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H.R. 1 Continuing Resolution Amendments

Roll Call





Amendment No. 370—Rep. Flake (R-AZ):  The amendment would transfer $18.75 million from Defense-wide Operation and Maintenance to the Spending Reduction Account.  The intent of the amendment is to cut funding for Boards and Commissions.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 87—Rep. Pompeo (R-KS):  The amendment would reduce the funding levels for Army procurements by for procurement of equipment by $15 million; for Navy procurement of equipment by $15 million; for Air Force procurement of equipment by $15 million; for Defense-wide procurements by $15,000,000, and Defense-wide procurement of equipment by $15 million.  The amendment reduces the funding levels for the Army’s research, development, test and evaluations for the Army, Navy, and Air Force by $105 million each and Defense-wide operation of facilities and equipment by $127 million.  The amendment would eliminate the funds $3.2 million in funds made available for program management and oversight of innovative research and development.  The amendment would transfer the $5024 million in savings into the Defense subcommittee’s spending reduction account. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 63—Rep. Gutierrez (D-IL):  The amendment would reduce funding for the Navy’s Air Craft Procurement by $21.9 million and the Air Craft Procurement by the Air Force by $393 million.  The funds would be transferred into the Defense spending reduction account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 86—Rep. Pompeo (R-KS):  The amendment would reduce certain Defense Production Act purchases by $3.2 million, the funding level for the Army’s research, development, test and evaluation by $36.3 million, and the Navy’s research, development, test and evaluation funding by $44 million.  The amendment would also reduce funding for the Air Force’s research, development, test and evaluation by $32 million.  The amendment would transfer the $115.2 million in savings into the Defense subcommittee’s spending reduction account. Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 2—Rep. Rooney (R-FL):  The amendment would reduce funding for the Navy and Air Force (Research, Development, Test and Evaluation) by $225 million each.  The funds would be transferred into the Defense spending reduction account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 95—Rep. Jones (R-NC):  The amendment would reduce by $400 million the amount made available to the Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund.  The amendment would also increase by $400 million the amount made available to the Defense Spending Reduction Account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 237—Rep. Holt (D-NJ):  The amendment would eliminate the “Iraq Security Forces Fund,” funded at $1.5 billion.



Amendment No. 97—Rep. DeFazio (D-OR):  The amendment would increase by $5 million the funding to Agricultural Programs, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Integrated Activities, and would reduce by $5 million the funding to Agricultural Programs, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, Salaries and Expenses.



Amendment No. 153— Rep. Michaud (D-ME):  The amendment would increase by $80,000,000 the amount made available for the Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, Economic Development Assistance Programs.  The amendment would also decrease by $80,000,000 the amount made available to the Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Periodic Censuses and Programs.



Amendment No. 368—Rep. Flake (R-AZ):  The amendment would decrease funding for Department of Justice, General Administration, National Drug Intelligence Center by $34,023,000 and transfers the funds to the spending reduction account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 260—Rep. Latta (R-OH):  The amendment would reduce the funding for the “Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Construction of Research Facilities,” by $10 million, bringing the appropriation from $58 million to $48 million.  The amendment would transfer the $10 million to the Spending Reduction Account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 125—Rep. Weiner (D-NY):  The amendment would increase by $298,000,000 the Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services and would reduce by $298,000,000 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.



Amendment No. 110—Rep. Duncan (R-SC):  The amendment would reduce funding by $324,400,000 for the Legal Services Corporation, Payment to the Legal Services Corporation.



Amendment No. 192—Rep. Biggert (R-IL):  The amendment would reduce funding for the Department of Energy, Energy Programs, Advanced Research Projects Agency by $50,000,000.  The funds would be transferred into the spending reduction account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 395—Rep. Inslee (D-WA):  The amendment would increase funding for the “Department of Energy, Energy Programs, Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy,” by $20 million, bringing the appropriation from $50 million to $70 million.  The amendment would reduce funding for the “Department of Energy, Energy Programs, Fossil Energy Research and Development,” by $20 million, bringing the appropriation from $586,600,000 to $566,600,000.



Amendment No. 4—Rep. Tonko (D-NY):  The amendment would strike a provision restricting the use of certain funds for the Weatherization Assistance Program.



Amendment No. 259—Rep. Latta (R-OH):  The amendment would reduce by $70,000,000 the Department of Energy, Energy Programs, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.  The amendment would also increase by $70,00.0,000 the amount made available to the Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies Spending Reduction Account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 98—Rep. DeFazio (D-OR):  The amendment would reduce by $24 million the amount made available to the Independent Agencies, Selective Service System, Salaries and Expenses.  The amendment would also increase by $24 million the amount made available to the Financial Services, General Government Spending Reduction Account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 223— Rep. Pascrell (D-NJ):  The amendment would increase by $510,000,000 the amount made available for the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Firefighter Assistance Grants, and would reduce by $510,000,000 the amount made available to the Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology, Research, Development, Acquisition, and Operations account.



Amendment No. 193—Rep. Lummis (R-WY):  The amendment would reduce the funding for the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land management, Land Acquisition by $2,750,000, available unobligated prior year funds reduced by $2,250,000, Department of Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Services, Land Acquisition by 15,055,000, available unobligated prior year funds by $2,500,000, the Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, land Acquisition by 9,100,000 and available unobligated prior year funds reduced by $3,400,000.  The funds, $35,055,000 would be transferred into the spending reduction account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 338—Rep. Moran (D-VA):  The amendment would increase funding for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s North American Wetlands Conservation Fund from $0 to $50 million and reduce funding for EPA assistance grants by $50 million.



Amendment No. 376—Rep. Flake (R-AZ):  The amendment would reduce funding for the EPA for Science and Technology by $64.1 million, from $790.5 million to $726.4 million.  The savings would be transferred to the spending reduction account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 84—Rep. Pompeo (R-KS):  The amendment would reduce funding for the EPA and Environmental Programs and Management by $8.4 million and increase funding for spending reduction account by $8.4 million.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 379—Rep. Reed (R-NY):  The amendment would reduce funding for the EPA from the $2.71 billion account for State and Tribal Assistance Grants by $10 million.  The savings would be transferred to the spending reduction account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 85—Rep. Pompeo (R-KS):  The amendment would reduce the level of funding for the Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private forestry by $7.4 million and increase the funding to the spending reduction account by $7.4 million.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 196—Rep. Walberg (R-MI):  The amendment would reduce funding for National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, National Endowment for the Arts, Grants and Administration by $20,594,000. The funds, $20,594,000 would be transferred into the spending reduction account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 249—Rep. Canseco (R-TX):  The amendment would reduce funding for National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs by $4,500,000.  The funds would be transferred to the spending reduction account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 381—Reps. Tom Reed (R-NY), and Tom Graves (R-GA):  The amendment would eliminate funding for the “Presidio Trust, Presidio Trust Fund,” appropriated at $15,000,000 and would transfer the savings to the Spending Reduction Account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 565—Rep. Bass (R-NH):  The amendment would reduce the amount of funding available to the Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services by $98,000,000 and increase funding to Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Low Income Home Energy Assistance by $50,000,000.



Amendment No. 457—Rep. Flake (R-FL):  The amendment would reduce funding for the “Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Services Programs,” by $100,000,000, bringing the appropriation from $7,796,499,000 to $7,696,499,000.  The amendment would transfer $10.0,000,000 to the Spending Reduction Account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 276—Rep. McMorris Rodgers (R-WA):  The amendment would reduce the funding for the Department of Education, Education for the Disadvantaged by $336,550,000.  The funding for the Department of Education, School Improvement Programs would be reduced by $500,000,000.  The funding for the Department of Education, Special Education would be increased by $557,700,000.



Amendment No. 532—Rep. Young (R-AK):  The amendment would strike a provision in the bill which prohibits funding for Part B and Part C of title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.



Amendment No. 410—Rep. Price (R-GA):  The amendment would eliminate funding for the “National Labor Relations Board, Salaries and Expenses,” and would transfer $233,400,000 to the Spending Reduction Account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 100—Rep. Weiner (D-NY):  The amendment would cut funding for the U.S. Institute of Peace ($42.6 million) and transfer the savings to the Spending Reduction Account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 248—Rep. Canseco (R-TX):  The amendment would reduce funding for the East West Center by $10,716,000.  The funds would be transferred to the spending reduction account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 29—Rep. Heller (R-NV):  The amendment would reduce by $211 million the amount made available to Multilateral Assistance, Funds Appropriated to the President in section 2115, and would increase by $211 million the funds made available to State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Spending Reduction Account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 43—Rep. Sessions (R-TX):  The amendment reduces funding for the “Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Capital and Debt Service Grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation” from $850 million to $403.1 million and transfers the savings into the Spending Reduction Account.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account are designated as savings and lower the 302(b) allocation for a given subcommittee.  Funds transferred into the spending reduction account cannot be allocated elsewhere in the bill.



Amendment No. 189—Rep. Woolsey (D-CA):  The amendment would prohibit funding under the bill for Expeditionary Fighting Vehicles, and the V-22 Osprey aircraft.



Amendment No. 208—Rep. Cole (R-OK):  The amendment would prohibit any funds under the bill from being used to fund the Presidential Election Campaign Fund, or for Political Conventions under the relevant Internal Revenue Service code sections.



Amendment No. 514—Rep. Price (D-NC):  The amendment would prohibit funds in the bill from being used to enforce certain requirements of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act.



Amendment No. 404—Rep. Walden (R-OR):  The amendment would prohibit the use of funds made available by this Act to be used to implement the Report and Order of the Federal Communications Commission relating to the matter of preserving the open Internet and broadband industry practices.  The amendment would prohibit implementation of the FCC’s net neutrality rules.



Amendment No. 516—Rep. Camp (R-MI):  The amendment would prohibit funds in the bill from being used for the opening of the locks at the Thomas J. O'Brien Lock and Dam or the Chicago River Controlling Works.



Amendment No. 195—Rep. Lummis (R-WY):  The amendment would prohibit the use of funds made available by this Act to be used for the payment of fees and other expenses under section 504 of title 5, US Code, or section 2412(d) of title 28, US Code.



Amendment No. 165—Rep. Carter (R-TX):  The amendment would prohibit the use of funds made available by this Act to be used to implement, administer, or enforce the rule entitled “national Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants” published by the EPA.



Amendment No. 204—Rep. Scalise (R-LA):  The amendment would prohibit any funds under the bill from being made available to pay the salaries and expenses for the following positions and their offices:

  • Director, White House Office of Health Reform;
  • Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change;
  • Special Envoy for Climate Change;
  • Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, and Council on Environmental Quality;
  • Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury assigned to the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry and Senior Counselor for Manufacturing Policy;
  • White House Director of Urban Affairs;
  • Special Envoy to oversee the closure of the Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay;
  • Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation, Department of the Treasury; and
  • Associate General Counsel and Chief Diversity Officer, Federal Communications Commission.



Amendment No. 458—Rep. Frank (D-MA):  The amendment would revise the amounts appropriated by making the following changes:

  • Reducing funding for the “Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Enforcement,” by $77 million;
  • Reducing funding for the “Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Operations Support,” by $46 million;
  • Reducing funding for the “General Services Administration, Real Property Activities, Federal Building Fund,” by $7 million;
  • Reducing funding for the “General Services Administration, General Activities, Government-Wide Policy,” by $1 million;
  • Increasing funding for the “Independent Agencies, Securities and Exchange Commissions, Salaries and Expenses,” by $131 million.



Amendment No. 506—Rep. Holt (D-NJ):  The amendment would reduce by $63,000,000 the Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Enforcement and increase by $63,0.00,000 the amount made available under section 1517 to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.



Amendment No. 50—Rep. McCollum (D-MN):  The amendment would restrict funds made available by this Act from being used by the Department of Defense for sponsorship of NASCAR race cars.



Amendment No. 232—Rep. Nadler (D-NY):  The amendment would prohibit funds in excess of $10 billion to be used for military operations in Afghanistan.



Amendment No. 214—Rep. Kline (R-MN):  The amendment would prohibit funds in the bill from being used to implement regulations on “Program Integrity: Gainful Employment—New Programs” published by the Department of Education.



Amendment No. 11—Rep. Pence (R-IN):  The amendment would direct that none of the funds made available by this Act may be made available for any purpose to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. or any of its main affiliates.



Amendment No. 533—Rep. Young (R-AK):  The amendment would prohibit funds made available by the bill from being used by the Environmental Appeals Board to consider, review, reject, remand, or otherwise invalidate any permit issued for Outer Continental Shelf sources located offshore of the States along the Arctic Coast under the Clean Air Act.



Amendment No. 524—Rep. Conyers (D-MI):  The amendment would prohibit funds made available by this Act to be used to make an application under section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for an order requiring the production of library circulation records, library patron lists, book sales records, or book customer lists.



Amendment No. 466—Rep. Poe (R-TX):  The amendment would prohibit any of the funds made available by this Act from being used by the Environmental Protection Agency to implement, administer , or enforce any statutory or regulatory requirement pertaining to emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons, or perfluorocarbons from stationary sources that is issued or becomes applicable or effective after January 1, 2011 .



Amendment No. 575—Rep. Rehberg (R-MT): The amendment would prohibit funds in the bill from being paid to any employee, officer, contractor, or grantee of any department or agency funded by the Labor,  Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies portion of the bill to implement the provisions of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).



Amendment No. 267—Rep. King (R-IA):  The amendment would prohibit funds from being used to carry out the provisions of Public Law 111-14 or Public Law 111-152 (ObamaCare).



Amendment No. 268—Rep. King (R-IA):  The amendment would prohibit funds from being used to pay the salary of any officer or employee of any federal department or agency with respect to carrying out the provisions of Public Law 111-14 or Public Law 111-152 (ObamaCare).



Amendment No. 83—Rep. Emerson (R-MO):  The amendment would prohibit funds made available by this Act from being used by the IRS to implement or enforce section 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code, section 6055 of such Code, and section 1502 (c) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.



Amendment No. 89—Rep. Kind (D-WI):  The amendment would prevent any funds made available in this Act from used to provide payments to the Brazil Cotton Institute.



Amendment No. 88—Rep. Kind (D-WI):  The amendment would prohibit funds made available in division A of the Act to be used to research, develop, test, evaluate, or procure an expeditionary fighting vehicle or surface-launched advanced medium-range air-to-air missile program.



Amendment No. 104—Rep. Jordan (R-OH):  The amendment would perform a 5.5 percent across-the-board cut of all accounts in eight non-security divisions of the CR; and an 11 percent across-the-board cut of all accounts in the Legislative Branch bill.  The amendment would not cut any funding for Israel.



Amendment No. 414—Rep. Bishop (D-NY):  The amendment would prohibit funds under the bill from being made available for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, Kansas.



Amendment No. 519—Rep. Campbell (R-CA):  The amendment would reduce funding for all amounts for the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security by 3.5 percent.



Amendment No. 246—Rep. Broun (R-GA):  The amendment would prohibit the use of funds made available by this Act to be used for beach replenishment projects by the Army Corps of Engineers.



Amendment No. 263—Rep. Broun (R-GA):  The amendment would prohibit funds from being used to pay dues to the United Nations.



Amendment No.526—Rep. Wu (D-OR):  The amendment would prohibit funds made available by this Act to be used to implement, administer, or enforce section 3(e) of the Natural Gas Act.



Amendment No. 27—Rep. Markey (D-MA):  The amendment would prohibit any of the funds made available by this Act from being used to issue any new lease that authorizes the production of oil or natural gas under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to any lessee under any existing lease issued by the Department of the Interior pursuant to the Outer Continental Shelf Deep Water Royalty Relief Act where such existing lease is not subject to limitations on royalty relief based on market prices.



Amendment No. 409—Rep. Price (R-GA):  The amendment would prohibit the funds made available by division B to be used by the Department of Health and Human Services to implement and enforce section 2718 of the Public health Service Act.



Amendment No. 296—Rep. McClintock (R-CA):  The amendment would prohibit funds from being used to implement the Klamath Dam Removal and Sedimentation Study.



Amendment No. 99—Rep. McDermott (D-WA):  The amendment would prohibit any funds made available in this Act from being used to plan for, begin, continue, finish, process, or approve the relocation of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Marine Operations Center-Pacific from Seattle, Washington, to Newport, Oregon.



Amendment No. 177—Rep. Herger (R-CA):  The amendment would prohibit funds made available by this Act from being used by the Secretary of Agriculture to implement or enforce Subpart B of the Travel Management Rule (subpart B of part 212 of title 36, Code of Federal Regulations), relating to the designation of roads, trails, and areas for motor vehicle use, in any administrative unit of the National Forest System.



Amendment No. 323—Rep. Blumenauer (D-OR): The amendment would prohibit funds made available by this Act from being used to pay the salaries and expenses of personnel of the Department of Agriculture to provide benefits described in section 1001D(b)(1)(C) of the Food Security Act of 1985 to a· person or legal entity in excess of $250,000.



Amendment No.566—Rep. Boren (D-OK):  The amendment would prohibit funds made available by this Act to be used to require a person licensed under section 923 of title 18, United States Code, to report information to the Department of Justice regarding the sale of multiple rifles or shotguns to the same person.



Amendment No. 146—Rep. Forbes (R-VA):  The amendment wouldprohibit any of the funds made available under the Department of Defense, Operations and Maintenance, Defense-wide from being used for official representation purposes.



Amendment No. 333—Rep. Kaptur (D-OH):  The amendment would reduce funds in the bill made available for Payment in Lieu of Taxes by 75 percent.



Amendment No. 46—Rep. Polis (D-CO):   The amendment wouldprohibit any funds made available by the bill from being used to maintain an “end strength level of members of the Armed Forces of the United States assigned to permanent duty in Europe in excess of 35,000members and end strength levels for active duty membersof the Army, Navy, and Air Force of 565,275, 328,250,and 329,275, respectively.”  The amendment would also reduce the amounts provided for "Military Personnel, Army", "Military Personnel, Navy" and "Military Personnel, AirForce'' by$155.9 million , $18 million and $118 million respectively.

H.R. 1 Amendment Votes ( 06/29/11 01:55 PM PST )