Contracting: Suspensions and Debarments Narratives

Here you can read a narrative about entities and individuals who have been suspended and/or debarred, by SBA's contracting offices, from doing business with the federal government. Entries are listed by year and the type of enforcement action.



Case 1 – 3 suspensions

SBA had evidence that GTSI was performing most if not all the work for its small business prime contractors on the DHS FirstSource IDIQ contract. EGS and Multimax Array where the prime contractors.

  1. GTSI
  2. EG Solutions
  3. Multimax Array

Case 2 – 3 Suspensions

Corners Construction misrepresented its status as an SDVO SBC, and was found ineligible during an SBA SDVO SBC status protest. Rachele Brewer then formed a new company, B&C Facility Services, Inc., and again misrepresented its status as an SDVO SBC (again being found ineligible pursuant to an SBA SDVO SBC status protest). 

  2. Brewer, Rachele K a/k/a Rooney, Rachele K

Case 3 – Two Suspensions based on indictments. Individual and firm were indicted based on misrepresentation of HUBZone status. This followed an IG investigation.

  1. CAGS, INC.
  2. Chapman, Kenneth Neal

Case 4 – Firm and individual originally suspended based on evidence of creating false passports and citizenship documents for individuals seeking to apply to 8(a) program. The individual has since been indicted.

  2. Wang, Guansheng

Case 5 –The evidence suggests that there was a scheme by the individuals to use abuse an ANC certified 8(a) firm, KICD. The information was brought to SBA’s attention by the ANC after it was locked out of the offices of KICD (its own subsidiary).  If you need more information on this case I can get it from Sam (I only have a passing knowledge of the underlying facts).

  1. Acri, Anthony
  2. Braum, Walter           
  5. VCI-KICD LLC        

Proposed Debarments

Case 1 – 3 Proposed Debarments

According to the Plea Agreement Mr. Irons signed as Tri Fence’s President, he put Mr. Chavez in charge of bidding on a project to build a road for the United States Forest Service called the “Burma Road” project.  In support of Tri Fence’s application, Mr. Chavez used computer software to forge another company’s HUBZone certificate so it would appear that Tri Fence had an authentic certificate.  Mr. Chavez sent the fake certificate to the United States Forest Service.  Mr. Irons knew about Mr. Chavez’s actions but chose not to report them and instead encouraged him to press forward to obtain the project.

  2. Chavez, Thomas, Mr.
  3. Irons, Tanner Ray, Mr.

Case 2 – HDM charged SCORE for the full amount of fees billed by the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, received full payment from SCORE, but then failed to pay the full fees to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. HDM’s shortfall to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel is approximately $173,000. HDM’s receipt of full payment from SCORE and subsequent failure to pay the Mandarin Oriental Hotel constitute a knowing misuse of contract funds.

  2. Dacey, Daniel

Case 3 – Firm and Ms. Blackmon plead guilty to making false statements in order to appear eligible for the 8(a) program.

  2. Blackmon, Stephanie D.

Case 4 – Firm misrepresented its status as women owned small business concern.

  1. Petersen, Inc.
  2. Petersen, Pauline G.  
  3. Petersen, Steven

Case 5 – Firm and individual originally suspended based on evidence of creating false passports and citizenship documents for individuals seeking to apply to 8(a) program. The individual has since been indicted.

  2. Wang, Guansheng

Case 6 – Firm was warned by SBA of its attempts to use 8(a) joint ventures to benefit a non-8(a) firm. Information shows that the firm may than have used an 8(a) joint venture to secure unwarranted benefits for the non-8(a) joint venture.

  1. Paul S Akins Company


Case 1 – HDM charged SCORE for the full amount of fees billed by the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, received full payment from SCORE, but then failed to pay the full fees to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. HDM’s shortfall to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel is approximately $173,000. HDM’s receipt of full payment from SCORE and subsequent failure to pay the Mandarin Oriental Hotel constitute a knowing misuse of contract funds.

  2. Dacey, Daniel

Case 2 – Firms and individuals were involved in a scheme to misrepresent Platinum Once status for both the HUBZone and 8(a) programs. All parties settled civil claims with the DOJ, and were subsequently debarred by SBA.

  1. Platinum One, Inc.
  2. Capitol Contractors, Inc.
  3. Smith, Vernon J. 
  4. Smith, Vernon M.
  5. Wright, Anthony L.



Case 1 – Three firms and two individuals associated with them were suspended for submitting false documents to gain a contract, misrepresentation of HUBZone and SDVO SBC status, and submitting false documents and statements to SBA with regard to their respective HUBZone and SDVO SBC status. An affiliated 8(a) firm was suspended along with its principal for his actions with regard to the false statements and misrepresentations made by MedTrends.

  1. MedTrends – [Former HUBZone and SDVO SBC]
  2. Jenesis, Inc. [8(A)]
  3. JensisA1
  4. Kervin Spivey
  5. Roger Malik

Case 2 – Firm and individual suspended based on indictment for misrepresentation of SDVO SBC status.

  1. B&J Multi Service Corporation
  2. Tyron Jones

Proposed Debarments

Case 1 – 8(a) firm and its vice president proposed for debarment after the vice president pleaded guilty to submitting false information to the government in an attempt to receive a contract. They were also involved and related to the suspensions noted above.

  1. NovaDatcom
  2. Theodoras Halas

Case 2 - Indictment preceded proposed debarment based on a firm’s misrepresentation of its status as an SDVO SBC, and possible ostensible subcontractor and limitations on subcontracting issues.

  1. Benetech, LLC
  2. Mr. William Aaron Bennett

Case 5 – Firm and individual originally suspended based on evidence of creating false passports and citizenship documents for individuals seeking to apply to 8(a) program. The individual has since been indicted.

  2. Wang, Guansheng

Case 6 – Firm was warned by SBA of its attempts to use 8(a) joint ventures to benefit a non-8(a) firm. Information shows that the firm may than have used an 8(a) joint venture to secure unwarranted benefits for the non-8(a) joint venture.

  1. Paul S Akins Company


Case 7 – Firm and individual plead guilty to misrepresentation of 8(a) and HUBZone status.

  1. Construction Service Corporation
  2. Lisa Hatch


Case 8 – Two proposed debarments based on guilty pleas. Individual and firm were indicted based on misrepresentation of HUBZone status. This followed an IG investigation.

  1. CAGS, INC.
  2. Chapman, Kenneth Neal


Case 1 – Two debarments based on guilty pleas. Individual and firm were indicted based on misrepresentation of HUBZone status. This followed an IG investigation.

  1. CAGS, INC.
  2. Chapman, Kenneth Neal

Case 2 – Firm and individual originally suspended based on evidence of creating false passports and citizenship documents for individuals seeking to apply to 8(a) program. The individual has since been indicted.

  2. Wang, Guansheng

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