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Accessibility Publications

Design For Accessibility Cover The Accessible Museum Cover - man in wheelchair on path through wooded area

Design for Accessibility: A Cultural Administrator's Handbook
Designed to help organizations not only comply with Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, but to assist in making access an integral part of planning, mission, programs, outreach, meetings, budget and staffing. Copies of the book can be ordered through the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies web site. The publication can be downloaded at no charge in Portable Document Format (PDF).

The Accessible Museum: Model Programs of Accessibility for Disabled and Older People
By the National Endowment for the Arts and the American Association of Museums, 1993. Profiles a wide variety of museums, including art, natural history, and historic museums that have exemplary accessibility programs. Order number YAX221.
Price $35 (AAM members) and $40 (non-members). Shipping and handling $5.00. Mail to: the American Association of Museums (AAM) Bookstore, 1575 Eye Street, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005. To order by phone, call 202/289-9128 or FAX 202/289-6578.

Design for Aging: An Architects Guide, by the National Endowment for the Arts and the American Institute of Architects, 1986
A guide to help architects design housing and other kinds of facilities that foster independence and better lifestyles for America's vast aging population. Available from the American Institute of Architects, Bookstore, 1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006 -- Tel. 202/626-7475.
Price: $24.95.

Disabilities Access Symbols Project: Promoting Accessible Places and Programs
By the National Endowment for the Arts and the Graphic Artists Guild Foundation, 1993. A package of 12 graphic symbols designed to assist museums, state arts agencies, performing arts facilities, and other arts organizations advertise that their programs are accessible to senior citizens and disabled people. The symbols are available on camera-ready glossy paper and on computer disks (IBM or MAC) , and are accompanied by explanatory text. Available from the Graphic Artists Guild Foundation; 90 John Street, Suite 403; New York, NY 10038. Telephone 212/791-3400 or Fax: 212/791-0333.
Price: $12.95 plus $3.00 (shipping & handling).

Part of Your General Public is Disabled
By Jan Majewski, 1987. A practical resource designed to raise the awareness of museum personnel and offer solutions to problems disabled people face at museums. Available from the Accessibility Program, Arts and Industries Building, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20506 -- Telephone 202/786-2942.

Smithsonian Guidelines for Accessible Exhibition Design
By Jan Majewski, 1987. A practical resource designed to raise the awareness of museum personnel and offer solutions to problems disabled people face at museums. Available from the Accessibility Program, Arts and Industries Building, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20506 -- Telephone 202/786-2942.

Americans With Disabilities Act Acessibility Guidelines (ADAAG)
and other free technical assistance materials are available from the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Board; 1331 F Street NW, Washington, DC 20004-1111. Tel. 800/USA-ABLE (Voice/TT). Also available online.

The following publications are available through the Office of AccessAbility, Room 724 - Tel. 202/682-5532. All copies are free and can be ordered from the Webmanager. Please include your name and address.

Community Development Block Grant Report
A research report on how arts organizations across the country used Federal funds to remove barriers (e.g. install elevators and ramps); and how to apply for these grants to make access improvements through state and city governments. Also available online (PDF).

Chairman's Annual Summary of Activities Relating to Older Americans
Describes Endowment efforts and support for activities involving older people. Also available online.

Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
by the Government Printing Office, 1984. Presents uniform standards for the design, construction and alteration of buildings so that physically disabled persons will have ready access to them. Also available online.