For Immediate Release

May 4, 2012

Contact: Cheryl Bishop

Office: (206) 389-5859

Cell: (206) 255-5981

ATF Accelerant Detection K–9 Retires

Seattle Fire Department Canine Team Honored For Service

SEATTLE — Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Seattle Field Division Special Agent in Charge Kelvin N. Crenshaw announces the retirement of Captain Stephen G. Baer and his K–9 partner, Henny, from the ATF K–9 program after more than six years of service.

Tonight at 7:00 p.m., at Seattle City Hall Captain Baer, of the Seattle Fire Department, and his K–9 partner Henny will be honored with an ATF Award for exemplary service as an Accelerant Detection K–9 Team. In 2006, Captain Baer and Henny graduated from ATF’s Accelerant Detection K–9 school in Front Royal, VA. Since that time they have investigated and responded to countless fire scenes in Seattle and throughout Washington State.

The ATF’s K–9 program began in 1986 and uses only Labrador retrievers like Henny. The dogs are supplied by the Guiding Eyes for the Blind, the Guide Dog Foundation, and Canine Companions for Independence. These specialty canines, with their handlers, attend a 10–week training program conducted at the ATF National Canine Training and Operations Center in Front Royal, Va. Upon completion of this course, the canines are able to detect a variety of chemical compounds and materials that could be used as accelerants in a fire.

Captain Baer and Henny are amongst the very best and exemplify a level of dedication, excellence and professionalism second to none, said Crenshaw. I am honored to present Captain Baer and Henny with an award for Outstanding Service and am deeply grateful for their contributions and support of the ATF mission in fighting the crime of arson.

Captain Baer recently transferred from the position of Officer–in–Charge of Seattle Fire Department’s Investigative Unit to Engine Company 8 on Queen Anne. Henny, while officially retired from working fire scenes, will remain at Captain Baer’s side as a full time pet and faithful companion.
