Donnelly Announces Infrastructure Grant for Fulton County

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Joe Donnelly announced that the Fulton County Economic Development Corporation received a $597,100 grant for an infrastructure project for a new industrial park near the city of Rochester.  Industrial parks are areas zoned and planned for the purpose of industrial development. This project will make the site ready for large-scale development by, for example, bio-medical manufacturing companies and value-added agriculture companies. The grant was awarded through the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA).

“I’m pleased to announce this grant helping to create a new industrial park near the city of Rochester because infrastructure projects like this help cultivate economic development and can help create jobs now,” said Donnelly. “This grant will pave the way for future development of industries such as manufacturing and agriculture. I commend both the public and private sector leaders in Fulton County for their hard work on this project.”

Terry Lee, Executive Director of the Fulton Economic Development Corporation, said, “This is a great step forward for us in attracting new business to region. Working with EDA has been a really good experience so far. Here in Fulton County, we’re blessed with a great location, an improving workforce, and people who like to work together to get things done. We look forward to the construction phase of the project and getting us one step closer to Fulton’s first shovel-ready sites.”

EDA’s mission is to promote innovation and competitiveness to prepare regions in America for growth and success in the worldwide economy. This EDA grant was awarded through a competitive process.

In August 2010, Donnelly wrote a letter of support for this project to the EDA. To read his letter of support, click here.


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