Congressman Donnelly Congratulates 2010 Congressional Art Competition Winners

South Bend, IN – On Saturday, Congressman Joe Donnelly congratulated the winners of his 2010 Congressional Art Competition at The Crossroads Gallery.  Over 100 local high school students participated in this annual art competition.  Donnelly announced that Briqlyn Mohrman, a sophomore at Elkhart Central High School, won first place for her entry, No World Without You.  Her winning entry will be on display in the U.S. Capitol complex for one year starting this June.

“I congratulate our 2010 Congressional Art Competition winner, Briqlyn Mohrman, for her outstanding work,” said Donnelly.  “I’m proud to host this event each year to recognize the artistic talent of our local students.  I appreciate the creativity and hard work of all of the students and I thank them for participating.  We certainly have many talented young artists in north central Indiana.”

Awards were presented to:

  • Briqlyn Mohrman for her 1st Place entry, No World Without You, an ink, oil pastel, and water color piece on fabric.  Briqlyn is a sophomore at Elkhart Central High School.
  • Kaitlin Martin for her 2nd Place entry, The Diver, a digital art piece.  Kaitlin is a junior at St. Joseph High School.
  • Lauren Fleenor for her 3rd Place entry, Matsya’s Pursuit, an acrylic piece.  Lauren is a senior at Mishawaka High School.
  • Soo Bin Oh for her 4th Place entry, Bicycles, a print – etching piece.  Soo is a senior at La Lumiere High School

Congressman Donnelly thanked the judges for this year’s competition: Susan Visser, Executive Director of the South Bend Museum of Art; Coy Jankowski, a well-known local artist and head of Zygys Design Group; and Christopher Stackowicz, Chair, Department of Visual Art and Assistant Professor of Visual Art and Art History at Bethel College.  Donnelly also thanked The Frame Factory of South Bend for donating framing services for Briqlyn’s piece and Southwest Airlines for donating 3 roundtrip tickets to Washington, D.C. for Briqlyn and her parents to attend the Congressional Art Competition grand opening ceremony.

The Congressional Art Competition is an annual competition hosted by the U.S. House of Representatives.  The competition began in 1982 as an opportunity for Members of Congress to encourage and recognize the artistic talents of students in their districts.  Since then, over 650,000 high school students have participated in the nationwide competition.  One piece from each congressional district is displayed in the U.S. Capitol complex for a period of one year.

To view a picture of Rep. Donnelly and first place winner Briqlyn Mohrman, click here.
To view a picture of Rep. Donnelly and second place winner Kaitlin Martin, click here.
To view a picture of Rep. Donnelly and third place winner Lauren Fleenor, click here.
To view a picture of Rep. Donnelly and fourth place winner Soo Bin Oh, click here.


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