image description U.S. CONGRESSMAN JOE WILSON | Serving South Carolina’s Second District

Opinion Pieces

  • COLUMN: Lack of Leadership Emboldens Our Enemies and Endangers America
    Sep 13, 2012  - The United States of America was attacked in Benghazi, Libya two days ago on the 11th anniversary of September 11, 2001. This was not a riot; it was a coordinated assault on a United States Consulate that led to the assassination of the United States Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens along w... More
  • COLUMN: Protecting South Carolina's interests at Yucca Mountain
    Apr 30, 2012  - Shortly after the conclusion of the Second World War, scientists across America began studying possible commercial uses of nuclear materials. By 1958, the first nuclear power plant was up and running outside of Pittsburgh, Pa. Today, there are 104 nuclear power reactors in the country with four mor... More
  • COLUMN: President’s Failing Energy Policies Harmful to Economic Growth
    Mar 25, 2012  - When Senator Barack Obama campaigned for President of the United States, he promised energy rates “would necessarily skyrocket” under his policies. Over the past three years, the President has held firm to this pledge. The prices of energy sources have nearly doubled since President Obama was sworn ... More
  • Wilson Praises Decision to Build MOX Plant at SRS
    Mar 31, 2005  - Today, Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) expressed his support for the U.S. Department of Energy’s decision to construct a facility at the Savannah River Site (SRS) to manufacture mixed oxide (MOX) fuel for eventual use in commercial nuclear power plants. “This decision is a big step in the right direct... More
  • A War We Must Win
    Oct 10, 2003  - The central front in the War on Terror is being fought in Iraq and it was an honor to be selected by Armed Services Committee Ranking Democrat Ike Skelton (D-MO) to serve on a delegation in mid-September to newly liberated Iraq. Our troops are the heroes of an historic military victory and I was pr... More
    Jun 10, 2002  - BY CONGRESSMAN JOE WILSON, SC-02 “There is not enough accountability in column writing.” I couldn’t agree more with this statement, which was put forth by E.J. Dionne Jr., in his May 19th column “Welfare Correctness.” His column, which is indicative of the arguments espoused by many liberal Democra... More
  • Recent Welfare Reforms Must Continue
    Mar 20, 2002  - By CONGRESSMAN JOE WILSON This spring, Congress will be dealing with the reauthorization of the historic welfare reforms made in 1996. During my 17-year tenure in the S.C. Senate, I fought for elevating those on welfare out of poverty, and I am eager to work with my colleagues on Capitol Hill and Pr... More