House Approves Rep. Kissell's Effort Honoring Lions Club

WASHINGTON, DC –This week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation introduced by Rep. Larry Kissell (NC-08) to honor the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Lions Club International.  This legislation provides for the minting of one dollar coins, at no cost to the federal government, honoring the Lions Club for their centennial in 2017. Kissell was joined by Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) as lead sponsors of the bipartisan bill.


The coin would help raise critical resources for Lions programs for the visually impaired, disabled, school-aged youth and those affected by major disasters.  Kissell has been a member of the Biscoe Lions Club in Montgomery County since 1976, and is a past President of the club.


“I am proud to announce that this legislation passed with overwhelming, bipartisan support,” said Kissell. “For nearly a century, Lions Club International has been committed to doing whatever is necessary to help local communities, and for those efforts they more than deserve this special honor. Their phenomenal outreach and support in aiding those who are visually or hearing impaired, assisting disabled seniors and dispensing natural disaster relief care has improved and saved the lives of millions. I am so pleased Congress could come together to see this through. I look forward to it being signed into law and helping all who are served by our local Lions.”


Lions Club International President Wayne Madden thanked Kissell for his leadership in passing this legislation, and highlighted the work done by Lions across the globe.


"On behalf of the 1.35 million Lions across America and the world, we are deeply grateful to Lion Larry Kissell for his efforts to help pass this important legislation,” said Madden. “With Representative Kissell's tireless support, H.R. 2139 passed the House. This is an important step toward becoming a law. This bill is a wonderful way to celebrate 100 years of service while providing resources for ongoing Lions programs in vision health, youth literacy, life skills education and disaster relief.


Lions Club International was founded in 1917 and has since grown into the world’s largest service club organization.




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