News :: Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials

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9/11/2012 New Report Highlights Costs of Amtrak’s Failure to Compete with Private Sector
9/10/2012 Amtrak Attempts at Competition Cost Taxpayers
8/3/2012 Rep. Mica Press Conference TODAY: Outrageous Subsidies for Amtrak Burgers and Sodas Cost Taxpayers Millions
8/2/2012 Mica: Amtrak Food and Beverage Losses “Staggering”
8/1/2012 Millions in Waste in Amtrak’s Food & Beverage Service to be Focus of Hearing
7/6/2012 Mica: Obama AWOL on Transportation Bill
6/21/2012 Rep. Mica and Senator Boxer Issue Statement on Transportation Conference
2/13/2012 Mica: Obama Transportation Budget Follows Road to Financial Ruin
2/3/2012 American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act Approved by Committee
1/3/2012 President Signs Landmark Pipeline Safety Legislation
12/15/2011 Committee Holds Hearing on Imploding California High-Speed Rail Project
12/13/2011 Hearing to Focus on Skyrocketing Costs & Growing Concerns with California High-Speed Rail Project
12/12/2011 House Unanimously Approves Pipeline Safety & Jobs Measure
12/8/2011 Transportation Committee Leaders Announce Bipartisan Agreement on Pipeline Safety Legislation
12/6/2011 Hearing Highlights Missteps in Administration's High-Speed Rail Program
12/5/2011 Secretary LaHood to Testify at Hearing on High-Speed Rail Program Mistakes & Lessons Learned
12/1/2011 Bill to Restore Fairness to Airline and Railway Union Elections to Be Introduced
12/1/2011 Rail Measure Introduced to Avert Strike Threat
11/17/2011 Speaker Boehner, Chairman Mica, & GOP Leaders Move Forward on Jobs Plan
11/7/2011 House Transportation Leader to Detail Alternatives for Dead High-Speed Rail Rebirth
9/8/2011 Committee Approves Slate of Transportation & Infrastructure Measures
9/7/2011 Pipeline Safety Measure Introduced by Transportation Committee Leaders
7/14/2011 Subcommittee Hearing Focuses on ExxonMobil Pipeline Spill in Montana
7/12/2011 Hearing to Focus on ExxonMobil Pipeline Spill in Montana
7/7/2011 Transportation Committee Leaders Roll Out Reauthorization Proposal
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