Rep. Tom Price
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  2. It was wonderful to sit down with Helen, our recipient of the Angel in Adoption award, today. Helen has done and continues to do amazing work in our community with Fostering Superstars, a nonprofit for foster children. We are so privileged to have her in Georgia's sixth district.

    Please visit to learn more.
    Photo: It was wonderful to sit down with Helen, our recipient of the Angel in Adoption award, today. Helen has done and continues to do amazing work in our community with Fostering Superstars, a nonprofit for foster children. We are so privileged to have her in Georgia's sixth district. 

Please visit to learn more.
  3. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those killed in these outrageous and unwarranted attacks on our fellow American citizens. They served this great nation with honor and courage. In condemning this act of terror, we must also...
    make clear to both our allies and our enemies that America will not tolerate acts of violence and terrorism that seek to disrupt the cause of freedom and to destroy lives. Now more than ever, America must show resolve and leadership both in our words and in our actions.

    Absent American leadership, the world will only become a far more dangerous place. At a time of great turmoil, we must reinforce our commitment to lead out front, not from behind. We must ensure we do all that we can to strengthen America’s relationships with our allies, like Israel, so they know, and those who might question our resolve know, that America will do all that is necessary to protect our way of life and secure peace. That is the level of leadership needed to ensure our nation remains the most powerful force for the defense of liberty.
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  4. It was great to spend time today stuffing care packages with the USO for our troops in Afghanistan, the brave men and women in uniform who continue to fight so that we may be free.
    Price Takes Part in USO Care Package Service Project.
    Photo: Price Takes Part in USO Care Package Service Project.
    Photo: Price Takes Part in USO Care Package Service Project.
    Photo: Price Takes Part in USO Care Package Service Project.
  5. 11th Anniversary of 9/11

    No matter how many years pass, we will never forget the thousands of lives lost at the Pentagon, the World Trade Center and in rural Pennsylvania on that Tuesday morning. We remember and are forever grateful for the remarkable heroism of our fellow citizens who risked their own lives that day to save others.

    Today, as we remember the lives lost, we honor and recognize ou...
    r brave men and women in uniform who continue to fight so that we may be free. We must remain unwavering in our commitment to fight terrorism both at home and abroad by providing our first responders and our troops with the resources and tools they need to protect our nation.

    We are Americans. We bend, but we do not break. The resilience, resolve and goodness of our people have always and will always prevail over evil in whatever form it may take.
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  6. FACEBOOK FORUM has started! To join the conversation, please click the link below.
    PLEASE JOIN US FOR TODAY'S RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Rep. Tom Price will be on and off throughout most of the day answering your questions from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. EDT. We'll also get to some of the questions asked earlier in the week. If you've ever wanted to talk with a Member of Congress about what's going on with tax reform, ObamaCare, the debt, or another policy issue, now is your chance!
    Photo: PLEASE JOIN US FOR TODAY'S RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Rep. Tom Price will be on and off throughout most of the day answering your questions from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. EDT. We'll also get to some of the questions asked earlier in the week. If you've ever wanted to talk with a Member of Congress about what's going on with tax reform, ObamaCare, the debt, or another policy issue, now is your chance!

    The unemployment rate isn’t simply a number. It is heartbreaking news for the millions of mothers and fathers who want so desperately to provide for their families, but cannot find work in our stalled economy. It is ...
    devastating to recent college graduates who crave financial independence, but, due to the lack of a job, must instead move back in with their parents. It is a cause to worry for those Americans on the cusp of retirement, making less today than they were just a few years ago and trying to plan for their golden years.

    Americans deserve better. House GOP have solutions to get our economy going and millions of Americans back to work.
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  8. Join the conversation!

    FACEBOOK FORUM TOMORROW w/ Republican Study Committee.
    REMINDER FOR OUR NEXT RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Have you wanted to talk with a Member of Congress about healthcare, the economy, or our endless government spending? Then please join us on Friday for an all day chat with Rep. Tom Price or ask a question right now in this thread.
  9. Today the U.S. NATIONAL DEBT EXCEEDED $16 trillion. The American people have gotten four straight years of deficits exceeding $1 trillion and an increase in the national debt of $5 trillion, the largest amount accrued during one term of any...

    House Republicans have proposed we do something about this threat to our nation’s future. We call on President Obama and the Democrat-led U.S. Senate to join us in earnest, meaningful efforts to limit government spending, promote economic growth through free enterprise and entrepreneurship, and get America out of this crippling debt. Our economy, our national security and our future prosperity depend on it.
    See More
    Photo: Today the U.S. NATIONAL DEBT EXCEEDED $16 trillion. The American people have gotten four straight years of deficits exceeding $1 trillion and an increase in the national debt of $5 trillion, the largest amount accrued during one term of any president. 

House Republicans have proposed we do something about this threat to our nation’s future. We call on President Obama and the Democrat-led U.S. Senate to join us in earnest, meaningful efforts to limit government spending, promote economic growth through free enterprise and entrepreneurship, and get America out of this crippling debt. Our economy, our national security and our future prosperity depend on it.
  10. FACEBOOK FORUM --> Friday, September 7th.

    Mark your calendars!
    ANNOUNCING OUR NEXT RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Interested in talking with a Member of Congress about what's being done to end Washington's wasteful spending or the future of healthcare? Or any other policy? Then please join us Friday, September 7, for our next RSC Facebook Forum with Rep. Tom Price. He will be answering your questions throughout the day.

    As a physician, with over 20 years of experience taking care of patients, Rep. Price has proven to be an important leader and ti...
    reless problem solver on quality health care policy. He continues to focus on families making their own medical decisions, controlling government spending and getting the American people back to work.

    The live chat will take place in a new post on the Timeline of the Republican Study Committee page, but you can also leave a question in the comment section right here.
    See More
    Photo: ANNOUNCING OUR NEXT RSC FACEBOOK FORUM - Interested in talking with a Member of Congress about what's being done to end Washington's wasteful spending or the future of healthcare? Or any other policy? Then please join us Friday, September 7, for our next RSC Facebook Forum with Rep. Tom Price. He will be answering your questions throughout the day.

As a physician, with over 20 years of experience taking care of patients, Rep. Price has proven to be an important leader and tireless problem solver on quality health care policy. He continues to focus on families making their own medical decisions, controlling government spending and getting the American people back to work. 

The live chat will take place in a new post on the Timeline of the Republican Study Committee page, but you can also leave a question in the comment section right here.
  11. Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates on what's happening in Washington and around the District!
    Photo: Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates on what's happening in Washington and around the District!
  12. As a result of defense cuts (sequestration) and looming tax hikes on American families, the Congressional Budget Office projects the U.S. economy will shrink in economic growth output by nearly 3% and the unemployment rate will increase to 9.1%.

    House Republicans have solutions to get America back on track.
    Photo: As a result of defense cuts (sequestration) and looming tax hikes on American families, the Congressional Budget Office projects the U.S. economy will shrink in economic growth output by nearly 3% and the unemployment rate will increase to 9.1%. 

House Republicans have solutions to get America back on track.
    A recent report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office warned that the Fiscal Year 2012 deficit will be worse than expected. CBO estimates a $1.1 trillion deficit for Fiscal Year 2012 as well as weak economic growth and high unemployment in the future.

    House Republicans have a plan to avoid a fiscal cliff and get our economy moving again.
  14. I discuss the looming tax hikes on American families and job creators w/ Congressman Scott Tipton in this week's Pueblo Chieftain.

    This is the last thing the American people need. We must stop the tax hike!

Earlier in September

Earlier in August

Earlier in 2012