
Hirono: “Republicans’ ‘Why Bother?’ Approach to Clean Energy is Damaging to Hawaii’s Future”
September 14, 2012  - Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono (HI-02) today released the following statement on her vote against H.R. 6213, The No More Solyndras Act, legislation that would prevent the U.S. Department of Energy from accepting new applications to the federal loan guarantee program for energy projects: “One of Congr... More

Administration Report is the Latest Wake-Up Call on Need for a Balanced Debt Deal
September 14, 2012  - Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono (HI-02) today released the following statement on the release of the Obama Administration’s report on how it plans to implement the across-the-board spending cuts, or sequestration, that are scheduled to take place unless Congress acts: “Today’s report is just one of th... More

Hirono: Story of the 112th Congress – Half a Step Forward, Two Steps Back
September 13, 2012  - Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono (HI-02) released the following statement on the legislation passed by the House today relating to the federal budget: H.Res.117, the Continuing Appropriations Act of 2013 and H.R. 6365, the National Security and Job Protection Act: “Every time we take... More

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