Evaluation Product : Interpolated Sonde


General Description

The interpolated-sonde value-added product is a modification of the mergesonde VAP that produces a daily file of thermodynamic variables from radiosonde soundings, the microwave radiometer, and surface meteorological instruments. This product does not incorporate ECMWF model output. Interpolated-sonde includes many of the same sophisticated scaling/interpolation/smoothing schemes that are the hallmark of the mergesonde VAP, but there are benefits to excluding ECMWF model output. These benefits include (1) a shorter time lag in producing a thermodynamic profile, and (2) the profiles are independent of the model so comparisons between model and observations can be made more easily. These thermodynamic profiles are still at 1 minute intervals and a total of 316 altitude levels.

Data Information


Principal Investigator
Michael Jensen (631) 344-7021