Indian Affairs | TIBC


About TIBC

The Tribal/Interior Budget Council (TIBC), formerly known as the Indian Affairs Tribal Budget Advisory Council (TBAC), provides a forum and process for tribes and Federal officials to work together in developing annual budget requests for Indian programs in the Department of the Interior. It provides cooperative participation in IA budget formulation, justification, and information. TIBC meetings also serve as an education forum to better inform tribes of the IA budget process and advise on the status of Indian Country initiatives throughout the Federal Government.

TIBC Meetings

TIBC meetings occur on a quarterly basis. Select TIBC Meetings at right to view agendas, presentations, and information for past or upcoming TIBC meetings. For general TIBC and budget information such as TIBC protocol or action tracking, choose Other Meeting Material.

Budget Data

IA budget documents can be viewed from this site. Information can be viewed by fiscal year, or by document type. The following is a description of each budget document that can be accessed:

Greenbook: the congressional budget justification document for IA; the Greenbook provides justifications for increases and decreases and descriptions of programs as well as performance data for a given fiscal year.

Congressional Actions: includes House, Senate, and conference reports as well as public laws passed by Congress that impact the budget for a given fiscal year.

Program Changes: outlines the increases or decreases contained in the President's Budget for a given fiscal year based on the previous year's enacted totals. Changes are organized by activity and program.

 FY 2013 Indian Affairs Budget Request