
U.S. Congressman Bill Posey

America's Mission in Space

NASA and America’s mission in space are important components to our national security, local and national economic growth; and to the advancement of new technologies. America’s achievements in space are universally recognized and admired around the world.

Yet, today our nation’s leadership in space is being threatened by Russia, China, India and others. We must recognize and respond to this threat with urgency. We cannot rely on our past and pretend that is enough to propel us as the world leader in space. I am afraid that the current Administration and too many in Congress have lost the vision and that they have taken our past achievements for granted.

I am committed to renewing America’s leadership in space. We, as a nation cannot afford to take a backseat to anyone when it comes too space. We must lead. Our failure to do so will cede the final frontier to others who do not have our best interest at heart and it will jeopardize our technological superiority, our economic security and our national security.

I am also committed to doing all that I can to close the human space flight gap. I was disappointed that the Shuttle was not extended until a clearer path was developed for maintaining our ability to send our astronauts into space. Relying on the Russians for our access to space is something that we should quickly replace with our own domestic means of accessing space.

America lacks a vision for our space mission. Today’s NASA vision is that we will build a rocket to take us into space at some point and on some mission yet to be determined. History shows us that without a bold plan, a mission will fail. That is why I put forward a plan to return to the Moon by no later than 2022.

This plan, which enjoys bipartisan support in the Congress, would restore a vision and recommit ourselves to returning to the Moon which would be a boon to our economic competitiveness by pushing the edge of technology to bring about the next new wave of innovations. In the past, our space program has been an economic driver and it will be again if we invest the resources to back the vision.

Click here to learn more about NASA's current and future missions in space.



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Press Releases - Splash-Down! SpaceX Completes Historic Space Mission 5.31.2012

Press Releases - SpaceX Dragon Capsule Successfully Docks with Space Station 5.25.2012

Press Releases - SpaceX Successful Launch Displays American Ingenuity, Determination 5.22.2012

Press Releases - U.S. House Unanimously Approves Posey Commercial Space Legislation 5.17.2012

Press Releases - Posey Introduces Legislation to Strengthen and Revitalize America's Commercial Space Industry 4.19.2012

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