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Research Activities

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January 1997, No. 200


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Beta blockers substantially improve survival in elderly heart attack patients, but few receive them


Patient Outcomes/Effectiveness Research
   New prediction method could cut hospital admissions and costs for pneumonia patients

Hospital Use/Quality of Care
   Areas with higher hospitalization rates do not necessarily have more inappropriate hospital admissions
   Severity of illness measures and length of stay found to be poor indicators of hospital quality of care

Patient Care/Clinical Decisionmaking
   Except for Medicare enrollees, private insurance does not seriously affect patients choice of physician type
   Certain findings on lung x-rays raise the probability of short-term death from pneumonia
   Interactive videos help heart disease patients choose the treatment that's right for them

Elderly/Long-term Care
   Does publicly provided home care substitute for family care?
   Having close family substantially reduces the risk of nursing home admission for the elderly

Women's and Family Health
   Rural physicians use fewer health resources than urban doctors to care for low-risk obstetric patients
   Delays in beginning prenatal care are unrelated to the number of available obstetricians
   Poor children are less likely than other children to receive needed mental health services

Minority Health
   Minority women with abnormal screening mammograms have later followup tests than white women
   South Central Los Angeles residents are much less likely to undergo surgery than other county residents
   Adult-onset diabetes occurs much more often among minorities than whites

HIV/AIDS Research
   Functional decline in persons with HIV disease is variable and episodic
   San Francisco's most successful HIV prevention programs emphasize the messenger more than the message
   Social, functional, and clinical factors affect hospitalization of persons with AIDS

AHCPR News and Notes
   Conference on smoking cessation focuses on implementing AHCPR-sponsored guideline in the medical community
   Institute of Medicine calls for fundamental changes in primary health care

   AHCPR releases first evidence report on colorectal cancer screening
   AHCPR plans conference for summer '97
   AHCPR funds studies to examine patient referral patterns and the use of computers in clinical decisionmaking
   Registration deadline nears for AAHP managed care conference
   New publications available from AHCPR and NTIS
   Former Surgeon General Koop to be honored
   AHCPR announces the availability of a workbook and audiotapes from the User Liaison Program
   Attention researchers: Proceedings available

Research Briefs
   The impact of financial incentives on physician behavior in managed care plans: A review of the evidence
   Prediction of the infarct-related artery in acute myocardial infarction by a scoring system using summary ST-segment and T-wave changes
   The ambulatory care medical audit demonstration project
   Predicting the duration of mechanical ventilation: The importance of disease and patient characteristics
   Evaluating the use of the appropriateness method in the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research clinical practice guideline development process
   An empirical Bayes method for studying variation in knee replacement rates

The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care