How to Market Your New Business

Let’s say you have a great product, and you’re ready to fill orders. You might be missing a crucial business aspect: marketing – or telling people why they need your great product in the first place. This section explores the basics of marketing, so you can build a customer base.

  • Marketing takes time, money, and lots of preparation. One of the best ways to prepare yourself is to develop a solid marketing plan. A strong marketing plan will ensure you’re not only sticking to your schedule, but that ...

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  The two partners had a great idea and needed a little capital to make it happen.  So they got a bank to loan them the money, leased an...
Mary Moldenhauer, owner of Greystar Electronics, Inc., Duluth, has been named Minnesota Minority Small Business Person of the Year by the U.S....
Those celebrities looking to present political correctness when they set foot on the red carpet or arriving at other high-profile events can now do...