Federal Aviation Administration

AIP Sponsor Guide

Central Region

This supplemental guidance servce to assist Central Region airport owners and their consultants with obtaining and administering an Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant. Users of this guidance shall note that requirements for AIP participation are established within applicable United States Code, Public Law, Federal Regulations and official FAA policy. The supplemental guidance and best practices provided within this guide is not intended to create additional participation requirements above that established by statute, regulation or official FAA policy. In the event this guidance conflicts with current AIP policy, the AIP policy has precedence.

We revalidate and update this guidance on an annual basis, typically During the month of September. Interim updates may also be made throughout the year to address new AIP policy.

If you have questions regarding this guide or require assistance in accessing the information, please e-mail Web Manager

100 - Airport Improvement Program (AIP) (PDF)

  • 110 - Overview
  • 120 - Checklists for Typical AIP Funded Projects
  • 130 - Sponsor Eligibility
  • 140 - Project Eligibility
  • 150 - AIP Obligations
  • 160 - FAA Standards
  • 170 - Non-Primary Entitlement Funds

200 - Civil Rights (PDF)

  • 210 - DBE Overview
  • 220 - DBE Program Submittal Information
  • 230 - DBE Goals
    • 231 Program Goals (3 Year)
    • 232 Contract DBE Goals
  • 240 - Good Faith Efforts
  • 250 - DBE Contract Provisions
  • 260 - DBE Reporting Requirements
  • 270 - Identifying DBE Fraud

300 - Procurement of Professional Services (PDF)

  • 310 - Procurement Requirements and Standards for A/E Services
  • 320 - Roles and Responsibilities
  • 330 - Selection Guide
  • 340 - Contract Establishment
  • 350 - Acquiring a Surveyor for AGIS

400 - Procurement (PDF)

  • 410 - Procurement Standards - §18.36(b)
  • 420 - Competition - § 18.36(c)
  • 430 - Procurement Methods - § 18.36(d)
  • 440 - Small and Minority Firms & Womens Business Enterprises - §18.36(e)
  • 450 - Cost and Price Analysis - § 18.36(f)
  • 460 - FAA Review of Procurement Documents - §18.36(g)
  • 470 - Bond Requirements - § Bond Requirements § 18.36(h)
  • 480 - Federal Provisions - § 18.36(i)
  • 490 - Buy American Preferences - Title 49 USC 501
    • Formely Section AIP-430

500 - Airport Planning (PDF)

  • 510 - National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS)
  • 520 - Airport Layout Plans
  • 530 - Environmental Review
    • 531 - Categorical Exclusions
  • 540 - Airport Site Investigations
    • 541 - Evaluation Factors for Airport Site Investigations
  • 550 - Runway Protection Zones
  • 560 - Airport Property Interests
    • 561 - Avigation Easements
    • 562 - Zoning Around Airports
    • 563 - Release of Airport Property
  • 570 - Apron Design
  • 580 - Planning Resources

600 - Project Formulation (PDF)

  • 610 - Requesting Aid: ACIP
  • 620 - Benefit/Cost Analysis
  • 630 - FAA Reimbursable Agreements

700 - Grant Implementation (PDF)

  • 710 - Project Initiation
  • 720 - Project Application
  • 730 - Sponsor Assurances
  • 740 - Drug Free Workplace Requirements
  • 750 - Title VI Assurance
  • 760 - Executing the Grant Offer

800 - Sponsor Certification (PDF)

900 - Project Design Development Projects (PDF)

  • 910 - Predesign Conference
  • 920 - Engineer's Report
  • 930 - Plans and Specifications
    • 931 - Project Drawings
    • 932 - Project Manual
    • 933 - Contract Time
  • 940 - Regional Approved Modifications to AC 150/5370-10
  • 950 - Sponsor Modifications of FAA Standards
    • 951 - Use of State Standards
  • 960 - Operational Safety on Airport During Construction

1000 - Construction Phase (PDF)

  • 1010 - Bidding
  • 1020 - Contract Award
  • 1030 - Construction Management Program
  • 1040 - Preconstruction Conference
    • 1041 - Aeronautical Review of Equipment Heights
  • 1050 - Notice-to-Proceed
  • 1060 - Labor Provisions
  • 1070 - Inspections
    • 1071 - Review of Construction Project Submittals
    • 1072 - Construction Records
    • 1073 -Monitoring Labor and Civil Rights Requirements
    • 1074 - Final Acceptance
  • 1080 - Contract Modifications
    • 1081 - Change Order
    • 1082 - Supplementary Agreements
    • 1083 - Liquidated Damagers

1100 - Runway Commissioning (PDF)

  • 1110 - Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) Data
  • 1120 - Visual Runways
  • 1130 - Airport Master Record (5010) Updates
  • 1140 - Commissioning of Non-Federal VGSI
  • 1150 - Updating Airport Diagrams

1200 - Equipment Projects (PDF)

  • 1210 - Federal Provisions
  • 1220 - Sample Bid Documents

1300 - Airport Land Acquisition (PDF)

  • 1310 - Environmental Site Assessment
    • 1311 - Frequently Asked Questions
  • 1320 - Satisfactory Evidence of Good Title
    • 1321 - Title Opinion
    • 1322 - Exhibit A Property Map

1400 - Sponsor Force Accounts (PDF)

  • 1410 - Engineering Force Account
  • 1420 - Construction Force Account

1500 - Grant Payments (PDF)

  • 1510 - DELPHI eInvoicing System
  • 1520 - Making the Grant Drawdown
  • 1530 - Invoice Summary
  • 1540 - Financial Reports
  • 1550 - Payment History
  • 1560 - Improper Payments

1600 - Grant Closeout (PDF)

  • 1610 - Development Project Closeout
  • 1620 - Equipment Project Closeout
  • 1630 - Grant Amendment
  • 1640 - Planning Grant Closeout

1700 - Post Grant Obligations (PDF)

  • 1710 - Record Keeping
  • 1720 - Audit Requirements
  • 1730 - Financial Reports
  • 1740 - Compliance
  • 1750 - Pavement Maintenance
  • 1760 - Release of Airport Property

Page Last Modified: 09/10/12 18:00 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/airports/central/aip/sponsor_guide/