New England News Releases & Tables

Inflation and Consumer Spending

Consumer Price Index (Retail Inflation)

Consumer Expenditure Survey (Consumer Spending)

  • Boston Metropolitan Area Consumer Expenditure Survey (HTML) (PDF)

Employment and Unemployment



Business Employment Dynamics

Minimum Wage Data

Union Membership

Multiple Jobholders

Mass Layoff Statistics

  • Annual totals, Massachusetts State (HTML) (PDF)

Pay and Benefits

Employment Cost Index

Employer Costs For Employee Compensation

Wages and Earnings

Occupational Employment and Wages

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages

  • Average Weekly Wages in Connecticut Counties (HTML) (PDF)
  • Average Weekly Wages in Maine Counties (HTML) (PDF)
  • Average Weekly Wages in Massachusetts Counties (HTML) (PDF)
  • Average Weekly Wages in New Hampshire Counties (HTML) (PDF)
  • Average Weekly Wages in Rhode Island Counties (HTML) (PDF)
  • Average Weekly Wages in Vermont Counties (HTML) (PDF)

Workplace Injuries

New England Fatality Statistics

New England Occupational Injuries and Illnesses


Last Modified Date: August 10, 2012