
August 7, 2012:  Rep. Culberson joined a letter to Energy Secretary Stephen Chu requesting the Secretary take the necessary steps to expedite the approval process of the export of liquified natural gas (LNG).

August 7, 2012: Rep. Culberson signed a letter requesting an immediate suspension and review of the ongoing Medicare audit in Colorado, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas related to major lower extremity joint replacement.  To read the letter, click here.

August 1, 2012:  Rep. Culberson joined 71 members of Congress on letter to Se. Harry Reid urging the Senate to act on a plan to address defense sequestration. To read the letter, click here.

July 26, 2012: Congressman John Culberson (TX-07) sent a letter, signed by 34 other Members of Congress, to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairwoman Mary Schapiro urging her to appeal the recent court ruling against the Stanford Ponzi scheme victims.  To read the letter, click here.

July 18, 2012:  Rep. John Culberson joined 127 House Republicans on a letter to Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor urging them not to advance any legislation that provides or allows funds to implement ObamaCare. To read the letter, click here.

July 16, 2012: Rep. Culberson led a bipartisan letter with with Rep. Maloney (D-NY) to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services regarding quality reporting for the dedicated cancer centers like MD Anderson. To read the letter, click here.

June 29, 2012:  Rep. Culberson signed a letter led by Rep. Pete Olson to the US Army Corps of Engineers in support for the Port of Houston’s project to deepen and widen the Bayport Terminal Channel.  Click here to read the letter.

June 8, 2012:  Rep. Culberson signed a letter from the Republican Study Committee (RSC) to President Obama supporting Speaker Boehner’s recent comments on raising the nation’s debt ceiling, in which he stated that spending cuts and reforms must be greater than the amount of the debt limit increase. Click here to read the letter.

May 4, 2012:  Rep. John Culberson joined Rep. Michael Burgess, MD on a letter to the acting CMS Administrator regarding the transition to a new contractor for the Medicare region that includes Texas. The letter asks CMS to provide the necessary oversight to prevent any needless interruptions in services during the transition.   Click here to read the letter.

April 27, 2012:  Rep. Culberson joined 27 members of Congress on a letter calling for the immediate termination of EPA Region VI Administrator Al Armendariz in response to his philosophy of enforcement.  Click here to read the letter.

April 26, 2012:  Rep. Culberson supports continued funding for the Special Diabetes Program.  Click here to read the letter.

April, 12, 2012: Follow up letter to the February 24, 2012 letter to Administrator Bolden regarding the JSC ArcJet closure requesting a face-to-face meeting.

March 21, 2012:  Thirteen Republican members of the Texas congressional delegation wrote a letter to President Obama protesting the administration’s decision to phase out funding for the Texas Women’s Health Program. Click here to read the letter.

February 24, 2012:  Rep. Culberson urges against NASA’s decision to close the JSC ArcJet facility.

February 14, 2012:  A follow up letter to the October 13, 2011 letter to Administrator Bolden regarding the fundraising and construction efforts regarding the housing of of the Enterprise at the Intrepid Museum.

October 13, 2011:  Signed onto a letter to Administrator Bolden expressing deep concern regarding the recent developments with plans to display the Enterprise test orbiter at the Intrepid Air, Space and Sea Museum in New York City, NY.

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