Press Releases

Van Hollen Applauds Committee Passage of Platts-Van Hollen Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2011

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Washington, Nov 3, 2011 -

Today Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen issued the following statement on House Oversight and Government Reform Committee passage of the Platts-Van Hollen Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2011:

“Today the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee unanimously passed legislation that will make important improvements to protect whistleblowers.  I want to thank Congressman Platts for his tireless work on this issue over the years.  I also want to thank Chairman Issa and Ranking Member Cummings for working together on a bipartisan basis to advance of this bill through the Committee.

“Whistleblowers risk their careers to challenge abuses and gross waste of government resources, and they deserve to be protected. By providing new rights, remedies, and protections for government whistleblowers, this bill increases accountability and helps federal employees carry out their important work.  It represents an important step in our ongoing effort to curb waste, fraud, and abuse.  It should be brought to the House floor as soon as possible, and I hope our colleagues in the Senate will then give it immediate consideration.”

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