Hearings :: Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation

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9/20/2012 A Review of the Challenges Maintaining Legacy Assets Pose to United States Coast Guard Mission Performance
9/11/2012 Tenth Anniversary of the Maritime Transportation Security Act: Are We Safer?
7/10/2012 A Review of Federal Maritime Domain Awareness Programs
6/27/2012 A Review of Vessels Used to Carry Strategic Petroleum Reserve Drawdowns
5/16/2012 Creating American Jobs and Assuring the Safety and Security of America's Waterways: A Review of the Coast Guard's 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan
3/7/2012 Protecting Maritime Jobs and Enhancing Marine Safety in the post-Budget Control Act Fiscal Environment: A Review of the Administration's Fiscal Year 2013 Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Budget Request
2/29/2012 A Review of Cruise Ship Safety and Lessons Learned from the COSTA CONCORDIA Accident
1/30/2012 Offshore Drilling in Cuba and the Bahamas: The U.S. Coast Guard's Oil Spill Readiness and Response Planning
12/7/2011 Restoring Jobs, Coastal Viability and Economic Resilience in the Gulf of Mexico: H.R. 3096, the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2011
12/1/2011 Protecting U.S. Sovereignty: Coast Guard Operations in the Arctic
11/2/2011 Assuring the Safety of Domestic Energy Production: Lessons Learned from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
10/4/2011 What Will It Cost? Protecting the Taxpayer from an Unachievable Coast Guard Acquisition Program
9/23/2011 Review and Status of the Multi-Billion Dollar Department of Homeland Security Relocation Project in Washington, D.C. and its Impacts on the U.S. Coast Guard
7/13/2011 Reducing Regulatory Burdens, Ensuring the Flow of Commerce, and Protecting Jobs: A Common Sense Approach to Ballast Water Regulation
6/23/2011 GPS Reliability: A Review of Aviation Industry Performance, Safety Issues, and Avoiding Potential New and Costly Government Burdens
6/14/2011 Creating Jobs and Increasing U.S. Exports by Enhancing the Marine Transportation System
5/24/2011 Creating U.S. Maritime Industry Jobs by Reducing Regulatory Burdens
4/13/2011 Improving and Streamlining the Coast Guard’s Acquisition Program
3/15/2011 Assuring the Freedom of Americans on the High Seas: The United States Response to Piracy
3/1/2011 A Review of the Administration's Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Requests for the U.S. Coast Guard, Federal Maritime Commission, and Federal Maritime Administration; Finding Ways To Do More with Less
2/11/2011 Improving Oil Spill Prevention and Response, Restoring Jobs, and Ensuring our Energy Security: Recommendations from the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling
1/26/2011 Organizational Meeting


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