Congressman Donnelly Announces Grants for Kokomo, Knox, Koontz Lake, and Michiana Shores Fire Departments

South Bend, IN — Today, Congressman Joe Donnelly announced that fire departments in the communities of Kokomo, Knox, Koontz Lake, and Michiana Shores will receive Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) awards through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

“I’m pleased to announce these significant investments in the safety of four communities in north central Indiana,” said Donnelly.  “The Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program is important to improving first responders’ ability to best protect us and themselves, and I am proud to support all fire departments’ efforts to receive these competitive awards.  I congratulate the Kokomo, Knox, Koontz Lake, and Michiana Shores fire departments on earning the AFG awards and thank all first responders for their service to our communities.”

Awarded through the Operations and Safety Program Area of the AFG awards, the Kokomo Fire Department received $48,600, the Knox Center Township Fire Department received $44,650, and the Koontz Lake Oregon Township Fire Department received $8,550.  This funding can be used for training, equipment, personal protective equipment, wellness and fitness, and health and safety modifications to stations and facilities.

Awarded through the Vehicle Acquisition Program Area of the AFG awards, the Michiana Shores Volunteer Fire Department received $190,000.  This funding can be used to purchase apparatus such as pumpers, aerials, quints, brush trucks, tankers/tenders, rescue vehicles, ambulances, foam units, and fireboats.

The purpose of the AFG Program is to award funding directly to fire departments and EMS organizations that are unaffiliated with a hospital to improve their ability to protect the health and safety of the public, as well as that of first responders.  Through a competitive process overseen by experts in the fire service field, AFG grants are awarded to applicants whose requests best address the priorities of the AFG Program.  For more information, visit the AFG Program’s website.


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