Congressman Joe Donnelly Expresses Support For The Free Flow Of Information Act

Washington, D.C. - Today, the House of Representatives will consider H.R. 2102, The Free Flow of Information Act. This bill would prevent journalists from being legally compelled, except in certain specified circumstances, to reveal their confidential sources in legal proceedings.

“In looking back over our country’s history, it has been a reporter’s access to information and an individual’s willingness to anonymously reveal information that has uncovered wrongdoing at all levels of our government,” Donnelly said. “By allowing reporters to protect the identity of their sources, we’re aiming to give them the kind of peace of mind that will allow them to continue to pursue stories that are in the public’s interest.”

The "shield" would not apply in cases in which the information is necessary to prevent acts of terrorism, breaches of national security, or imminent death or severe harm.Further, if a journalist is compelled to reveal his or her source, the information sought must be critically important to a criminal case and could not have been obtained otherwise.


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