Rep. Larry Bucshon
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  1. I am honored to be selected as Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Research during my second term in Congress. Because of my background in science and medicine, I understand very well the importance of research in improving the life of a...ll Americans and the role it plays in economic development.

    I look forward to working with the committee to foster innovation in the research industry so that we can create jobs and grow the economy in Indiana and nationwide.
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  2. This morning I visited the EVSC's Randall T. Shepard Academy to learn more about their innovative program. I also had the chance to speak with the students about Congress and the legislative process.
    Photo: This morning I visited the EVSC's Randall T. Shepard Academy to learn more about their innovative program.  I also had the chance to speak with the students about Congress and the legislative process.
  3. It’s great to see the progress on Feather Creek, a vital and necessary project for Clinton and the surrounding area.
    Photo: It’s great to see the progress on Feather Creek, a vital and necessary project for Clinton and the surrounding area.
  4. Today’s jobless report is another sign that our nation’s economy continues to stagnate. As I begin my second term in Congress, I remain committed to solving our nation’s fiscal problems so that we can get our economy back on track and put struggling Hoosiers back to work.
  5. I am humbled to have the opportunity to represent the 8th District of Indiana for a second term. I came to Congress to fight for common sense Hoosier values and I will continue to do so in the 113th Congress.
  6. Yesterday I voted to stop the President’s executive order to increase my Congressional salary. I have previously voted to freeze the salary of members of Congress until 2015. We never authorized this pay increase. Many Americans are struggling to pay their bills and Members of Congress do not need a pay increase.
  7. While I want to keep tax rates as low as possible for all Americans, the fiscal cliff deal passed by the United States Senate fails to address our most pressing problem – reducing out of control spending. This plan has $41 in tax increases for every $1 in spending cuts. It is not balanced in any way and will not improve our economy or reduce the deficit.

    Thousands of Indiana small businesses wi...ll be forced to figure out how they'll pay this new tax and they are likely to do it by cutting back on employees, reducing hourly wages and many will have to lay off employees.

    The president ran on a platform of more taxes, more spending, and more government and he won. Unfortunately, the American people will have to pay the price with larger deficits, increased government power and intrusion in their lives, and slower economic growth. I came to Washington, DC to fight for common sense Hoosier values and I cannot support legislation that will take more of your dollars while continuing to over extend our resources.

    As long as I am in Congress, I will fight on behalf of all Hoosiers to set America back on a sustainable financial path that stops mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren.
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  8. This article explains the new taxes included in Obamacare that will impact Americans in 2013. Take time to read to learn more about the hidden cost of this law.
  9. While the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives has acted on two separate occasions to prevent massive tax increases and across the board spending cuts from taking effect on January 1st, the U.S. Senate continues playing politics and holding ransom the financial future of hardworking Americans. The U.S. Senate should take immediate action on the House passed bills.

    As the U.S. Con...stitution states, all bills raising revenues must originate in the U.S. House. The current bill passed by the U.S. Senate does not meet the constitutional requirement and has not left their chamber. Sen. Harry Reid‘s call for the U.S. House to vote on their bill is political grandstanding and a disingenuous attempt to mislead the American people. The only course of action for the Senate to take is to act on the House passed bills.

    I, like my House colleagues, stand ready to take action once the Senate ends the political theater, adheres to the Constitution, and passes or amends the House legislation to prevent tax increases on middle class Americans and small businesses.
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  10. Please use extreme caution today and call 800-261-7623 to check road conditions.

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