Donnelly-backed Methamphetamine Bill Passes House

Washington, D.C. -  Today, the House of Representatives overwhelming passed a bill co-sponsored by Congressman Donnelly entitled “The Methamphetamine Remediation Act.” The bill would direct the federal government to devise new technologies to locate meth labs and develop guidance for local and state law enforcement agencies to aid in the successful clean up and remediation of labs once they’re busted.

“Meth is a scourge on our Hoosier communities,” Donnelly said. “When I travel across the district, law enforcement officials and citizens alike ask me to do something that will rebuild communities after they have been devastated by meth. The Methamphetamine Remediation Act is a step in the right direction in helping our law enforcement officials detect meth labs and clean them up adequately and safely.”  

H.R. 365 passed the House by a vote of 426-2. Next, it will be sent to the Senate for consideration.  If the Senate passes the same version of the bill that the House passed today, the bill then will be sent directly to the president for his signature.  However, if the Senate makes changes to the House-passed bill, a conference committee will be convened to bridge the differences between the two bills. 

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