U.S. Department of Commerce

Business & Industry

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Census Bureau Economic Statistics

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  • Every five years (2002, 2007, 2012, etc.) for every industry.
  • Statistics for U.S., states, metro areas, counties, and cities.

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Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales
U.S. total business end-of-month inventories for July 2012 were $1,592.0 billion, up 0.8 percent (+/-0.1%) from last month. U.S. total business sales were $1,240.6 billion, up 0.9 percent (+/-0.1%) from last month.

June 2012
% change in inventories

July 2012
% change in inventories

2012 Economic Census.  Your Response Makes a Difference.  Learn More


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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Business & Industry | (301)763-2547 | econ@census.gov | Last Revised: August 13, 2012