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International Surveys: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States

All surveys of foreign direct investment in the United States are mandatory and confidential.

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2012 Benchmark Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States:

  • Electronic filing with eFile
  • Survey forms (PLEASE NOTE: At this time BEA will only accept 2012 surveys submitted via eFile; paper submissions will be accepted beginning in March 2013.)

2011 Annual Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States:

2010 Annual Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States:

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Quarterly Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States:

  • Electronic filing with eFile
  • BE-605 (PDF)
  • FAQ on recent changes BEA has made to form BE-605.
  • FAQ on filing an initial investment on form BE-605.

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Initial Investment Survey – BE-13:

The BE-13 survey was discontinued in January 2009. Any company that is acquired or established by a foreign entity is required to report the investment on the BE-605 form (above). For more information on how to report an initial investment on form BE-605, see our FAQ on the subject.

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Questions concerning these surveys may be addressed to BEA's Direct Investment Division; telephone (202) 606-5577. If e-mail is more convenient, address your questions on annual and benchmark surveys (BE-15 and BE-12) to be12/15@bea.gov; e-mail questions on the quarterly survey (BE-605) to be605@bea.gov.