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U.S. Air Force Recruiting

U.S. Air Force Recruiting
158,179 likes · 13,246 talking about this

  1. Recent Posts by Others on U.S. Air Force RecruitingSee All
    • US Army Medical Service Corps officer (Captain), 10+ years TIS, B.A. in Physical Education, M.S. in Exercise Science seeking an interservice transfer, exit date from Army is March 2013. Deployed twice (currently in Manas en route home from Afghanistan)...am willing to transfer out of MSC to an Air Force needed branch. Please advise at your earliest convenience. Thank you!
      about a minute ago
    • what does it mean when a recruiter wants us to wear the airforce shirt when we go to bootcamp? 1does it mean that they dont like us? 2they want us to get in trouble? just askin.hehe thanks;)
      about an hour ago
    •  http://www.buzzfeed.com/jtes/12-photos-of-benghazi-citizens-apologizing-to-amer
      3 hours ago
    • I'm currently in Afghanistan and looking to cross over from the Marines. What advice can I get or is there a recruiter I can speak with about how I can go about doing this?
      3 hours ago
    • Im currently trying to enlist. im taking my ASVAB next week but after that i hav to go to MEPS but i had knee surgrey about a year and a half ago, will this effect me even tho i cotinued playing sports and doing everything i did before the sugrey without any problems?
      3 hours ago
  2. Like this post if you’re interested in a career as an Aerial Gunner. See what it’s like in the video below.
  3. LikesSee All
  4. Frequently Asked Question: What are the Dos and Don’ts of Basic Military Training?

    Advice from our Facebook fans:
    Michelle – “One day at a time, it's a mind game, you will get through it.”
    Cedrick – “Don't wear the AF shirt your recruiter gave you to Lackland..lol”
    Robin – “Start PT'ing well before your ship date”
    Randy – “Don't forget your reporting statement”
    Bob – “Keep calm and focus”
    Slim – “Don’t giggle & Don’t talk back!"
    Troy – “Attitude is everything!”

    Add your own advice in the comments.
  5. Take a moment to remember 9/11/01 and like this post to pay tribute to the brave men and women who protect our country.
    Photo: Take a moment to remember 9/11/01 and like this post to pay tribute to the brave men and women who protect our country.
  6. General
    283 votes
    112 votes
    92 votes
    26 votes
  7. ASVAB Practice Question: Of 1,000 dogs, 72% are male. Among the males, 3 out of 5 are over the age of 5. How many of the dogs are males age 5 or older?

    A. 312
    B. 432
    C. 468
    D. 512
    Photo: ASVAB Practice Question: Of 1,000 dogs, 72% are male. Among the males, 3 out of 5 are over the age of 5. How many of the dogs are males age 5 or older?

A.	312
B.	432
C.	468
D.	512
  8. Fighter planes are often painted as sharks. What other animal do you think would represent the aircraft well?
    Photo: Fighter planes are often painted as sharks. What other animal do you think would represent the aircraft well?
  9. Fill in the Blank: When I told my mom I wanted to join the air Force, she said _____________.
    Photo: Fill in the Blank: When I told my mom I wanted to join the air Force, she said _____________.
  10. What are your top 3 questions about joining the Air Force? Ask now in the comments and Carissa and Rick will answer.
  11. Combat Control (CCT)
    229 votes
    Pararescue Jumper (PJ)
    356 votes
    Tactical Air Control Party (TACP)
    96 votes
    Special Operations Weather Team (SOWT)
    60 votes
  12. ASVAB Practice Question: An eclipse of the sun throws the shadow of the
    A. moon on the sun
    B. moon on the earth
    C. earth on the sun
    D. earth on the moon
    Photo: ASVAB Practice Question: An eclipse of the sun throws the shadow of the
A. moon on the sun
B. moon on the earth
C. earth on the sun
D. earth on the moon
  13. Like this post if education is one of the reasons you’re considering joining the Air Force.
  14. Fill in the Blank: When this Airman puts on the padded suit to train working dogs, he’s thinking ___________.

    Bonus points - What’s the dog thinking?
    Photo: Fill in the Blank: When this Airman puts on the padded suit to train working dogs, he’s thinking ___________.

Bonus points - What’s the dog thinking?
  15. Frequently Asked Question: What are the requirements to be a CCT?

    In order to be eligible for a career in Combat Control, you must first pass the Physical Abilities Stamina Test (PAST).

    2 x 25-meter underwater swim. 2-3 minute cycles cons...
    isting of underwater swim and surface swim back to the starting point. (10-minute rest)
    500-meter surface swim in 11:42 minutes or less. (30-minute rest)
    1.5 mile run in 10:10 minutes or less. (10-minute rest)
    8 pull-ups in 1 minute or less. (2-minute rest)
    48 sit-ups in 2 minutes or less. (2-minute rest)
    48 push-ups in 2 minutes or less.

    NOTE: The PAST requirements are designed to test for a minimum fitness level necessary to insure safety. Combat Control candidates should train to exceed these minimums in order to enhance their chances of success in the CCT training process.
    See More
    Photo: Frequently Asked Question: What are the requirements to be a CCT?

In order to be eligible for a career in Combat Control, you must first pass the Physical Abilities Stamina Test (PAST).

2 x 25-meter underwater swim. 2-3 minute cycles consisting of underwater swim and surface swim back to the starting point. (10-minute rest)
500-meter surface swim in 11:42 minutes or less. (30-minute rest)
1.5 mile run in 10:10 minutes or less. (10-minute rest)
8 pull-ups in 1 minute or less. (2-minute rest)
48 sit-ups in 2 minutes or less. (2-minute rest)
48 push-ups in 2 minutes or less.  

NOTE: The PAST requirements are designed to test for a minimum fitness level necessary to insure safety.  Combat Control candidates should train to exceed these minimums in order to enhance their chances of success in the CCT training process.
    • Which Airman was “born to drive?” Check out the 4th episode to see who makes it to the finals in the Drift racing competition. Like this post if you think a winning a flight in an F-16 is an awesome prize.
      Four Airmen and four Formula Drift drivers pair up and compete to win a flight in an F-16.
      Share · August 27 at 6:00pm via Publisher
  16. Alpha Bravo Unit
    61 votes
    Airman Battle Uniform
    1,145 votes
    Air Battle Unity
    27 votes
  17. Bilateral
    13 votes
    Coil compression
    707 votes
    18 votes
    Both B and C
    202 votes
  18. If you have a great recruiter, like this post and shout out their name in the comments.

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