Secretary Travels to France

Name Locale Remarks Date
John Milton Hay Paris Vacation trip for health reasons. May 22-​June 1, 1905
Robert Lansing Paris Accompanied President Wilson to the Paris Peace Conference. Left U.S December 4, 1918; returned July 22, 1919. December 14, 1918-​July 14, 1919
Charles Evans Hughes Paris Visited with French international lawyers. July 28-​31, 1924
Frank Billings Kellogg Paris Negotiated and signed the Treaty on the Renunciation of War (Kellogg-Briand Pact). Left U.S. August 19. August 24-​29, 1928
Frank Billings Kellogg Cherbourg Embarked for the U.S.; returned September 10. September 4, 1928
Henry Lewis Stimson Paris Met with Premier Laval and Finance Minister Flandin. July 15-​19, 1931
Cordell Hull Algiers (Algeria) Met with Generals Eisenhower and De Gaulle. October 15, 1943
James Francis Byrnes Paris Attended Second Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers. April 25-​May 18, 1946
James Francis Byrnes Paris Attended second part of the Second Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers. June 13-​July 13, 1946
James Francis Byrnes Paris Attended Paris Peace Conference. July 28-​October 15, 1946
George Catlett Marshall Paris Met with President Auriol and senior officials. Laid a wreath at the tomb of France's Unknown Soldier. Left U.S. March 5. March 6-​7, 1947
George Catlett Marshall Paris 9-11 to confer with President Truman on the Berlin Crisis. September 20-​October 9, 1948
George Catlett Marshall Paris Attended Third Session of the UN General Assembly. October 12-​16, 1948
George Catlett Marshall Paris Attended Third Session of the UN General Assembly. October 19-​29, 1948
George Catlett Marshall Paris Attended Third Session of the UN General Assembly. November 1-​22, 1948
John Foster Dulles Paris Met with senior French officials and with representatives of NATO and the Organization for European Economic Cooperation. February 1-​3, 1953
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended 11th meeting of the North Atlantic Council. April 21-​26, 1953
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended 12th NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting. December 12-​16, 1953
John Foster Dulles Paris Discussed the situation in Indochina with Foreign Minister Bidault. April 13-​14, 1954
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended meeting of the North Atlantic Council. April 21-​24, 1954
John Foster Dulles Paris Conferred with Prime Ministers Eden and Mendes-France on the Genera Conference. July 13-​15, 1954
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended NATO, Four- and Nine-Power Conferences. Returned to U.S. October 25. October 20-​23, 1954
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended North Atlantic Council meeting. December 15-​19, 1954
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended North Atlantic Council meeting. May 7-​12, 1955
John Foster Dulles Paris Met with the French and British Foreign Ministers and attended a North Atlantic Council meeting. July 14-​16, 1955
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended working group and NATO Ministerial Meetings. October 23-​26, 1955
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. December 14-​17, 1955
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. May 2-​7, 1956
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. December 9-​14, 1956
John Foster Dulles Paris Met with Prime Minister Mollet and attended meeting of U.S. Chiefs of Mission to European countries. May 5-​6, 1957
John Foster Dulles Paris Accompanied President Eisenhower to meeting of NATO Heads of Government. December 13-​20, 1957
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended the opening session of a conference of U.S. Chiefs of Mission to European countries. May 8-​10, 1958
John Foster Dulles Paris Discussed nuclear armaments with President De Gaulle. July 4-​6, 1958
John Foster Dulles Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting and a Big Four Ministers meeting. December 13-​18, 1958
John Foster Dulles Paris Met with President De Gaulle, Foreign Minister Couve de Murville, and NATO Secretary General Spaak. February 6-​7, 1959
Christian Archibald Herter Paris Attended a meeting of Western Foreign Ministers. April 27-​May 2, 1959
Christian Archibald Herter Paris Accompanied President Eisenhower to meeting of the North Atlantic Council. September 2-​4, 1959
Christian Archibald Herter Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting and a meeting of the Heads of State and Government of France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. December 13-​22, 1959
Christian Archibald Herter Paris Accompanied President Eisenhower to a meeting of the Chiefs of State and Heads of Government of France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Also attended a meeting of NATO's Permanent Council. May 13-​21, 1960
Christian Archibald Herter Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. December 14-​18, 1960
David Dean Rusk Paris Accompanied President Kennedy on State visit. May 31-​June 3, 1961
David Dean Rusk Paris Attended a Foreign Ministers meeting on Berlin and met with the NATO Permanent Council. August 4-​9, 1961
David Dean Rusk Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. December 10-​16, 1961
David Dean Rusk Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. June 19-​21, 1962
David Dean Rusk Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. December 11-​16, 1962
David Dean Rusk Paris Attended SEATO Ministerial Council Meeting. April 7-​11, 1963
David Dean Rusk Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. December 13-​18, 1963
David Dean Rusk Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. December 13-​17, 1964
David Dean Rusk Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. December 13-​16, 1965
David Dean Rusk Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. December 13-​16, 1966
William Pierce Rogers Paris Met with President Pompidou, senior French officials, and with the U.S. delegation to the Vietnam Peace Talks. December 6-​8, 1969
William Pierce Rogers Paris Accompanied President Nixon to the funeral of former President De Gaulle. November 11-​12, 1970
William Pierce Rogers Paris Met with Foreign Minister Schuman. April 29, 1971
William Pierce Rogers Paris Attended the 10th OECD Ministerial Council Meeting. June 6-​9, 1971
William Pierce Rogers Paris Signed the Vietnam Peace Agreement. January 26-​27, 1973
William Pierce Rogers Paris Attended the International Conference on Vietnam. February 24-​March 3, 1973
Henry A Kissinger Paris Discussed the Vietnam situation with North Vietnamese negotiator Tho. December 19-​20, 1973
Henry A Kissinger Paris Briefed President Giscard d'Estaing and Foreign Minister Sauvagnargues on the U.S.-Soviet summit. July 4-​5, 1974
Henry A Kissinger Martinique Joined President Ford for a meeting with French President Giscard d'Estaing. December 14-​16, 1974
Henry A Kissinger Paris Met with Foreign Minister Sauvagnargues. February 18-​19, 1975
Henry A Kissinger Paris Attended the IEA and OECD Ministerial Meetings. May 26-​28, 1975
Henry A Kissinger Paris Met with President Giscard d'Estaing and Foreign Minister Sauvagnargues. July 9-​10, 1975
Henry A Kissinger Rambouillet Accompanied President Ford to the first Economic Summit Meeting of the Heads of State and Government of France, West Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Japan. November 15-​17, 1975
Henry A Kissinger Paris Attended the Conference on International Economic Cooperation. December 15-​17, 1975
Henry A Kissinger Paris Met with President Giscard d'Estaing and with President Houphouet-Boigny of the Ivory Coast. May 7, 1976
Henry A Kissinger Paris Attended an OECD Meeting. June 20-​22, 1976
Henry A Kissinger Deauville Vacation. August 9-​11, 1976
Henry A Kissinger Paris Discussed southern African issues with President Giscard d'Estaing and senior French officials. September 7, 1976
Cyrus Roberts Vance Paris Briefed President Giscard d'Estaing and senior French officials on meetings with Soviet leaders. April 1, 1977
Cyrus Roberts Vance Paris Attended the Conference on International Economic Development. May 28-​June 2, 1977
Cyrus Roberts Vance Paris Attended OECD Ministerial Meeting. June 22-​24, 1977
Cyrus Roberts Vance Paris Accompanied President Carter. January 4-​6, 1978
Cyrus Roberts Vance Paris Attended OECD Ministerial Meeting. June 13-​15, 1978
Cyrus Roberts Vance Paris Discussed international responses to the Iranian hostage crisis with President Giscard d'Estaing and Foreign Minister Francois-Poncet. Also met with Japanese Foreign Minister Okita. December 10-​11, 1979
Cyrus Roberts Vance Paris Discussed responses to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan with Foreign Minister Francois-Poncet. February 21, 1980
Alexander Meigs Haig Paris Met with President Giscard d'Estaing and Foreign Minister Francois-Poncet. April 11, 1981
Alexander Meigs Haig Paris, Versailles Accompanied President Reagan on State visit and to Economic Summit Meeting. June 2-​7, 1982
George Pratt Shultz Paris Met with President Mitterrand and senior French officials. December 14-​15, 1982
George Pratt Shultz Paris Attended OECD meeting. May 8-​11, 1983
George Pratt Shultz Paris Attended NATO Ministerial Meeting. June 9-​10, 1983
George Pratt Shultz Paris Discussed the Lebanon situation with the Foreign Ministers of France, Italy, and the United Kingdom. October 26-​27, 1983
George Pratt Shultz Strasbourg Accompanied President Reagan to the European Parliament. May 8, 1985
George Pratt Shultz Paris Met with President Mitterrand and Prime Minister Chirac. March 21, 1986
George Pratt Shultz Paris Met with Prime Minister Chirac. November 6, 1986
George Pratt Shultz Paris Attended the Conference on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. January 6-​8, 1989
James Addison Baker Paris Met with Prime Minister Rocard and Foreign Minister Dumas. February 17, 1989
James Addison Baker Paris Accompanied President Bush to the Economic Summit Meeting. July 13-​17, 1989
James Addison Baker Paris Attended the opening of the International Conference on Cambodia. Also met with Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze. July 28-​31, 1989
James Addison Baker St. Martin Island (West Indies) Accompanied President Bush to an informal meeting with President Mitterrand. December 16, 1989
James Addison Baker Paris Attended Two-Plus-Four Foreign Ministers Meeting. July 16-​18, 1990
James Addison Baker Paris Met with President Mitterrand. November 10, 1990
James Addison Baker Paris Discussed the Persian Gulf crisis with the Foreign Ministers of Romania, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. Joined President Bush for meetings with Soviet President Gorbachev, CSCE Summit meeting, and signing of the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty. November 17-​21, 1990
James Addison Baker Paris Discussed the Persian Gulf crisis with President Mitterrand and Foreign Minister Dumas. January 8, 1991
James Addison Baker Paris Attended the signing of the Cambodian Comprehensive Peace Accords and discussed normalization of relations with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Ngueyn. October 22-​23, 1991
Warren Minor Christopher Paris Discussed the Bosnian crisis with senior French officials. May 3-​4, 1993
Warren Minor Christopher Paris Met with Chinese Foreign Minister Qian and discussed the Bosnian conflict with senior French officials. January 23-​24, 1994
Warren Minor Christopher Caen, Colleville, Paris Accompanied President Clinton to D-Day memorial ceremonies and to meetings with President Mitterrand and senior French officials. Addressed OECD ministerial meeting. June 6-​8, 1994
Warren Minor Christopher Paris Met with French Foreign Minister Juppe. March 21-​22, 1995
Warren Minor Christopher Paris Attended the signing of the Bosnian Peace Treaty. December 14, 1995
Warren Minor Christopher Lyon Attended the G-7 Economic Summit Meeting. June 26-​29, 1996
Warren Minor Christopher Paris Discussed the Northern Iraq and Bosnian crises with President Chirac and Foreign Minister de Charette. September 5, 1996
Warren Minor Christopher Paris Attended a meeting of the Steering Board of the Bosnian Peace Implementation Council. November 12-​14, 1996
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Met with President Chirac, Prime Minister Juppe, and Foreign Minister de Charette. February 17-​18, 1997
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Accompanied President Clinton to the signing of the NATO-Russia Founding Act. May 26-​27, 1997
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. December 5-​6, 1997
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and French Foreign Minister Vedrine. December 6-​8, 1997
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Met with President Chirac and with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. December 17-​18, 1997
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Discussed the Iraq crisis with Foreign Minister Vedrine. January 29-​30, 1998
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Discussed the Kosovo crisis with Foreign Minister Vedrine. March 8, 1998
Madeleine Korbel Albright Lyon, Paris Announced opening of the American Presence Post in Lyon. Met with President Chirac and senior French officials. December 9-​10, 1998
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris, Rambouillet Met with Contact Group Foreign Ministers and with the delegations to the Kosovo peace conference. February 13-​14, 1999
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris, Rambouillet Attended the Kosovo peace conference. February 20-​23, 1999
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Met with senior French officials. June 19-​20, 1999
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Met with Foreign Minister Vedrine. December 17-​18, 1999
Madeleine Korbel Albright Bordeaux, Paris Opened American Presence Post at Bordeaux; attended U.S.-EU Ministerial Meeting and met with President Chirac. October 1-​3, 2000
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with Prime Minister Barak and Chairman Arafat. October 3-​5, 2000
Madeleine Korbel Albright Paris Met with Foreign Minister Vedrine and other European Foreign Ministers. January 11-​13, 2001
Colin Luther Powell Paris Met with Contact Group Foreign Ministers, with Russian Foreign Minister Ivanov and with President Chirac. April 11-​12, 2001
Colin Luther Powell Paris Met with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah. June 29, 2001
Colin Luther Powell Paris Met with President Chirac and Foreign Minister Vedrine. December 11, 2001
Colin Luther Powell Paris Accompanied President Bush. May 26-​28, 2002
Colin Luther Powell Paris Attended a G-8 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. May 22-​23, 2003
Colin Luther Powell Paris, Colleville, Arromanches, Caen Accompanied President Bush. June 5-​6, 2004
Condoleezza Rice Paris Met with President Chirac and Foreign Minister Barnier; addressed the Institute of Political Sciences. February 8-​9, 2005
Condoleezza Rice Paris Met with President Chirac and Foreign Minister Douste-Blazy. October 13-​14, 2005
Condoleezza Rice Paris Headed the U.S. delegation to the International Conference for Support to Lebanon. January 24-​25, 2006
Condoleezza Rice Paris Met with President Chirac. March 31, 2006
Condoleezza Rice Paris Attended a P5 + 1 ministerial meeting. July 12, 2006
Condoleezza Rice Paris Met with President Sarkozy, Foreign Minister Kouchner, and Lebanese Prime Minister Siniora.  Attended a meeting of the International Contact Group on Sudan/Darfur. June 24-​26, 2007
Condoleezza Rice Paris Attended a Quartet meeting and the Palestinian Donors’ Conference.  Met with President Sarkozy. December 16-​18, 2007
Condoleezza Rice Paris Attended the International Support Conference for Afghanistan. June 11-​14, 2008
Condoleezza Rice Paris, Toulon Discussed EU peace plan for Russia and Georgia. August 14-​15, 2008
Hillary Rodham Clinton Strasbourg Accompanied President Obama to the NATO Summit Meeting. April 3-​4, 2009
Hillary Rodham Clinton Paris Met with President Sarkozy and Foreign Minister Kouchner. Delivered an address on European security. January 29, 2010
Hillary Rodham Clinton Paris Attended a G-8 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. March 14-​15, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton Paris Attended a Summit Meeting on the Libyan Crisis. March 19, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton Paris Attended the 5oth Anniversary OECD Ministerial Meeting. Inaugurated UNESCO’s Global Partnership for Girls’ and Women’s Education. May 25-​26, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton Paris Attended a meeting of the Contact Group on Libya. September 1, 2011