Congressman Joe Donnelly Announces Federal Funding For Defense-Related Initiatives In South Bend Area

(South Bend, IN) Today, Congressman Joe Donnelly announced that as part of the 2008 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill passed by the US House of Representatives, funding was approved for three defense-related initiatives in the South Bend area.

The Appropriations Committee included and the House approved $3,000,000 in Fiscal Year 2008 (FY08) for Defense CS in Mishawaka to continue the development of antiballistic windshield armor for Army Humvees.  

“The production of the Humvee is one of many contributions Indiana makes to American security. It’s a contribution that makes us all proud.” Donnelly said. “Continuing to develop antiballistic windshield armor for Army Humvees will make our service men and women safer abroad and ensure the continued production of Humvees made right here in Mishawaka.”

Additionally, Donnelly announced that the committee appropriated and the House approved $2,000,000 in FY08 to be used in a collaborative effort between Notre Dame, DuPuy, Zimmer, Purdue University, Indiana University, and Walter Reed to develop and implement care techniques to treat and repair advanced spinal and orthopedic wounds.

“As more servicemen and women return from Iraq and Afghanistan, we are seeing injuries we didn’t see in previous conflicts,” Donnelly said. “The research into and development of new and improved technologies to assist with recovery will improve the quality of life for military personnel with spinal and other orthopedic injuries. As a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, it is important to me that we do all we can to help those who have bravely served readjust to civilian life.”

The third project approved by the House would provide $2,000,000 to the University of Notre Dame in FY08 to research, develop and implement improved design and manufacturing capabilities for new types of armor and military vehicles.

“The tactics used by those who mean us harm in Iraq and Afghanistan are unpredictable and require that our men and women in the field quickly adjust and adapt accordingly,” Donnelly said. “Now’s the time to take a look at what we provide our service members to keep them safe while they do their job and ensure that they have the equipment befitting the unique demands of their mission. This research project works toward this goal.” 

The House of Representatives has finished its initial consideration of each of the 12 appropriations bills that would fund the agencies and operations of the federal government for Fiscal Year 2008.  The spending bills are now pending before the Senate.  In order for them to become law, the Senate and House must pass identical bills, and if that does not happen, a compromise negotiated between the House and Senate called a “conference report” must be voted on by both bodies.  Each appropriations bill must then be signed into law by the president.



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