Code of Conduct

The Civilian Response Corps is known for its highly skilled civilian expertise and its outstanding professional and ethical standards.

This Code of Conduct serves as an ethical compass and commitment for the Corps regarding individual actions and behavior when deployed, regardless of the organization, entity, environment or circumstances to which they are deployed. In addition to this agreement, some international organizations may require seconded Corps members to sign a separate Code of Conduct.

All Corps members from all partner agencies are obliged to read, understand, and agree to the following Code of Conduct in order to be deployable. Questions should be addressed to the Chief of Civilian Response Corps Operations.


  • Civilian Response Corps members represent an elite group of U.S. government professionals who will act in accordance with all federal laws, regulations and standards of ethical conduct (see 5 CFR 2635 and 3 FAM 4120). Corps members agree to behave appropriately and follow local laws as necessary when deployed and are conscious and respectful of the environment and country in which they have deployed – whether at an embassy, embedded with U.S. or allied military, at an international organization, or other entity or circumstance.
  • Civilian Response Corps members are aware of personal security practices to ensure and protect their and their colleagues’ safety.
  • In accordance with their statements of work, deployed Corps members abide by the direction and guidance of the engagement team leader in country as well as other proper authorities.


  • Corps members are committed to treating all people equally, without any degree of favoritism, and do not discriminate based on national origin, religion, color, race, disability, marital status, age, political affiliation, gender or sexual orientation.
  • Corps members treat their colleagues and others with respect and dignity at all times and exhibit sensitivity to other cultures.


  • Corps members have a duty to protect U.S. Government and Corps assets – including sensitive information, materials and financial instruments – and to safeguard against bribery, graft, waste, fraud, abuse and corruption. Corps members will also report illegal or improper behavior unbecoming of a Corps member. Any compromising behavior should be reported to the Chief of Civilian Response Corps Operations.
  • Corps members do not exploit others in any way, whether for financial, personal, or material gain. Corps members respect human rights writ large.
  • Corps members never engage in gender based violence, sexual misconduct, or sexual exploitation and will always report such cases. Corps members also work to prevent such cases from occurring.
  • Corps members dress appropriately to the environment where they are deployed.
  • Corps members do not abuse their position, authority, drugs or alcohol.

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