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STAND-TO! Edition: Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today's Focus:

Reserve Component Redeployment Medical Readiness

Senior Leaders are Saying

"We absolutely have to have the capacity to move our Army in different directions, to expand our capabilities, and that can only be done by having a high level of leader development in our force."

- Under Secretary of the Army Joseph Westphal, emphasized that the future Army will require leaders that are flexible and creative to be able to move the Army forward, during his recent visit to Command and General Staff College Intermediate Level Education class, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.

Westphal: Leader development essential to Army of 2020

What They're Saying

"9/11 created such an awkward position for my family ... I said to myself, 'Do I want people to think my family is full of terrorists? Do I want people to view my religion like we're all terrorists?' I wanted to fight back, so that's one of the main reasons I joined (the Army)."

-Staff Sgt. Muna Nur, a Somalian born American citizen and a noncommissioned officer in charge of the Troop Medical Clinic, 10th Sustainment Brigade, Task Force Muleskinner at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, explains her reason for joining the Army.

Muslim medic spends her career mending fellow Soldiers, preconceptions


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Today's Focus

Reserve Component Redeployment Medical Readiness

What is it?

The sustained focus on mobilization readiness of the Reserve Component (RC) force during the past decade has resulted in a similarly intense scrutiny of the demobilization process implemented to transition RC Soldiers back to their hometowns. First Army, as Forces Command's executing agent for RC demobilization, ensures returning RC Soldiers receive the care and, if necessary, the treatment they deserve after a deployment. To accomplish this task, First Army works closely with representatives from the Army Medical Command (MEDCOM), Army Dental Command (DENCOM), United States Army Reserve Command and state Surgeon Offices within the Army National Guard.

What has the Army done?

Our nation and our Army have continued to refine and improve the quality of medical care given to our redeploying warfighters. The Army developed and instituted a requirements-based demobilization process in 2011 that focuses on individuals and implements a 14-day model allowing all returning warriors more time to address medical and behavioral conditions. The demobilization process includes establishment of a roadmap of care for Soldiers, commanders, and providers to ensure medical issues and needs are identified, discussed, addressed, and provided. In 16 months, this improved process has had a positive impact on more than 1800 units and 60,000 redeploying RC Soldiers.

What efforts does the Army plan to continue in the future?

During the demobilization process the major function of the medical community is to properly indentify, record, document and develop a tailored plan of care for each individual Soldier based on medical, behavioral health, and dental health care screenings. First Army conducts demobilization validation boards to ensure all re-deploying Soldiers have been completely and properly processed through the demobilization process. If future care is required, the Soldier can either be transferred into the care of the Warrior Transition Command in an active duty status or return home once a reliable health care plan is in place, ensuring the individual's aliment can be properly treated and cared for at their home.

Why is this important to the Army?

Soldiers, and the families that support them, remain the nation's most valuable asset. Modernizing our RC demobilization medical readiness processes to include expert enablers from Army commands and external Army enterprise partners is a smart business practice that will ensure RC Soldiers needs are taken care of long after they have left active duty and returned to their community.


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Page last updated Fri September 14th, 2012 at 11:59