Operational Policy (ADS)

  • Major USAID initiatives such as USAID FORWARD and Feed the Future are two of the many ambitious reform efforts launched under USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah.

  • Since its founding in 1961, USAID has improved the lives of people in more than 100 countries worldwide.

  • A USAID sponsored relief helicopter delivers supplies. USAID provides assistance to countries all over the globe.

  • Building on President John F. Kennedy's initiative, President Barack Obama continues to lead the U.S. commitment to foreign aid.

  • USAID has been helping the people of Haiti improve their social and economic well being for almost 50 years.

The Automated Directives System (ADS)

The ADS contains the organization and functions of USAID, along with the policies and procedures that guide the Agency's programs and operations. It consists of over 200 chapters organized in six functional series: Agency Organization and Legal Affairs, Programming, Acquisition and Assistance, Human Resources, Management Services, and Budget and Finance. The information is continuously updated to align USAID's policies with the latest Federal regulations, Administrator policy statements, and other overarching guidance.

The ADS is administered by the Bureau for Management, Office of Management Policy, Budget and Performance (M/MPBP).

Series 100: Agency Organization & Legal Affairs

Series 200: Programming

Series 300: Acquisition & Assistance

Series 400: Human Resources

Series 500: Management Services

Series 600: Budget & Finance

All USAID Handbooks have been incorporated into ADS Chapters and References. For a crosswalk of where the old Handbooks are located in the ADS, please see the USAID Handbook Crosswalk.

More Information

Last updated: July 17, 2012