Member Profiles

Civilian Response Corps members come from nine agencies across the federal government and bring a wide array of experience to their work.

Date: 02/16/2011 Description: Mike, a member of the Civilian Response Corps, with an Iraqi university student - State Dept Image


In 2004, Mike sold his Atlanta advertising agency to his employees and set out on a new career in public service. After a two-year stint with a Provincial Reconstruction Team in Basra, Iraq, he went to Afghanistan as an Active member of the Corps.

Mike is no stranger to conflict. He served in Vietnam and retired from the Army Reserve as a colonel in 1995. After leaving his successful advertising firm, whose clients included General Electric, he worked to assist victims of human trafficking at a nongovernmental organization in Atlanta. He then spent more than a year working as a public affairs officer to Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Peter Pace. Now he’s chosen to deploy overseas again as part of the effort to help countries in turmoil.

Date: 02/16/2011 Description: Wendy, a Civilian Response Corps member - State Dept Image


Wendy is a member of the Corps’s Active component and served in Regional Command-East in Afghanistan, where she supported efforts to coordinate civilian and military activities. Before joining the Corps in July 2009, Wendy, a career Foreign Service officer, served in Suriname, where she provided humanitarian assistance and facilitated rule of law development. In 2006, she assisted in the evacuation of American citizens from Lebanon, heading the special cases unit. From 2002-2003, she worked with to develop a transitional government in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Prior to joining the State Department, Wendy served as a firefighter and emergency medical technician with the Marin County Fire Department in California.


Donna was one of the first members of the Active component of the Civilian Response Corps from USAID. In 2009, she spent a three-month Corps deployment in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, where she served as USAID’s interim representative. Donna gathered information on the eastern part of the country for the USAID mission, giving her a close view of efforts to disarm and rehabilitate fighters there. By engaging UN agencies, international donors, local government and other actors, Donna provided a comprehensive assessment of some of the core stabilization initiatives currently underway in the region.

Donna joined the Corps in July 2009 as a Disarmament, Demobilization, and Rehabilitation Specialist. She has worked in politically complex positions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Uganda, Liberia, Burundi, Sudan, Kosovo, Macedonia and Croatia. Most recently, Donna was Senior Civil-Military Planner in the State Department’s Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization and worked at USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives as Africa Deputy Team Leader.

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