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Letters To The Congress

This site does not purport to be a comprehensive compilation of all letters from the Department of Commerce to the Congress expressing views on legislation. We have attempted to select letters that we believe are of significant interest to the public. (This Office will be pleased to consider requests to post additional letters to this page.) If virtually identical letters have been sent to several members of Congress, we have included only one copy of the letter.

Note: We have, in most instances, posted letters in both Adobe® Acrobat® (pdf) format, as well as Word Perfect 8. (To obtain a free copy of the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader, click here.) Unless otherwise stated, letters in PDF format are accurate images of the documents transmitted to the Congress, but cannot be searched for words; letters in Word Perfect format are not exact images of the documents transmitted to the Congress, but can be searched for words.


  • Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 111th Congress
    (Arranged in reverse chronological order) click here

  • Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 110th Congress
    (Arranged in reverse chronological order) click here

  • Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 109th Congress
    (Arranged in reverse chronological order) click here

  • Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 108th Congress
    (Arranged in reverse chronological order) click here

  • Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 107th Congress
    (Arranged in reversed chronological order)click here

  • Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 106th Congress
    (Arranged in reversed chronological order) click here

Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 111th Congress
(Arranged in reverse chronological order)

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DATE: July 22, 2009
SUBJECT: Commerce Draft bill on Telecommunications (Biden Letter) ( Bill ) ( Sectional Anaylsis )
SIGNED BY: Cameron F. Kerry, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Congressional Leadership, Chairman Rockefeller and Ranking Hutchison, Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and Chairman Waxman and Ranking Joe Barton, House Energy and Commerce Committee

DATE: June 2, 2009
SUBJECT: H.R. 1612, the "Public Lands Service Corps Act of 2009" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Cameron Kerry, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Raul Grijalva and Ranking Bob Bishop, of the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands and Chairwoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo and Ranking Henry Brown, Jr, Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife, both of the House Committee on Natural Resources

DATE: January 16, 2009
SUBJECT: Interior/Commerce Draft bill: "Albatross and Petrel Conservation Act of 2009" (Cheney Letter) ( Pelosi Letter ) (Bill) ( Sectional Anaylsis )
SIGNED BY: P. Lynn Scarlett, Deputy Secretary, Department of the Interior and Lily Fu Claffee, General Counsel, Department of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Richard Cheney, President of the Senate and Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives

DATE: January 14, 2009
SUBJECT: Transition of Digital Television Transition (Rockefeller Letter) ( Waxman letter )
SIGNED BY: Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John D. Rockefeller, Chairman, Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and Henry Waxman, Chairman, House Energy and Commerce Comittee

Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 110th Congress
(Arranged in reverse chronological order)

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DATE: November 25, 2008
SUBJECT: Financing Assistance to the Automobile Industry (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce and Samuel Bodman, Secretary of Energy
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Christopher Dodd, Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs and Chairman Barney Frank, House Committee on Financial Services

DATE: September 29, 2008
SUBJECT: Administration Positions on Miscellaneous Tariff Bills (with Separate Technical Corrections) (Cover Letter) (Chart (in XLS) ) ( Technical Corrections )
SIGNED BY: Lily Fu Claffee, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Charles Rangel and Ranking Member Jim McCrery, House Ways and Means Committee

DATE: September 24, 2008
SUBJECT: H.R. 3232, the "Travel Promotion Act of 2008" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi; Republican Leader John Boehner; Chairman John Dingell and Ranking Joe Barton, House Energy and Commerce Committee; Chairman Bobby Rush and Ranking Ed Whitfield, House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection; Chairman John Conyers and Ranking Lamar Smith, House Judiciary Committee; and Chairman Bennie Thompson and Ranking Peter King, House Homeland Security Committee

DATE: September 23, 2008
SUBJECT: S. 3325, the "Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Act" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Keith Nelson, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, DOJ, and Lily Claffee, General Counsel, DOC
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Patrick Leahy and Ranking Member Arlen Specter, Senate Judiciary Committee

DATE: September 11, 2008
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill Regarding Administrative Expenses for DTV Coupon Program (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Sectional Analysis )
SIGNED BY: Lily Fu Claffee, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Daniel Inouye and Ranking Member Hutchison, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Chairman Dingell and Ranking Member Joe Barton, House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Chairman Markey and Ranking Member Stearns, House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Committee on Energy and Commerce

DATE: September 5, 2008
SUBJECT: H.R. 3232, the "Travel Promotion Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Lily Claffee, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John Dingell and Ranking Member Joe Barton, House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Chairman Bennie Thompson and Ranking Member Peter King, House Committee on Homeland Security; and Chairman John Conyers and Ranking Member Lamar Smith House Committee on Judiciary

DATE: August 27, 2008
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill Regarding Global Intellectual Property Academy Travel Funding (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Summary and Analysis )
SIGNED BY: Lily Fu Claffee, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Leahy and Ranking Specter, Senate Committee on Judiciary; Chairman Conyers and Ranking Lamar Smith House Committee on Judiciary; and Chairman Howard Berman and Ranking Coble House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, Committee on the Judiciary

DATE: August 27, 2008
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: Trademark Technical Improvements Act of 2008 (Bill ) (Proposed Amendments to Lanham Act )
SIGNED BY: Sent Informally by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
ADDRESSEES: Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, House Committee on Judiciary

DATE: July 11, 2008
SUBJECT: H.R. 6344, the "Responsive Government Act of 2008" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Lily Claffee, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Patrick Leahy and Ranking Member Arlen Specter of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

DATE: June 10, 2008
SUBJECT: H.R. 4789, the "Performance Rights Act" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Lily Claffee, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Howard Berman and Vice Chair John Conyers, House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, Committee on the Judiciary

DATE: June 9, 2008
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: National Sea Grant College Program Authorization Act of 2008 (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Statement of Purpose and Need ) ( Sectional Analysis) ( Changes to Statute)
SIGNED BY: David K. Bowsher, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice-Chair Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and Chairman Rahall and Ranking Member Don Young, House Committee on Natural Resources

DATE: April 18, 2008
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: Space Commerce Act of 2007 (Cover Letter) (Enclosure )
SIGNED BY: David K. Bowsher, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice-Chairman Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce Science, and Transportation and Chairman Bart Gordon and Ranking Ralph Hall, House Committee on Science and Technology

DATE: April 16, 2008
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: Economic Development Administration Reauthorization Act of 2008 (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Statement of Purpose and Need and Sectional Analysis) ( Changes to Statute (PWEDA))
SIGNED BY: Nathaniel F. Wienecke, Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman James Oberstar and Ranking John Mica, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Chair Eleanor Holmes Norton and Ranking Sam Graves, House Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Chaman Barbara Boxer and Ranking James Inhofe, Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; and Chairman Max Baucus and Ranking Johnny Isakson, Senate Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the Committee on Environment and Public Works

DATE: April 4, 2008
SUBJECT: Multi-Cabinet Letter regarding U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Condoleezza Rice, Secretary, of State; Henry M. Paulson, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury; Edward T. Schafer, Secretary of Agriculture; Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce; Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Labor; and Ambassador Susan C. Schwab, U.S. Trade Representative
ADDRESSEES: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, with cc's to: House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer; House Republican Leader John A. Boehner; House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn and House Minority Whip Roy D. Blunt

DATE: April 3, 2008
SUBJECT: 2010 Census (Cover Letter) (Bill )
SIGNED BY: Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership; Chairman Robert Byrd and Ranking Member Thad Cochran, Senate Appropriations Committe; Chair Barbarab Mikulski and Ranking Richard Shelby of the Senate Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies of the Senate Appropriations Committee; Chairman Dave Obey and Ranking Member Jerry Lewis of the House Appropriations Committee; and Chairman Allan Mollohan and Ranking Member Rodney Frelinghuysen of the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies of the House Appropriations Committee

DATE: April 3, 2008
SUBJECT: S. 1145 the "Patent Reform Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Patrick Leahy and Ranking Member Arlen Specter, with cc's to all members of the Senate

DATE: April 1, 2008
SUBJECT: S. J. Res. 28, a joint resolution Disapproving the Rule Submitted by the Federal Communications Commission with respect to Broadcast Media Ownership (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice Chairman Ted Stevens of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee

DATE: February 4, 2008
SUBJECT: S. 1145, the "Patent Reform Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Nathaniel F. Wienecke, Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Patrick Leahy, Ranking Member Arlen Specter, and all members of the Senate Judiciary Committee

DATE: December 4, 2007
SUBJECT: S. 2332, the "Media Ownership Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice Chairman Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: November 29, 2007
SUBJECT: S. 950, the "Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice Chairman Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Chair Maria Cantwell and Ranking Member Olympia Snowe, Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard

DATE: November 16, 2007
SUBJECT: S. 1492, the "Broadband Data Improvement Act" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice Chairman Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: November 9, 2007
SUBJECT: H.R. 3919, the "Broadband Census of America Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John Dingell and Ranking Member Joe Barton, House Energy and Commerce Committee

DATE: October 29, 2007
SUBJECT: S. 1580, the "Coral Reef Conservation Amendments Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Daniel Inouye, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation w/cc to: Vice Chairman Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Chair Maria Cantwell and Ranking Member Olympia Snowe, Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard

DATE: October 11, 2007
SUBJECT: S. 1581, the "Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice Chairman Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Chair Maria Cantwell and Ranking Member Olympia Snowe, Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard

DATE: October 3, 2007
SUBJECT: S. 1650, the "Max Cleland Minority Serving Institution Digital and Wireless Technology Opportunity Act" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice Chairman Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: October 2, 2007
SUBJECT: S. 1142, the "Coastal and Estuarine Land Protection Act" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice Chairman Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Chair Maria Cantwell and Ranking Member Olympia Snowe, Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard

DATE: September 19, 2007
SUBJECT: S. 675, the "Training for Realtime Writers Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid w/ cc's to: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice Chairman Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: September 17, 2007
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: Space Commerce Act of 2007 (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Statement of Purpose and Need ) ( Sectional Analysis ) ( Redline )
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Daniel Inouye and Vice-Chairman Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and Chairman Bart Gordon and Ranking Member Ralph Hall, House Committee on Science and Technology

DATE: August 2, 2007
SUBJECT: Moratorium on Internet Tax (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce and Henry M. Paulsen Jr., Secretary of the Treasury
ADDRESSEES: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner House Minority Leader, Henry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConenll Senate Minority Leader, with cc's to: Chairman Baucus and Ranking Grassley, Senate Finance Committee; Chairman Inouye and Co-Chair Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; Chairman John Conyers and Ranking Lamar Smith, House Judiciary Committee; and Chairman Rangel and Ranking McCrery House Ways and Means Committee

DATE: July 30, 2007
SUBJECT: S. 1607, the "Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2007" and S. 1677 the "Currency Reform and Financial Markets Access Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Henry M. Paulson Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce, and Susan C. Schwab, U.S. Trade Representative
ADDRESSEES: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid; Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell; Chairman Max Baucus and Ranking Member Charles Grassley, Senate Finance Committee; and Chairman Chris Dodd and Ranking Member Richard Shelby, Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee

DATE: July 20, 2007
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: Hague Agreement Implementation Act (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Statement of Purpose and Need ) ( Sectional Analysis )
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Patrick Leahy and Ranking Arlen Specter Senate Judiciary Committee, Chairman John Conyers and Ranking Lamar Smith House Judiciary Committee, Chairman Howard Berman and Ranking Howard Coble, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, House Judiciary Committee

DATE: July 16, 2007
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: Patent Law Treaty Implementation Act (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Statement of Purpose and Need ) ( Sectional Analysis )
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Patrick Leahy and Ranking Arlen Specter Senate Judiciary Committee, Chairman John Conyers and Ranking Lamar Smith House Judiciary Committee, Chairman Howard Berman and Ranking Howard Coble, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, House Judiciary Committee

DATE: June 28, 2007
SUBJECT: H.R. 2272, the "21st Century Competitiveness Act of 2007" and S. 761, the "America COMPETES Act" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Daniel Inouye, Co-Chair Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation and Chairman Bart Gordon and Ranking Member Ralph Hall, House Committee on Science and Technology

DATE: June 26 2007
SUBJECT: S. 1661, the Travel Promotion Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Daniel Inouye, Co-Chair Ted Stevens, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: June 26 2007
SUBJECT: H.R. 1205, the "Coral Reef Conservation Amendments Act of 2007" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Nick Rahall and Ranking Member Don Young, House Committee on Natural Resources and Chairwoman Bordallo and Ranking Member Henry Brown, House Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans, Committee on Natural Resources

DATE: May 18, 2007
SUBJECT: S. 1145, the "Patent Reform Act of 2007" (PDF) (Word )
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Patrick Leahy, Ranking Member Arlen Specter, and cc's to all Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee (Senators Edward Kennedy; Joseph Biden, Jr.; Herb Kohl; Dianne Feinstein; Russell Feingold; Charles Schumer; Richard Durbin; Benjamin Cardin; Sheldon Whitehouse; Orrin Hatch; Charles Grassley; Jon Kyl; Jeff Sessions; Lindsey Graham; John Cornyn; Sam Brownback; and Tom Coburn)

DATE: May 16, 2007
SUBJECT: H.R. 1908, the "Patent Reform Act of 2007" (PDF) (Word )
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Howard Berman and Ranking Member Howard Coble, House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property and Chairman John Conyers and Ranking Member Larmar Smith, House Judiciary Committee

DATE: May 7, 2007
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill to Reauthorize the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 (CRCA) (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Statement of Purpose and Need ) ( Sectional Analysis )
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Daniel Inouye and Co-Chairman Ted Stevens of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, and Chairman Nick Rahll, Jr., and Rep. Don Young, House Natural Resources Committee

DATE: May 2, 2007
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill to Reauthorize the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of 1998 (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Statement of Purpose and Need ) ( Sectional Analysis )
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Daniel Inouye and Co-Chairman Ted Stevens of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, and Chairman Nick Rahll, Jr., and Rep. Don Young, House Natural Resources Committee

DATE: April 16, 2007
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill on Telecommunications (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Sectional Analysis )
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Daniel Inouye and Co-Chairman Ted Stevens of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, and Chairman John Dingell and Rep. Joe Barton of the House Energy and Commerce Committee

DATE: April 13, 2007
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill on Export Enforcement Act (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Sectional Analysis )
SIGNED BY: Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Christopher Dodd and Sen. Richard Shelby, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Chairman Evan Bayh and Sen. Mel Martinez of the Senate Subcommittee on Security and International Trade and Finance, Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Chairman Lantos and Rep. Ros-Lehtinen of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Chairman Sherman and Rep. Royce of the House Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade of the Foreign Affairs Committee

DATE: March 12, 2007
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill on Aquaculture (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Sectional Analysis )
SIGNED BY: Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Daniel Inouye and Co-Chairman Ted Stevens of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, and Chairman Nick J. Rahall and Rep. Don Young of the House Natural Resources Committee

Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 109th Congress
(Arranged in reverse chronological order)

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DATE: October 10, 2006
SUBJECT: H.R. 4075, the "Marine Mammal Protection Act Amendments of 2006" (PDF) (DOC )
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

DATE: September 20, 2006
SUBJECT: H.R. 4572, the "Export Administration Renewal Act of 2005" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Henry Hyde, Chairman, House Committee on International Relations

DATE: August 30, 2006
SUBJECT: H.R. 5120, a bill to amend Title 35, USC, to conform certain filing provisions within the Patent and Trademark Office (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Jon Dudas, Under Secretary and Director of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Lamar and Rep. Howard Berman, House Subcommittee on Courts, The Internet, and Intellectual Property, Committee on the Judiciary

DATE: June 30, 2006
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill on Telecommunications (Cover Letter) (Bill ) ( Sectional Analysis )
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and Chairman Joe Barton and Rep. John Dingell of the House Energy and Commerce Committee

DATE: February 22, 2006
SUBJECT: Administration Positions on Miscellaneous Tariff Bills (PDF) (Chart, in XLS (35 pages) )
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman William Thomas and Rep. Charles Rangel, House Committee on Ways and Means

DATE: January 30, 2006
SUBJECT: H.R. 3416, a bill which would prohibit the application of the "foreign affairs" exemption of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) with respect to actions of the Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements (CITA) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Representative Jerry Weller

DATE: December 12, 2005
SUBJECT: S. 2012, the "Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2005" (PDF) (DOC )
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

DATE: November 14, 2005
SUBJECT: Renewal of the Export Administration Act (EAA) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Henry Hyde, House Committee on International Relations

DATE: September 20, 2005
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill to Authorization Appropriations for the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act for FYs 2006-2010" (Cover) (Bill ) (Section-by-Section Analysis)
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Richard Pombo and Rep. Nick Rahall II of the House Resources Committee, and Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

DATE: September 12 and 13, 2005
SUBJECT: Amendment 1665 (relating to limiting the President's authority to negotiate comprehensive trade agreements) to H.R. 2862, the "Appropriations for Science, the Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce for Fiscal Year 2006" (Sept 12) (Sept 13)
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce and Rob Portman, U.S. Trade Representative
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Richard Shelby and Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Senate Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science, Committee on Appropriations; and Chairman Charles Grassley and Sen. Max Baucus, Senate Committee on Finance

DATE: September 1, 2005
SUBJECT: S. 362, the "Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act" (PDF) (DOC )
SIGNED BY: John J. Sullivan, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Richard Pombo and Rep. Nick Rahall II of the House Resources Committee, Chairman Wayne Gilchrest and Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr., of the House Subcommittee on Fisheries and Oceans; Chairman Don Young and Rep. James Oberstar of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and Chairman Frank LoBiondo and Rep. Bob Filner of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation; and Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

DATE: July 19, 2005
SUBJECT: S. 360, the "Coastal Zone Enhancement Reauthorization Act of 2005" (PDF) SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation,and Chairman Olympia Snowe and Senator Maria Cantwell of the Senate Subcommittee on Fisheries and the Coast Guard

DATE: June 30, 2005
SUBJECT: H.R. 1584, the "Ocean and Coastal Observation System Act of 2005" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Nick Rahall of the House Resources Committee and Chairman Gilchrest and Frank Pallone of the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Oceans

DATE: June 9, 2005
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: "Marine Mammal Protection Act Amendments of 2005" (Cover) (Bill ) (Section-by-Section Analysis)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Richard Pombo and Rep. Nick Rahall II of the House Resources Committee, and Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

DATE: June 6, 2005
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill regarding Offshore Aquaculture in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (Cover) (Bill ) (Section-by-Section Analysis)
SIGNED BY: Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Richard Pombo and Rep. Nick Rahall II of the House Resources Committee, and Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

DATE: May 19, 2005
SUBJECT: H.R. 1442, a bill to complete the codification of title 46 of the United States Code (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Sensenbrenner and John Conyers of the House Judiciary Committee

DATE: May 5, 2005
SUBJECT: DOC DRAFT BILL to continue the Secretary of Commerce's authority to conduct the Quarterly Financial Report Program (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Richard Cheney, President of the Senate and Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House

DATE: April 28, 2005
SUBJECT: S. 39, a bill to establish a coordinated national ocean exploration program within NOAA (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: April 27, 2005
SUBJECT: H.R. 50, the "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Act" (PDF) (DOC)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Sherwood L. Boehlert and Bart Gordon, House Science Committee and Chairman Ehlers and David Wu of the Subcommittee on Environment, Technology and Standards

DATE: April 27, 2005
SUBJECT: H.R. 1674, the "United States Tsunami Warning and Education Act" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Sherwood L. Boehlert and Bart Gordon, House Science Committee

DATE: April 18, 2005
SUBJECT: S. 361, the "Ocean and Coastal Observation System of 2005" (PDF) (DOC)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation,w/cc's to Chairman Olympia Snowe and Senator Maria Cantwell of the Senate Subcommittee on Fisheries and the Coast Guard, and Chairman John Sununu and Senator Barbara Boxer, of the National Ocean Policy Study

DATE: April 12, 2005
SUBJECT: H.R. 1412, the "Delaware River Protection Act of 2005" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Don Young and Rep. James Oberstar, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

DATE: April 12, 2005
SUBJECT: S. 364, the "Ocean and Coastal Mapping Integration Act" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, w/cc's to Chairman Olympia Snowe and Senator Maria Cantwell of the Senate Subcommittee on Fisheries and the Coast Guard, and Chairman John Sununu and Senator Barbara Boxer, of the National Ocean Policy Study

DATE: April 5, 2005
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: "NOAA Organic Act" (Bill) (Section by Section Analysis ) (Cover letter only in PDF)
SIGNED BY: Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Richard Pombo and Rep. Nick Rahall II of the House Resources Committee, and Chairman Sherwood Boehlert and Rep. Bart Gordon of the House Science Committee, and Chairman Ted Stevens and Senator Daniel Inouye of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

DATE: March 9, 2005
SUBJECT: S. 268, the "Training for Realtime Writers Act of 2005" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: March 9, 2005
SUBJECT: S. 148, the "Professional Boxing Amendments Act of 2005" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: February 1, 2005
SUBJECT: S. 50, the "Tsunami Preparedness Act" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Ted Stevens and Co-Chairman Daniel Inouye, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 108th Congress
(Arranged in reverse chronological order)

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DATE: December 21, 2004
SUBJECT: High Cost of Prescription Drugs (Letter) (DOC Report) (HHS Report)
SIGNED BY: Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary of Health and Human Services and Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Identical letters to House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Senate Majority Leader William H. First

DATE: December 20, 2004
SUBJECT: H.R. 1047, the "Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 2004" (Letter) (Chart )
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Charles Grassley, Senators Max Baucus, Craig Thomas, William Thomas and Charles Rangel of the Senate Finance Committee

DATE: September 17, 2004
SUBJECT: House Draft Bill: "To Establish a Department of Commerce and Trade" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Representative John L. Mica

DATE: August 4, 2004
SUBJECT: House Draft Bill: "Small Manufacturers Assistance, Recovery, and Trade Act" "SMART Act" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Representative Paul E. Gillmor

DATE: July 30, 2004
SUBJECT: S. 1134, the "Economic Development Reauthorization Act of 2004" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Identical letters sent to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Senate Minority Leader Thomas Daschle with Chairman James Inhofe and Senator James Jeffords of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

DATE: July 21, 2004
SUBJECT: S. 2488, the "Marine Debris Research and Reduction Act" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John McCain and Sen. Ernest Hollings, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: July 21, 2004
SUBJECT: S. 2280, the "National Ocean Exploration Program Act" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John McCain and Sen. Ernest Hollings, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: July 21, 2004
SUBJECT: H.R. 1047, the "Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 2003" (Letter/PDF) (Letter/HTM)
(Chart/WPD) (Chart Attachment/WPD)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman William Thomas and Reps. Charles Rangel, Philip Crane and Sander Levin of the House Committee on Ways and Means

DATE: July 21, 2004
SUBJECT: H.R. 1047, the "Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 2003" (Letter/PDF) (Letter/HTM)
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Charles Grassley and Senators Max Baucus and Craig Thomas of the Senate Committee on Finance

DATE: June 10, 2004
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: "NOAA Organic Act" (Bill) (Section by Section Analysis ) (Cover letter only in PDF)
SIGNED BY: Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Richard Pombo and Rep. Nick Rahall, II of House Resources Committee, and Chairman Sherwood Boehlert and Rep. Bart Gordon of the House Science Committee, and Chairman John McCain and Senator Ernest F. Hollings of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

DATE: April 30, 2004
SUBJECT: S. 275, the "Professional Boxing Amendments Act of 2004" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John Boehner and Rep. George Miller of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and Chairman Joe Barton and Rep. John Dingell of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce

DATE: April 13, 2004
SUBJECT: H.R. 3825, the "United States Olympic Committee Reform Act" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. and Rep. John Conyers, Jr., of the House Judiciary Committee

DATE:March 4, 2004
SUBJECT: Senate Amendment to HR 3108, the "Pension Funding Equity Act" (House Letter/PDF) (Senate Letter/PDF)
SIGNED BY: Co-signed by Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce, Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Labor, John W. Snow, Secretary of the Treasury, Joshua Bolten, Director, Office of Management and Budget and Stephen Friedman, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy
ADDRESSEES: House Committee on Education and Workforce: Chairman John Boehner and Reps. Howard McKeon, Sam Johnson, Patrick Tiberi, Robert Andrews and George Miller; House Committee on Ways and Means: Chairman William M. Thomas and Reps. Rob Portman and Chales Rangel; Senate Committee on Finance: Chairman Charles Grassley and Senator Baucus; Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions: Chairman Judd Gregg and Senator Kennedy; and Senator Mitch McConnell

DATE: February 9, 2004
SUBJECT: S. 1400, the "Ocean and Coastal Observation Systems Act" (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Richard Pombo and Rep. Nick Rahall of the House Resources Committee, and Chairman Wayne Gilchrest and Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr., of the House Subcommitte on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans

DATE: January 28, 2004
SUBJECT: H.R. 3717, the "Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2004" (PDF) (DOC)
SIGNED BY: Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Fred Upton, House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Committee on Energy and Commerce

DATE: December 18, 2003
SUBJECT: S. 1218, the "Oceans and Human Health Act" (PDF) (WPD )
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John McCain and Senator Ernest Hollings, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: December 18, 2003
SUBJECT: Accession to the Law of the Sea Convention (PDF) (WPD )
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Richard Lugar and Senator Joseph Biden, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

DATE: December 15, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 959, the "NOAA Oceanography Amendments Act of 2003" (PDF) (WPD )
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Representative Rahall of House Resources Committee

DATE: December 12, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 1028, the "Coastal Zone Management Act Reauthorization of 2003" (PDF) (WPD )
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Representative Rahall of House Resources Committee

DATE: December 9, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 1025, the "National Estuarine Reserve System Act of 2003" (PDF) (WPD )
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Representative Rahall of House Resources Committee

DATE: November 19, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 2535, the "Economic Development Administration Reauthorization Act of 2003 (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Inhofe and Senator Jeffords of Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and Chairman Bond and Senator Reid of Senate Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure

DATE: November 14, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 958 the "Hydrographic Services Amendments of 2003" (PDF) (WPD )
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Deputy General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Representative Rahall of House Resources and Chairman Gilchrest and Rep. Pallone Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans

DATE: November 14, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 1026, the "Coastal Services and Performance Evaluation Act of 2003" (PDF) (HTM )
SIGNED BY: Jane T. Dana, Deputy General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Representative Rahall of House Resources Committee

DATE: November 10, 2003
SUBJECT: S. 1586, a bill regarding China's Undervalued Currency (PDF) (DOC )
SIGNED BY: Secretary of the Treasury: John Snow, Secretary of Commerce, Donald Evans, and U.S. Trade Representative, Robert Zoelick
ADDRESSEES: Senate Majority Leader: Bill Frist and Senate Minority Leader: Thomas Daschle

DATE: November 7, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 49 and S. 150, the "Internet Tax Nondiscrmination Act of 2003" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Representative Christopher Cox

DATE: October 27, 2003
SUBJECT: Foreign Sales Corporation/ETI Policies (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Co-signed by John Snow, Secretary of the Treasury, Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce and Robert Zoellick, U.S. Trade Representative
ADDRESSEES: Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert

DATE: October 24, 2003
SUBJECT: S. 1753, the "National Consumer Credit Reporting System Improvement Act of 2003" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Co-signed by Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce and John Snow, Secretary of the Treasury
ADDRESSEES: Senate Leader Bill Frist with cc's to Senators Richard Shelby and Paul Sarbanes

DATE: October 22, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 49 and S. 150, the "Internet Tax Nondiscrmination Act of 2003" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Co-signed by Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce and John Snow, Secretary of the Treasury
ADDRESSEES: Senate Leaders Bill Frist and Thomas Daschle with cc's to Chairman McCain and Senator Hollings of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Chairman Grassley and Senator Baucus of the Senate Finance Committee

DATE: October 14, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 2890, the "Freedom to Fish Act" (PDF) (HTM)
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Representative Rahall of House Resources Committee

DATE: September 30, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 2898, "E-911 Implementation Act of 2003" (Letter only PDF) (Letter only DOC) (Enclosure DOC)
SIGNED BY: Co-signed by Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel, Department of Commerce and Rosalind A. Knapp, Deputy General Counsel, Department of Transportation
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Tauzin, Representatives Dingell, Upton, Markey, Shimkus and Eshoo of the House Energy and Commerce Committee

DATE: September 11, 2003
SUBJECT: S. 877, the "Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Co-signed by William E. Moschella, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice and Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel, Department of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman McCain and Senator Hollings of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Chairman Burns, Subcommittee on Communications, Chairman Hatch and Senator Leahy Senate Judiciary Committee

DATE: August 4, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 1945, the "Pacific Salmon Recovery Act" (PDF) (WPD )
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Representative Rahall of House Resources and Chairman Gilchrest and Rep. Underwood Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans

DATE: July 30, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 49, the "Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act of 2003" (PDF) (Word)
SIGNED BY: Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Commerce and John W. Snow, Secretary of the Treasury
ADDRESSEES: Chairman McCain and Senators Hollings, Allen and Wyden of the Senate Commerce Committee, Chairman Tauzin and Rep. Dingell of the House Energy and Commerce Committee

DATE: July 16, 2003
SUBJECT: DOC draft bill: "Department of Commerce's 21st Century Innovation Act of 2003" (Letter) (Draft Bill )
SIGNED BY: Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman McCain and Senator Hollings of the Senate Commerce Committee, Chairman Tauzin and Rep. Dingell of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and Chairman Boehlert and Rep. Hall of the House Science Committee

DATE: June 23, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 1320, the "Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act" (PDF) (Word)
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman McCain and Senator Hollings of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

DATE: June 18, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 242, the "Plant Breeders Equity Act of 2003" (Smith/PDF) (Smith/DOC) (Issa/PDF) (Issa/DOC)
SIGNED BY: Thedore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Smith and Rep Berman of the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, Judiciary Committee and Rep. Darrell Issa

DATE: June 12, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 1561, the "United States Patent and Trademark Fee Modernization Act of 2003" (PDF) (DOC)
SIGNED BY: Thedore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Sensenbrenner and Rep Conyers of the House Judiciary Committee

DATE: June 5, 2003
SUBJECT: Intellectual Property Protection under Singapore and Chile Free Trade Agreements (Boucher) (Lofgren)
SIGNED BY: Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Identical letters to Reps. Rick Boucher and Zoe Lofgren

DATE: June 5, 2003
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: Fishery Conservation and Management Amendments of 2003 (Bill) (Cover letter only in PDF)
SIGNED BY: Thedore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman John McCain and Senator Hollings of Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and Chairman Pombo and Rep. Rahall of the House Resources Committee

DATE: June 3, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 1856, the "Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research Amendments Act of 2003" (Pombo/PDF) (Pombo/WPD) (Ehlers/PDF) (Ehlers/WPD)
SIGNED BY: Thedore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Rep. Nick Rahall of the House Resources Committee, Chairman Ehlers and Rep. Udall of House Subcommittee on Environment, Technology and Standards of the House Science Committee w/cc's to Chairman Boehlert and Rep. Ralph Hall of the House Science Committee

DATE: June 3, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 1081, the "Aquatic Invasive Species Research Act" (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Thedore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Boehlert and Rep Ralph Hall of the House Science Committee

DATE: May 30, 2003
SUBJECT: S. 886, NOAA Corps (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Rep. Nick Rahall of the House Resources Committee

DATE: May 22, 2003
SUBJECT: Draft Bill to Provide FCC with Permanent Authority to Auction Spectrum Licenses (Bill) (Cover letter only in PDF)
SIGNED BY: Thedore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman John McCain and Senator Hollings of Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and Chairman Tauzin and Rep. Dingell of the House Energy and Commerce Committee

DATE: May 22, 2003
SUBJECT: Amendment to H.R. 1588, the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2004, regarding U.S. Controls on Exports of High Performance Computers (MtopS) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chairman David Dreier, House Committee on Rules

DATE: May 15, 2003
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: "Economic Development Administration [EDA] Reauthorization Act of 2003 (Bill) (Organic Statute) (Cover letter only in PDF)
SIGNED BY: Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman James Inhofe and Senator Jeffords of Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and Chairman Young and Rep. Oberstar of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

DATE: May 14, 2003
SUBJECT: Internet Tax (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans and Secretary of the Treasury John Snow
ADDRESSEES: Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Rep. John Conyers and Rep. Christopher Cox of the House Judiciary Committee

DATE: April 14, 2003
SUBJECT: Antidumping Duty Measures on Certain Hot-Rolled Steel Products from Japan (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick
ADDRESSEE: Chairman William Thomas, House Committee on Wayns and Means

DATE: April 8, 2003
SUBJECT: S. 886, NOAA Corps (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John McCain and Senator Ernest Hollings, Senate Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation and Chairman Wayne Gilchrest and Rep. Frank Pallone, House Committee on Resources

DATE: April 8, 2003
SUBJECT: H.R. 1320, the "Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act" (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Fred Upton and Edward Markey, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, House Committee on Energy and Commerce

DATE: March 19, 2003
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: "Federal Spectrum Relocation Payment Procedures Act" (All) (Cover letter only in PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman John McCain and Senator Hollings of Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and Chairman Tauzin and Rep. Dingell from House Energy and Commerce Committee

DATE: March 12, 2003
SUBJECT: National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Proposing Amendments to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (Bill in PDF) (Cover letter only in PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Pombo and Rep. Rahall of the House Resources Committee and Chairman McCain and Senator Hollings of Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee

DATE: February 21, 2003
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill: Marine Mammal Protection Act Amendments of 2003 (Bill) (Cover letter only in PDF)
SIGNED BY: Thedore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman John McCain and Senator Hollings of Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and Chairman Pombo and Rep. Rahall of the House Resources Committee

DATE: February 12, 2003
SUBJECT: Workforce Investment Act/Back to Work Incentive Act (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Boehner and Rep. Miller, House Committee on Education and the Workforce, and Chairman Judd Gregg and Senator Kennedy, Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, with cc's to Members of both Committees

DATE: February 11, 2003
SUBJECT: DOC Draft Bill to Restructure the Patent Fees and Adjust Trademark Fees for the USPTO (Bill) (Cover letter only in PDF)
SIGNED BY: Thedore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Orrin Hatch and Senator Patrick Leahy of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner and Rep. John Conyers of the House Judiciary Committee

Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 107th Congress
(Arranged in reversed chronological order)

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DATE: November 6, 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 4749 the "Magnuson-Stevens Act Amendments of 2002" (DOC) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen, Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood of House Resources Committee

DATE: October 16, 2002
SUBJECT: Amended Administration Position [see Sept. 23] on Miscellaneous Tariff Bills: S. 2290, S. 2292, S. 2293, S. 2298, S. 2299, S. 2300, S. 2301, and S. 2543 (DOC) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Max Baucus, Charles Grassley, Jack Reed and Lincoln Chafee of Senate Finance Committee

DATE: September 23, 2002
SUBJECT: Administration Positions [see Oct. 16] on Miscellaneous Tariff Bills (Letter) (Chart in XLS 28 pages)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Max Baucus and Charles Grassley of Senate Finance Committee

DATE: September 19, 2002
SUBJECT: DOC draft bill: "Hydrographic Services Amendments Act of 2002" (Letter) (Draft Bill) (Statement of Purpose and Need and Sectional Analysis)
SIGNED BY: Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Hill Leadership, Chairman Hollings and Senator McCain of the Senate Commerce Committee, Chairman Hansen and Rep. Rahall of the House Resources Committee and Chairman Boehlert and Rep. Hall of the House Science Committee

DATE: September 13, 2002
SUBJECT: Administration Positions on Miscellaneous Tariff Bills (Letter) (Chart in XLS 75 pages)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman William Thomas, Charles Rangel, Philip Crane and Sander Levin of House Ways and Means Committee

DATE: August 1, 2002
SUBJECT: S. 414, the "NTIA Digital Network Technology Program Act" (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle, Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, Chairman Ernest Hollings and Senator John McCain, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: July 29, 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 3321, the "American Travel Promotion Act of 2001" (DOC) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Brenda Becker, Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
ADDRESSEE: The Hon. Mark Foley, U.S. House of Representatives

DATE: July 25, 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 3104, the "Freedom to Fish Act" (DOC) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen, Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood of House Resources Committee

DATE: July 25, 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 4840, the "Sound Science for Endangered Species Act Planning Act of 2002" (DOC) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen and Nick Rahall of House Resources Committee

DATE: June 26, 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 4883, a bill to reauthorize the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of 1998 (DOC) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Brenda Becker, Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
ADDRESSEE: Chairman James Hansen, Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood of the House Resources Committee

DATE: June 17, 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 3507, the "Coast Guard Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002" (DOC) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE: Chairman Ernest Hollings and John McCain of Senate Commerce Committee and Chairman Don Youn and James Oberstar of House Transportation Committee

DATE: June 12 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 1157, the "Pacific Salmon Recovery Act" (DOC) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Brenda Becker, Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen, Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest, and Robert Underwood of House Resources Committee and Rep. Michael Thompson

DATE: May 21, 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 4687, the "National Construction Safety Team Act" (DOC) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE: Chairman Sherwood Boehlert and Ralph Hall of the House Science Committee

DATE: May 15, 2002
SUBJECT: S. 2182, the "Cyber Security Research and Development Act" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Dr. Arden Bement, Jr., Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology
ADDRESSEE: Chairman Ron Wyden, Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE: May 14, 2002
SUBJECT: Dayton-Craig Amendment to H.R. 3009, the "Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Donald L. Evans, Secretary of Commerce, Anne M. Veneman, Secretary of Agriculture and Robert B. Zoellick, U.S. Trade Representative
ADDRESSEE: Senator Max Baucus, United States Senate

DATE: May 6, 2002
SUBJECT: S. 1825, the "Pacific Salmon Recovery Act" (DOC) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE: Chairman Ernest Hollings and John McCain of the Senate Commerce Committee

DATE: May 1, 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 4560, the "Auction Reform Act of 2002" (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEE: Chairman W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, House Energy and Commerce Committee

DATE: February 28, 2002
SUBJECT: DOC Draft bill:  "Analog Spectrum Lease Fee Act" (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY:  Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: President of the Senate Richard Cheney, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle, House Majority Leader Richard Armey, Senator Minority Leader Trent Lott, House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt, Chairman Ernest Hollings and John McCain Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Chairman W. J. Tauzin and John Dingell House Committee on Energy and Commerce

DATE: February 28, 2002
SUBJECT: DOC Draft bill, "Promoting Certainty in Upcoming Spectrum Auctions Act (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY:  Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: President of the Senate Richard Cheney, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle, House Majority Leader Richard Armey, Senator Minority Leader Trent Lott, House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt, Chairman Ernest Hollings and John McCain Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Chairman W. J. Tauzin and John Dingell House Committee on Energy and Commerce

DATE: February 28, 2002
SUBJECT: "Tourism Policy Council Technical Corrections Act of 2001" (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE: Representative Ric Kellyer, House of Representatives

DATE: February 26, 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 3389, National Sea Grant College Program Act Amendments of 2001 (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassigner, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE: Chairman Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood, House Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans, Committee on Resources

DATE: February 7, 2002
SUBJECT: H.R. 3577, the Coastal Resources Conservation Act of 2001 (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE: Chairman James V. Hansen, Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood, House Resources Committee

DATE: January 30, 2002
SUBJECT: Canned Tuna Provisions under the Andean Trade Preference Act (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Rep. Eni F. H. Faleomavaega, House of Representatives

DATE: January 16, 2002
SUBJECT: S. 320, the "Intellectual Property and High Technology Technical Amendments Act of 2001" (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman F. James Sesenbrenner, Jr., and John Conyers, Jr., House Judiciary; Chairman Orrin G. Hatch and Patrick Leahy, Senate Judiciary; and Chairman Howard Coble and Howard Berman, House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property

DATE: December 20, 2001
SUBJECT: H.R. 2573, the "Salmon Planning Act"  (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen and Nick Rahall of House Resources Committee

DATE: December 18, 2001
SUBJECT: HR 2409, the "Endangered Species Consolidation Act of 2001" (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen and Nick Rahall of House Resources Committee

DATE: December 12, 2001
SUBJECT: HR 1157, Pacific Salmon Recovery Act  (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Ernest Hollings and John McCain, John Kerry and Olympia Snowe of the Senate Commerce Science and Transportation

DATE: December 6, 2001
SUBJECT: American Textile Industry Competing in Global Markets (WPD)  (PDF)
SIGNED BY:  Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: House Representatives: Cass Ballenger, Bob Barr, Henry Brown, Richard Burr, Michael  Collins, Nathan Deal, Jim DeMint, Bob Etheridge, Robin Hayes, Sue Myrick and Bob Riley

DATE:  October  3, 2001
SUBJECT:  H.R. 1042, a bill "To Prevent the Elimination of Certain Reports" (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Joseph I. Lieberman and Fred Thompson, Senate Governmental Affairs Committee

DATE:  September 12, 2001
SUBJECT: S 753, a bill to extend tariff-rate quotas to certain imported sugar syrups  (WPD)  (PDF)
SIGNED BY:  Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Senators John Breaux and Larry Craig

DATE: August 9, 2001
SUBJECT: H.R. 897, the "Coastal Community Conservation Act of 2001" (WPD)  (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen, Rep. Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood, House Resources Committee

DATE: July 26, 2001
SUBJECT: H.R. 108, the "Seabed Protection Act" (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen, Rep. Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood, House Resources Committee

DATE: July 17, 2001
SUBJECT:  H.R. 2775, the "Voting Technology Standards Act of 2001" (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Sherwood Boehlert and Rep. Ralph Hall of the House Science Committee, and Chairman Vernon Ehlers and Rep. James Barcia of the House Subcommittee on Environment, Technology & Standards

DATE: June 12, 2001
SUBJECT: H.R. 1157, Pacific Salmon Recovery Act  (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Brenda Becker, Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen, Rep. Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood, House Resources Committee, and Mike Thompson of the House Resources Committee

DATE: June 6, 2001
SUBJECT: H.R. 1661, to Extend Authority of the States of Washington, Oregon and California to manage a Dungeness     Crab Fishery Under the Magnuson-Stevens Act (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Theodore Kassinger, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen, Rep. Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood, House Resources Committee, and Mike Thompson of the House Resources Committee

DATE: April 27, 2001
SUBJECT: H.R. 470, Commercial Harvesting of Atlantic Striped Bass (WPD)  (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Donald Trigg, Director, Office of Policy and Strategic Planning
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen, Rep. Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood, House Resources Committee

DATE: March 27, 2001
SUBJECT: H.R. 642, Reauthorizing the Chesapeak Bay Office (WPD)  (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Donald Trigg, Director, Office of Policy and Strategic Planning
ADDRESSEES: Chairman James Hansen, Rep. Nick Rahall, Wayne Gilchrest and Robert Underwood, House Resources Committee

DATE: March 1, 2001
SUBJECT: H.R. 524, the "Electronic Commerce Enhancement Act"  (WPD)  (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Donald Trigg, Director, Office of Policy and Strategic Planning
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John McCain, Rep. Ernest Hollings, Senate Commerce Committee


Department of Commerce Letters to the Congress -- 106th Congress
(Arranged in reversed chronological order)

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DATE:  October 6, 2000
SUBJECT: HR 2798, the Pacific Salmon Recovery Act  (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: James A. Dorskind, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John McCain and Senator Hollings of the Senate Commerce Committee
cc's to: Senators Snowe and Kerry

DATE: October 6, 2000
SUBJECT: HR 4429, the Electronic Commerce Enhancement Act of 2000 (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: James A. Dorskind, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John McCain and Senator Hollings of the Senate Commerce Committee

DATE: September 29, 2000
SUBJECT: H.R. 3417, the Pribilof Islands Transition Act (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: James A. Dorskind, Acting General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman John McCain, Senate Commerce Committee cc: Senator Hollings
Chairman Don Young, House Resources Committee cc: Rep. George Miller

DATE: September 15, 2000
SUBJECT: Administration's Positions on a Number of Miscellaneous Tariff Bills  
(WPD: Letter) (WPD: Chart) (PDF: Part 1)  (PDF: Part 2)
SIGNED BY:  David H. Festa, Assist. to the Secretary and Director of Policy and Strategic Planning
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Roth, Senate Finance Committee  cc: to Rep. Daniel Moynihan

DATE: September 14, 2000
SUBJECT: Administration Position on duty suspension bills: H.R. 3938, H.R. 3941 & H.R. 3943 (WPD) (PDF
SIGNED BY: Deborah Kilmer, Assistnat Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
ADDRESSEES: Congressman Michael Castle

DATE: September 13, 2000
SUBJECT:  Administration Position on Miscellaneous Tariff Bills: S. 2133, S. 2134, S. 2135 & S. 2136 (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Deborah Kilmer, Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
ADDRESSEES: Senator Jack Reed

DATE: August 31, 2000
SUBJECT: S. 1534, the "Coastal Zone Management Act of 2000" (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Deborah Kilmer, Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
ADDRESSEES: Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, Identical letter sent to: Senator Minority Leader Tom Daschle

DATE: August 29, 2000
SUBJECT: HR 1775, the Estuary Restoration Act of 2000  (WPD) (PDF)
SIGNED BY: Deborah Kilmer, Assist. Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Don Young, House Resources Committee cc to: Rep. Jim Saxton
Rep. George Miller House Resources Committee cc to: Rep. Faleomavaega     Chairman Bud Shuster, House Transportation Committee cc to: Rep. Boehlert   Rep. James Oberstar, House Transportation Committee, cc: Rep. Borski

DATE: July 6, 2000
SUBJECT: S. 1653, the "National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act Amendments of 2000" (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Young, House Resources Committee cc:'s to: Reps. Miller, Saxton, Faleomavaega

DATE: June 19, 2000
SUBJECT: HR 3919, Coral Reef Conservation and Restoration Act of 2000  (PDF only)
SIGNED BY: Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Don Young, House Resources Committee, cc: Rep. George Miller

DATE: June 9, 2000
SUBJECT: S. 725, the "Coral Reef Conservation Act of 1999"  (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairwoman Olympia Snowe, Senate Subcommittee on Oceans and Fisheries cc: Rep. Kerry

DATE: May 12, 2000
SUBJECT: H.R. 1775, the Estuary Restoration Act of 2000 (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel/DOC; Donald J. Barry, Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks/Treasury; Joseph W. Westphal, Assistant Secretary of the Army/DOD; and J. Charles Fox, Assistant Administrator for Water/EPA
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Young and Reps. Miller, Saxton, Faleomavaega of House Resources Committee; and Chairman Shuster and Reps. Oberstar, Boehlert, Borski and Gilchrest of House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

DATE:  May 9, 2000
SUBJECT:  S. 1482, the "National Marine Sanctuaries Amendments Act of 1999" (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES: Chair Olympia Snowe and Senator John Kerry, House Subcommittee on Oceans and Fisheries

DATE:  May 9, 2000
SUBJECT: H.R. 4034, the "Patent and Traemark Office Reauthorization Act"  (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Robert L. Mallett, Deputy Secretary
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Henry Hyde and Rep. John Conyers, House Judiciary Committee

DATE:  May 4, 2000
SUBJECT: Letter Opposing Bills Limiting the FCC's Review of Telecommunications Mergers (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEES:   Senators McCain and Hollings, Senate Commerce; Senators Hatch and Leahy, Senate Judiciary; Rep. Bliley and Conyers House Commerce; and Rep. Hyde and Conyers, House Judiciary Cte

DATE: April 19, 2000
SUBJECT:  Removal of Legal Barriers to Electronic Commerce   (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce, Lawrence H. Summers, Secretary of the Treasury
ADDRESSEE: Members of the Conference Committee on Electronic Signature Legislation

DATE:  April 11, 2000
SUBJECT:  S. 1482, the "National Marine Sanctuaries Amendments Act of 1999"  (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES:  Chairman John McCain, Senate Commerce Committee (cc: Sen. Hollings, Snowe, Kerry)

DATE:  April 4, 2000
SUBJECT: H.R. 3919, the "Coral Reef Conservation and Restoration Act of 2000"  (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Scott Gudes, Deputy Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Don Young and Rep. George Miller, House Resources Committee

DATE:  February 22, 2000
SUBJECT: HR 3417, the "Pribilof Islands Transition Act"  (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Andrew Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Don Young and Rep. George Miller, House Resources Committee

DATE:  January 11, 2000
SUBJECT:  H.R. 2903, Coral Reef Conservation and Restoration Act of 1999  (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Don Young, House Resources Committee

DATE: November 4, 1999
SUBJECT: Reauthorization of the Satellite Home Viewer Act  (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Orrin Hatch, Senate Judiciary Committee

DATE:  October 26, 1999
SUBJECT:  H.R. 1554, Satellite Competition and Consumer Protection Act  (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Orrin Hatch, Senate Judiciary Committee

DATE:  October 22, 1999
SUBJECT:  H.R. 1907, the "American Inventors Protection Act of 1999"  (PDF)   (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE: Chairman Orrin Hatch, Senate Judiciary Committee

DATE:  October 19, 1999
SUBJECT:  H.R. 1714, the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Tom Bliley, House Commerce Committee

DATE:  October 13, 1999
SUBJECT: H.R. 1993, the Export Enhancement Act of 1999 (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of TPCC
ADDRESSEE:  House Speaker Dennis Hastert  

DATE: October 12, 1999
SUBJECT: HR 2580, Land Recycling Act of 1999  (PDF)   (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce, Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture and Bruce Babbitt, Secretary of the Interior
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Tom Bliley, House Commerce Committee

DATE:  October 12, 1999
SUBJECT:HR 1714, the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act(PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Henry Hyde, House Judiciary Committee

DATE:  October 7, 1999
SUBJECT: S 1534, the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1999 (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  Chair Olympia Snowe, Senate Subcommittee on Oceans and Fisheries, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE:  October 6, 1999
SUBJECT: HR 2669, Coastal Community Conservation Act (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Young, House Resources Committee

DATE:  September 28, 1999
SUBJECT: H.R. 2580, the Land Recycling Act of 1999  (PDF)  
SIGNED BY:  Bruce Babbitt, Secretary of the Interior, William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce, Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Thomas Bliley, House Commerce Committee

DATE: August 4, 1999
SUBJECT: HR 2669, the Coastal Community Conservation Act of 1999 (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Jim Saxton, House Subcommittee on Fisheries, Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans, Committee on Resources

DATE:  August 4, 1999
SUBJECT: HR 1714, Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (PDF)  (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Tom Bliley, House Commerce Committee

DATE: August 2, 1999
SUBJECT: Opposing Abolishment of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (PDF)  
SIGNED BY: William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce and Chairman of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Cte
ADDRESSEES: Chairman Bill Young, Chairman House Appropriations, Identical Letters sent to: Rep. David Obey, House Appropriations, Chairman Sonny Callahan and Nancy Pelosi, House Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Committee on Appropriations

DATE:  July 28, 1999
SUBJECT: S 1255, Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce 
ADDRESSEE:  Ranking Member Patrick Leahy, Senate Judiciary Committee

DATE:  July 26, 1999
SUBJECT: HR1858, Consumer and Investor Access to Information Act of 1999(PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE: Chairman W. J. Tauzin, House Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade and Consumer Protection, Committee on Commerce

DATE:   July 14, 1999
SUBJECT: S 1059, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman John Warner, Senate Committee on Armed Services

DATE: June 22, 1999
SUBJECT: S 761, Millennium Digital Signatures Act (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman John McCain, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

DATE:  June 15, 1999
SUBJECT: HR 1110, Coastal Community Conservation Act of 1999(PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Jim Saxton, House Subcommittee on Fisheries, Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans, Committee on Resources

DATE:  June 9, 1999
SUBJECT: HR 354, Collection of Information Antipiracy Act (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel 
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman Howard Coble, House Subcommittee on Courts and Itellectual Property, Committee on Judiciary

DATE: May 26, 1999
SUBJECT: HR 1243, National Marine Sanctuaries Enhancement Act of 1999(PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  The Honorable Don Young, Chairman House Resources Committee

DATE: May 26, 1999
SUBJECT:  HR 1552, the Marine Research and Related Environmental Research and Development Programs Authorization Act of 1999(PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE:  Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr,. House Science Committee

DATE:  May 26, 1999
SUBJECT: HR 1552, Partial NOAA Programs Authorization Act of 1999 (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY: Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel
ADDRESSEE: Chairman Don Young, House Resources Committee

DATE: May 25, 1999
SUBJECT: HR 354, Collection of Information Antipiracy Act (PDF) (WPD)
SIGNED BY:  Andrew J. Pincus, General Counsel 
ADDRESSEE: The Honorable John Conyers, House Judiciary Committee

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