Visits By Foreign Leaders of China

Visitor From Description Date
Premier Soong China, Republic of Led Chinese delegation to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco. As Foreign Minister, had met with U.S. officials in Washington, April 17-23. April 26-​June 14, 1945
Premier Zhao Ziyang China, People’s Republic of Official visit. In U.S. January 7-16; visited Honolulu, Williamsburg (Va.), San Francisco, and New York City. January 10-​12, 1984
President Li Xiannian China, People’s Republic of State Visit. In U.S. July 21-31; visited Niagara Falls, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Honolulu. July 22-​25, 1985
Premier Li Peng China, People’s Republic of Met with President Bush during a U.N. Security Council Summit in New York City. January 31, 1992
President Jiang Zemin China, People’s Republic of Attended APEC meeting in Seattle. November 18-​21, 1993
President Jiang Zemin China, People’s Republic of Met with President Clinton at the UN General Assembly in New York City. October 24, 1995
President Jiang Zemin China, People’s Republic of State Visit. Arrived in U.S. October 26, visiting Honolulu and Williamsburg. Afterwards visited Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Los Angeles. Departed the U.S. Nov. 3. October 28-​30, 1997
Prime Minister Zhu Rongji China, People’s Republic of Official visit. Arrived in Los Angeles April 6. Later Visited Denver (Colorado), Chicago, Libertyville (Illinois), New York City, and Boston. Departed the U.S. April 14. April 7-​10, 1999
President Jiang Zemin China, People’s Republic of Met with President Clinton at the UN Millenium Summit in New York City. September 7-​8, 2000
President Jiang Zemin China, People’s Republic of Official Working visit. Met with President Bush at Crawford, Texas. Arrived in the U.S. October 22; also visited Chicago and Houston. October 22-​25, 2002
Premier Wen Jiabao China, People’s Republic of Official visit. December 9, 2003
President Hu Jintao China, People’s Republic of Met with President Bush at the UN General Assembly in New York City. September 13, 2005
President Hu Jintao China, People’s Republic of Official visit. Arrived in Seattle April 18. Visited New Haven April 21. April 20-​21, 2006
President Hu Jintao China, People’s Republic of Attended the G-20 Economic Summit Meeting. November 14-​15, 2008
President Hu Jintao China, People’s Republic of Met with President Obama at the UN General Assembly in New York City. September 22, 2009
President Hu Jintao China, People’s Republic of Attended the G-20 Economic Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. September 24-​25, 2009
President Hu Jintao China, People’s Republic of Attended the Nuclear Security Summit. April 12-​13, 2010
Premier Wen Jiabao China, People’s Republic of Met with President Obama at the U.N. General Assembly in New York City. September 23, 2010
President Hu Jintao China, People’s Republic of State Visit. Also visited Chicago, Illinois, Jan. 20-21. January 18-​20, 2011
President Hu Jintao China, People’s Republic of Attended the Asia-Pacific Economic and Cooperation Summit at Honolulu and Kapolei, Hawaii. November 10-​13, 2011