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Rep Sandy Levin

Rep Sandy Levin
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  • Government Official
    Rep. Sander “Sandy” Levin represents The 12th Congressional District which includes communities in Macomb and Oakland counties.
  1. The debt owed to the men and women who have fought for our country is immeasurable. Without their sacrifices – and the sacrifices of their families – all of us would not live as freely as we do.

    I'm proud to support the Veterans History ...
    Project at the Library of Congress and the work they are doing to preserve oral histories, memories, diaries and other documents that capture the experiences of those who have served our nation.

    Here is a link to one of our local stories: Mr. Jefferson, of Southfield, Michigan, recalls his time in the US Army Aircorps (Tuskegee Airmen) from 1942-1947 and his experiences in the US Air Force Reserve for 32 years.
    See More
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Rep Sandy LevinSee All
    •  Next August 6, 2013 will be the first time Detroit voters will vote for City Council By Districts. If you knew of a person who spent 13+ years in prison for shoplifting, but is out of prison now and making IMPACTS by helping to remove barriers to employment for people with criminal records, would you support that person by donating $10 or more to: CTE John Cromer to Detroit City Council, District #2, 17201 Monica Street, Detroit MI 48221. Will need people and money to win! Flyers, yard signs, street team of volunteers. To schedule a “Meet & Greet With The Candidate” at your home, church, block or social club, organization or business, please send a text to or call: (313) 878-1965. Thank You For Supporting Second Chances Everywhere! CROMER4DETROIT!
      20 hours ago
    •  Ways and Means Ranking Member Rep Sandy Levin: “The CBO report makes clear that Congress must complete the unfinished business facing the nation right now to avoid the fiscal cliff that would threaten our economic recovery. “Importantly, the CBO report undermines the Republican argument on tax cuts for the very wealthiest by showing that they have only a miniscule effect on economic growth while adding nearly a trillion dollars to the deficit over the next decade. “House Republicans must end their intransigence on tax cuts for the very wealthy and sit down on a bipartisan basis to finish the work of this Congress. We should do so by taking steps to address the time-sensitive end-of-year tax issues, unemployment insurance, Medicare reimbursement and preventing the sequester for a full year. These vital steps will allow the new Congress to set a course for deficit reduction and tax reform in a transparent and fully bipartisan fashion.”
      623 · Thursday at 1:53pm
    • Congratulations Congressman Sandy Levin!
      1 · November 6 at 9:50pm
    • Sir, you are the only local politician who not only understands my concerns on net neutrality and copyright infringement, but you also have taken a stance on these issues I can support, and your office has responded to me each time I've had a concern. You sir, have earned my vote. Thank you for truly representing me in Congress.
      1 · November 5 at 7:25pm
    • Janice Anderson
       Modest Needs Foundation Dear Friends - We're VERY proud to announce the launch of Modest Needs' Hurricane Relief program. This special grant program will help low-income workers who were temporarily unemployed during the storm to afford their most important monthly expense: their rental or mortgage payments. Through this special grant program, you can offer quick, simple, and IMMEDIATE assistance to the low-income workers now facing homelessness because of this storm. Best of all, the first $150K in contributions will be instantly matched! If you'd like to help, please consider making a contribution to our Hurricane Relief fund. And then, please spread the word to your friends and neighbors - both those who may need help, and those who can offer help. Together, now more than ever, we really CAN make a world of difference to the people facing homelessness because of this storm. Thanks for your support!
      1 · November 5 at 6:46pm
  3. Made friendly World Series wager with Leader Pelosi today: Tigers win and she provides assortment of San Francisco chocolate. Giants win and I provide Sanders Fudge, Gayle’s Chocolate, and Morley Candy, along with Garden Fresh Gourmet salsa and Vernors.

    Looking forward to San Francisco chocolate next week! Bless You Boys!
  4. 113,000 people on Medicare in Michigan's 12th District would see costs soar under Ryan plan to transform program into voucher system, according to new analysis. Many more harmful effects

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