the lesseeā€™s Plan of Development (POD) for the Carpinteria Field Project. The project is controlled and regulated by the state of California, as the actual reserves are in state waters. Because the proposed project would utilize a facility in federal waters however, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) is also required to review the proposal, in the form of a revised Development and Production Plan (DPP). (read more)

Proposed Revision to the Carpinteria Field DPP: This document presents proposed revisions to the Carpinteria Field Development and Production Plan (DPP). The proposed revisions to the DPP address the development and production of oil and gas from the Carpinteria Field, including State Leases PRC-400, PRC-7911, and PRC-3133. Drilling, completing, equipping, and operating State lease wells would be accomplished from Platform Hogan. For more information, please access the California State Lands Commission website.