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Medical Examination and Treatment for Victims of Sexual Assault

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In this Report to Congress, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) provides an overview of current systems for training and practice in provision of medical evidentiary exams to victims of sexual assault and other abuse. It also discusses major gaps in service and training and summarizes the current scientific evidence base.

Select to download the print version of the report (PDF File, 835 KB; PDF Help).

To order print copies of the full report from the AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse, call 800-358-9295; from outside the United States, call (703) 437-2078. Order AHRQ Publication No. 03-R210.


   Charge to AHRQ
   Scope of the Problem
   AHRQ Study Approach
Health Professions Education, Training, Professional Standards and Guidelines
   Academic Training Programs
   Certification and Continuing Education Programs
Clinical Practice: Issues of Cost, Quality, and Access
   Costs Associated with Sexual Assault
   Variations and Deficiencies in the Quality of Care
   Access to Services
Federal and State Activities
   Federal Programs and Initiatives
   State Programs and Initiatives
Opportunities for Further Improvement
   Consolidate and Enhance the Evidence Base for Practice
   Improving the Organization and Delivery of Care for Victims of Sexual Assault
Appendix A: Bibliography
Appendix B. Inventory of Training Programs, Policy Statements and Practice Protocols

AHRQ Publication No. 03-R210
Current as of September 2003


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care