Community Relations

Combat Logistics Regiment-15 takes logistics lead in Afghanistan 

After a successful deployment providing tactical logistics support to the International Security Assistance Force Marine Air-Ground Task Force, 1st Marine Logistics Group (Forward) relinquished responsibility as the MAGTF’s logistics combat element in Regional Command (Southwest) to Combat Logistics Regiment-15 in a transfer of authority ceremony here, Sept. 10.

While the ceremony represented a change in leadership, it also symbolized continuity. CLR-15 was purposely embedded within 1st MLG (Fwd) from the start, so when it came time to execute a planned force reduction, CLR-15 was ready to emerge as the logistics combat element and provide seamless logistics support. CLR-15, led by Col. Stephen D. Sklenka, is now providing the same range of logistics capabilities as its predecessor, supporting the MAGTF as its focus shifts to the security force assistance mission.

During their approximate seven month deployment, members of 1st MLG (Fwd), led by Brig. Gen. John J. Broadmeadow, helped to establish a new battlespace posture as RC (SW) shifted its focus from counterinsurgency operations to security force assistance. In the process, service members conducted 780 combat logistics patrols, traveled over 49,000 miles and delivered fuel along with other crucial supplies to units spread throughout Helmand Province.

The personnel who now make up the regimental headquarters of CLR-15 have been deployed since January as members of 1st MLG (Fwd), and Brig. Gen. Broadmeadow used the ceremony as an opportunity to recognize their efforts.

“These are the Marines and sailors of CLR-15. They’ve been out here working hard, and I know they will continue to do a great job,” said Brig. Gen. Broadmeadow. “I am proud to have worked with each and every one of you.”

This transfer of authority from a Marine Logistics Group to a combat logistics regiment is part of RC (SW)’s plan to meet the withdrawal timelines established by President Obama. This shift means reduced manpower and reduced capacity; however, CLR-15 is organized to support the same range of logistics functions and capabilities as 1st MLG (Fwd) and is perfectly designed to sustain the new security force assistance MAGTF.

Sklenka has established three priorities for CLR-15 as they take on this deployment: provide tactical logistics support to I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), establish support for the enduring security force assistance mission and continue to assist in the growth and development of our partners in the Afghan National Security Forces.

The security force assistance mission presents new challenges, and according to Sklenka, it is imperative that CLR-15 focuses on long term objectives as well as the short term tactical tasks. As the commanding officer explains, “We’re here for the long haul, so it’s imperative that we continue to refine, reposture and rededicate ourselves in support of the enduring security force assistance mission.”

With seven months of experience already under their belts, the Marines and sailors of CLR-15 are eager to continue to provide persistent support across all six functions of logistics and aid the ANSF as they maintain the lead in Helmand province.

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CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan-Sgt. Maj. William T. Sowers, Combat Logistics Regiment-15 sergeant major, salutes as the unit colors retire from a transfer of authority ceremony, Sept. 10. CLR-15 is organized to support the same range of logistics functions as 1st Marine Logistics Group (Forward) and is perfectly designed to sustain the new security force assistance Marine Air-Ground Task Force., Courtesy Photo, 9/10/2012 2:39 AM
CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan-Cpl. Justin Barlock, a member of the Combat Logistics Regiment-15 color guard, stands at parade rest before the start of a transfer of authority ceremony from 1st Marine Logistics Group (Forward) to CLR-15, Sept. 10. The ceremony represented a change in leadership. More importantly though, it symbolized continuity in the steadfast support provided by the Marines and sailors of the logistics combat element., Courtesy Photo, 9/10/2012 2:34 AM
CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan-Col. Stephen D. Sklenka (right), commanding officer of Combat Logistics Regiment-15 and Sgt. Maj. William T. Sowers, CLR-15 sergeant major, salute the colors during a transfer of authority ceremony, Sept. 10. CLR-15 stands poised to provide the same range of logistics operations as its predecessor, ensuring the Marine Air-Ground Task Force remains mission-ready., Courtesy Photo, 9/10/2012 2:37 AM
CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan-Brig. Gen. John J. Broadmeadow (right), commanding general of 1st Marine Logistics Group (Forward) and Sgt. Maj. William T. Sowers, Combat Logistics Regiment-15 sergeant major, case the 1st MLG (Fwd) unit colors during a transfer of authority ceremony, Sept. 10. During their approximate seven month deployment, members of 1st MLG (Fwd) provided exceptional tactical logistics support to the International Security Assistance Force Marine Air-Ground Task Force., Courtesy Photo, 9/10/2012 2:36 AM