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Our nation's leading voice for child care

Children and Disasters

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With over 11 million children under the age of 5 in some kind of child care setting every week, it is critical that child care providers, parents of children in child care, and emergency planners at all levels, work together to ensure that child care settings are prepared in the event of a disaster

NACCRRA is proud to work with partners on these nationwide efforts:

  • Train providers and inform parents, and partner with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure that child care providers have a plan
  • Raise awareness and promote effective policies to ensure that children are safe before, during, and after a disaster and that child care is considered in each community as part of rebuilding efforts after a disaster has occurred

Disaster Policy Recommendations for National, State, and Local policymakers:

  • Keeping Children Safe: A Policy Agenda for Child Care in Emergencies
    In November 2007, NACCRRA brought together 22 agencies and organizations in New Orleans, Louisiana, to plan a nationwide campaign to ensure that child care is no longer an afterthought in a time of crisis. The collective experience and knowledge of participants led to a series of federal, state, and local recommendations included in the Keeping Children Safe report, which also explains many complicated child care and disaster terms and regulations.

Disaster Planning Materials for CCR&Rs and Child Care Providers

  • Protecting Children in Child Care During Emergencies
    Recommended State and National Regulatory and Accreditation Standards for Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers and Supporting Rationale
  • Is Your Child Care Program Ready-A Disaster Planning Guide for Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Homes.
    This guide is a practical toolkit for Child Care Resource & Referral agencies to help child care programs - both in child care centers and providers' homes - keep children safe and their businesses open during and after natural disasters, terrorist attacks, chemical emergencies, and other catastrophes.
  • Disaster Preparation: A Training for Child Care Centers
    A supplement to Is Child Care Ready?, this guide is designed to assist CCR&Rs and others in training child care centers on disaster preparedness. It includes specific activities for training individuals who direct and work in child care centers.
  • Disaster Preparation: A Training for Family Child Care Providers
    A second supplement to Is Child Care Ready?, this guide is intended to assist CCR&Rs and others in training family child care providers on disaster preparedness. It includes activities for training individuals who care for children in their homes.
  • Emergency Planning Forms
    Excerpted from Is Child Care Ready?, the following user-friendly forms offer templates for child care providers and others to use to fully prepare for disasters.
  • Find Your Local CCR&R
    If you're a provider, contact your local CCR&R to learn if they will be offering trainings on disaster planning, or for additional resources to prepare your program.

Resources for Families

For the media

National Commission on Children and Disasters

Over a period of two years, the Commission will examine and assess the needs of children independently, and in relation to the preparation, response and recovery from all emergencies, hazards and disasters. NACCRRA has been very involved in the creation of this Commission, a subcommittee of the Commission examining how child care needs to be involved before, during, and after disasters, and national coalitions to have a unified children’s voice for the national Commission to call upon.

  • On October 6, the National Commission on Children and Disasters delivered its 2010 Report to the President and Congress
    Click here to review the report
  • Click here to read NACCRRA's press release on the Commission's landmark report to the President.

For more information about the Commission, visit the Commission's website: Click here

Media Relations Contact

Kristin Palmer
Director of Public Affairs
Phone: 703.341.4148
Fax: 703.341.4101

Media Support for CCR&Rs

Template press materials to assist CCR&Rs in media outreach are available by contacting Bill Huleatt at

Disaster Coalition Resources

NEW! On July 21, 2010, Save the Children released its report, ‘2005 Hurricane Katrina Strikes; 2010 America Remains Unprepared’ , which scored states on four key standards in protecting children during disasters. A total of 12 states meet all four standards. While this shows progress from last year – there were only seven states that met all four standards – it is modest at best. 38 states remain unprepared to protect children during disasters.