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GEO Advisory Cmte Report on Ocean Drilling, 2012
Clarifications on NSF OCE Facilities Costs and Coordination (May 2012)
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Ocean Sciences (OCE)

Special Announcements

Programs and Funding Opportunities

Key: Crosscutting Crosscutting | NSF Wide Flag NSF-wide

Ocean Section
bullet Biological Oceanography
bullet Chemical Oceanography
bullet Physical Oceanography
Marine Geosciences Section
bullet Marine Geology and Geophysics
bullet Ocean Drilling Program  (OD)
Integrative Programs Section
bullet OCE Education Crosscutting
bullet Ocean Technology and Interdisciplinary Coordination
bullet Oceanographic Centers, Facilities and Equipment
OCE Ongoing Special Funding Opportunities
bullet GeoPrisms Program
bullet Improvements in Facilities, Communications, and Equipment at Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories  (FSML) Crosscutting
bullet Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change  (P2C2)
Awarded Special Programs
bullet Long-Term Ecological Research  (LTER) Crosscutting
bullet U.S. GLOBEC - Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics, Northeast Pacific (NEP) Program Phase IIIa. Synthesis for the California Current System
Special Programs In Geosciences Education
bullet Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences (OEDG)
Climate Process and Modeling Teams (CPT) Crosscutting
Construction of Regional Class Research Vessels (RCRV)
Dimensions of Biodiversity FY2012
Frontiers in Earth System Dynamics
National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (NOSAMS)
OBSIP Management Office
Ocean Acidification (OA)
Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OCE-PRF)
Ocean Sciences Research Initiation Grants (OCE-RIG)
Proposal Submission Guidelines for the Integrative Programs Section (IPS)
U.S. GLOBEC - Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics: Pan-Regional Synthesis

Featured NSF-wide Programs

Carbon and Water in the Earth System NSF Wide Flag

Major Research Instrumentation Program: NSF Wide Flag

View All NSF-wide Programs

NSF Educational Opportunities by Audience

For Undergraduate Students

For Graduate Students

For Postdoctoral Fellows

For K-12 Educators

Upcoming Due Dates See All

Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program
(NSF  12-516) Full Proposal: September 28, 2012

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1:
(NSF  12-563) Full Proposal: October 3, 2012

ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers
(NSF  12-584) Letter of Intent: October 5, 2012, Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation and Dissemination (PAID)

Oceanographic Centers, Facilities and Equipment
(PD  98-5410) Full Proposal: October 15, 2012, Oceanographic Instrumentation

Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change
(NSF  10-574) Full Proposal: October 18, 2012

News See All

Photo of five ticks in a glass vial with the photo gallery icon and the words Photo Gallery. Precautions for Tick-Borne Disease Extend "Beyond Lyme"
Released September 7, 2012
Press Release
researchers examine petri dish of Vibrio bacteria Weapon-wielding Marine Microbes May Protect Populations From Foes
Released September 6, 2012
News From the Field
earth and environment graphic URI Oceanographers Find There Is One-third Less Life on Earth
Released August 29, 2012
News From the Field
pocillopora coral and fish in Moorea Less Is More for Reef-building Corals
Released August 29, 2012
News From the Field
image of a snail Male Snails Babysit for Other Dads
Released August 28, 2012
News From the Field

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