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Preserve America Grants Effectiveness Study Released

Preserve America grants fund interpretive signs, like these at the Alice Creek Trailhead in Lewis & Clark County, Montana.
In order to provide a clearer and more comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of the Preserve America Grants, the ACHP has produced a report for Congress and the general public. The study found that the program is being effective in addressing many state and local heritage tourism needs, despite its short existence and a relatively small federal investment. Since 2006, the President’s budget has requested, and Congress has appropriated, funds for Preserve America Grants of $5-$7.3 million annually, which are given to states, tribes, and local governments. The competitive grants, ranging from $20,000 to $250,000 with a required 1:1 match, support planning, development, implementation, or enhancement of innovative activities and programs in heritage tourism.

Approximately $7.3 million was appropriated in FY 2008 for these grants. In the FY 2009 omnibus appropriations (P.L. 111-8), however, signed into law on March 11, 2009, the Committees on Appropriations did not include funding for this grant program. The committees stated that “future funding for the Preserve America program should be deferred pending a full evaluation of the effectiveness of the program in meeting national heritage tourism needs.”

Silverton, Colorado received a grant to study and interpret the area's mining heritage. This site at Animas Forks dates to 1890.
This assessment, produced in cooperation with the National Park Service, and with assistance from the Heritage Tourism Program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, was done in response to the committee’s request.  

Preserve America Grants Effectiveness Report

Read the report here; please notice the bookmarks in the PDF to navigate through the assessment report and the various appendices.

Case Studies of Grant Use

Read about the positive impact of Preserve America Grants in Rhode Island, Colorado, and Arkansas.

Wayfinding signs, like this one in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, direct visitors to local historic resources.

Apply for Grants

The NPS grants Web site includes guidance and applications for Preserve America Grants. Eligible activities include research and documentation, planning, interpretation/education, promotion, and training. Successful projects involve public-private partnerships and serve as models to communities nationwide for heritage tourism, historic preservation, education, and economic development.

Updated June 29, 2009

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