Articles and Publications

Balance of Payments & International Investment Position

Annual revisions

 Annual Revision of the U.S. International Transactions Accounts | SCB, July 2012
 Annual Revision of the U.S. International Transactions Accounts | SCB, July 2011
 Annual Revision of the U.S. International Transactions Accounts | SCB, July 2010
 Annual Revision of the U.S. International Accounts | SCB, July 2009
 Annual Revision of the U.S. International Accounts, 1974-2007 | SCB, July 2008
 Annual Revision of the U.S. International Accounts, 1997-2006 | SCB, July 2007
 Annual Revision of the U.S. International Accounts, 1995-2005 | SCB, July 2006
  Annual Revision of the U.S. International Accounts, 1991-2004 | SCB, July 2005 (PDF)
  Annual Revision of the U.S. International Accounts, 1989-2003 | SCB, July 2004 (PDF)
  Annual Revision of the U.S. International Accounts, 1992-2002 | SCB, July 2003 (PDF)
  Annual Revision of the U.S. International Accounts, 1993-2001 | SCB, July 2002 (PDF)
  U.S. International Transactions, Revised Estimates for 1989-2000 | SCB, July 2001 (PDF)
  U.S. International Transactions, Revised Estimates for 1982-99 | SCB, July 2000 (PDF)
  U.S. International Transactions, Revised Estimates for 1982-98 | SCB, July 1999 (PDF)
  U.S. International Transactions, Revised Estimates for 1986-97 | SCB, July 1998 (PDF)
  U.S. International Transactions, Revised Estimates for 1974-96 | SCB, July 1997 (PDF)
  U.S. International Transactions, Revised Estimates for 1986-95 | SCB, July 1996 (PDF)
  U.S. International Transactions, Revised Estimates for 1983-94 | SCB, June 1995 (PDF)
  U.S. International Transactions, Revised Estimates for 1984-93 | SCB, June 1994 (PDF)

Other recurring articles

  U.S. International Transactions -- most recent quarterly and annual articles:
  First Quarter 2012 | SCB, July 2012
  Fourth Quarter and Year 2011 | SCB, April 2012
  Third Quarter 2011 | SCB, January 2012
  Second Quarter 2011 | SCB, October 2011
  For historical quarterly and annual articles, see the January, April, July, and October issues of the SCB (prior to 1996, these articles appeared in March, June, September, and December)  
  The International Investment Position of the United States at Yearend | available each July in the SCB, most recent: July 2012
  How BEA Aligns and Augments Source Data from the U.S. Treasury Department for Inclusion in the International Transactions Accounts | available each July in the SCB, most recent: July 2012 (PDF)
  International Transactions and Positions in Financial Derivatives | available each July in the SCB, most recent: July 2012 (PDF)
  An Ownership-Based Framework of the U.S. Current Account, 1999-2010 | available each January in the SCB, most recent: January 2012 (PDF)
  Reconciliation of the United States-Canadian Current Account | most recent: December 2010

Selected research & analysis

 Modernizing and Enhancing BEA’s International Economic Accounts: A Progress Report |SCB, May 2012 (PDF)
 Modernizing and Enhancing BEA’s International Economic Accounts: A Progress Report |SCB, May 2011 (PDF)
 Modernizing and Enhancing BEA’s International Economic Accounts: Recent Progress and Future Directions | SCB, May 2010 (PDF)
 U.S. Resource Flows to Developing Countries and Multilateral Organizations, 1993-97 | SCB, February 1999 (PDF)
  Alternative Frameworks for U.S. International Transactions | SCB, December 1993 (PDF)
  Valuation of the U.S. Net International Investment Position | SCB, May 1991 (PDF)

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International Services

Recurring articles

  U.S. International Services: Cross-Border Trade and Services Supplied Through Affiliates | usually available each October in the SCB, most recent: October 2011
 Full Article
 Historical Articles on U.S. International Sales and Purchases of Services

Selected research & analysis

 Trends in Digitally-Enabled Trade in Services, 1998-2010
 A Profile of U.S. Exporters and Importers of Services | SCB, June 2012
 Selected Issues in the Measurement of U.S. International Services | SCB, June 2002

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Direct Investment and Multinational Companies

U.S. Direct Investment Abroad

 Recurring articles
  Direct Investment Positions: Country and Industry Detail | available each July in the SCB, most recent: July 2012 (PDF)
 Direct Investment: Detailed Historical-Cost Positions and Related Financial and Income Flows | usually available each September in the SCB, most recent: September 2011
 U.S. Multinational Companies (covers operations of U.S. direct investors and their foreign affiliates) | available annually in the SCB, publication month will vary, most recent: August 2010 (PDF)
 Benchmark survey results
 Operations of U.S. Multinational Companies in the United States and Abroad: Preliminary Results From the 2009 Benchmark Survey | SCB, November 2011
 U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: Final Results from the 2004 Benchmark Survey | Publication, November 2008
 Operations of U.S. Multinational Companies: Preliminary Results From the 2004 Benchmark Survey | SCB, November 2006
 U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: Final Results From the 1999 Benchmark Survey | Publication, April 2004
 Operations of U.S. Multinational Companies: Preliminary Results From the 1999 Benchmark Survey | SCB, March 2002 (PDF)
 U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: 1994 Benchmark Survey, Final Results | Publication, May 1998 (PDF)
  Operations of U.S. Multinational Companies: Preliminary Results from the 1994 Benchmark Survey | SCB, December 1996 (PDF)
 Selected research & analysis
 Research and Development Activities of U.S. Multinational Companies: Preliminary Results from the 2004 Benchmark Survey | SCB, March 2007
 Research Spotlight: The Internal Markets of Multinational Firms | SCB, March 2007
 Research Spotlight: Taxation and Multinational Activity: New Evidence, New Interpretations | SCB, February 2006
 Real Gross Product of U.S. Companies' Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates in Manufacturing | SCB, April 1997 (PDF)
 U.S. Intrafirm Trade in Goods | SCB, February 1997 (PDF)
 A Guide to BEA Statistics on U.S. Multinational Companies | SCB, March 1995 (PDF)
  Rates of Return on Direct Investment | SCB, August 1992 (PDF)

Foreign Direct Investment in the United States

 Recurring articles
 Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies | available annually in the SCB, publication month will vary, most recent: August 2012 (PDF)
 Direct Investment Positions: Country and Industry Detail | available each July in the SCB, most recent: July 2012 (PDF)
  Direct Investment: Detailed Historical-Cost Positions and Related Financial and Income Flows | usually available each September in the SCB, most recent: September 2011 (PDF)
 Benchmark survey results
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: 2007 Benchmark Survey, Final Results | Publication, September 2011  
Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies: Preliminary Results from the 2007 Benchmark Survey | SCB, November 2009 (PDF)
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: 2002 Benchmark Survey, Final Results | Publication, October 2006 (ZIP)
 Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies: Preliminary Results From the 2002 Benchmark Survey | SCB, August 2004
 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Final Results from the 1997 Benchmark Survey | Publication, June 2001 (PDF)
 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Preliminary Results From the 1997 Benchmark Survey | SCB, August 1999 (PDF)
 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: 1992 Benchmark Survey, Final Results | Publication, September 1995 (PDF)
  Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: 1992 Benchmark Survey Results | SCB, July 1994 (PDF)
 Selected research & analysis
 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: New Investment in 2008 | most recent: June 2009 (PDF)
 An Examination of the Low Rates of Return of Foreign-Owned U.S. Companies | SCB, March 2000
 Regional Patterns in the Location of Foreign-Owned U.S. Manufacturing Establishments | SCB, May 1999 (PDF)
 The Domestic Orientation of Production and Sales by U.S. Manufacturing Affiliates of Foreign Companies | SCB, April 1998 (PDF)
 U.S. Intrafirm Trade in Goods | SCB, February 1997 (PDF)
 Differences in Foreign-Owned U.S. Manufacturing Establishments by Country of Owner | SCB, March 1996 (PDF)
 Characteristics of Foreign-Owned U.S. Manufacturing Establishments | SCB, January 1994 (PDF)
 Rates of Return on Direct Investment | SCB, August 1992 (PDF)
  A Guide to BEA Statistics on Foreign Direct Investment In the United States | SCB, February 1990 (PDF)

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Projects linking BEA data with data from other statistical agencies

BEA-Census Bureau Data Link Project

 BEA R&D Data for U.S. MNCs and U.S. affiliates of foreign MNCs with Census Bureau data on R&D for all U.S. companies | Report
  BEA data for U.S. affiliates of foreign MNCs with Census Bureau establishment data for all U.S. companies | Publications or Survey of Current Business articles  
 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 2002 | Publication | PDF and Excel files
 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1997 | Publication | PDF files
 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1997 | Publication | XLS files (EXE)
 Regional Patterns in the Location of Foreign-Owned U.S. Manufacturing Establishments | SCB, May 1999 (PDF)
 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1992 |Publication| Text files (EXE)
 Differences in Foreign-Owned U.S. Manufacturing Establishments by Country of Owner | SCB, March 1996 (PDF)
 Characteristics of Foreign-Owned U.S. Manufacturing Establishments | SCB, January 1994 (PDF)
 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1987 | SCB, October 1992 (PDF)
 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1987 | Publication | Text files (EXE)
  Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for Manufacturing 1991 | Publication | Text files (EXE)
  Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for Manufacturing 1990 | Publication | Text files (EXE)
  Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for Manufacturing 1989 | Publication | Text files (EXE)
  Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for Manufacturing 1988 | Publication | Text files (EXE)

BEA-BLS Data Link Project

 BEA data for U.S. multinational companies with Bureau of Labor Statistics data on employment by occupation in domestic establishments | BLS Monthly Labor Review, October 2011
 BEA data for U.S. affiliates of foreign MNCs with Bureau of Labor Statistics data on employment by occupation in manufacturing establishments | BLS news release, October 1993

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