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Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler - Harrisonville, MO

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler
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  1. Next week: Defending our Defenders tour at UCM. Come and discuss veterans issues and our military with me and other Members of Congress. RSVP on my website.
  2. Today, I was honored to speak at the Northrop Grumman Women's Conference. I spoke on my role in Congress, and what it takes to be a woman leader.
    Photo: Today, I was honored to speak at the Northrop Grumman Women's Conference. I spoke on my role in Congress, and what it takes to be a woman leader.
  3. I strongly condemn the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya and pray for the families of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and the three American diplomats who were killed in this senseless act of violence.

    The Libyan government should bring the perpetrators to justice and forge ahead on the path to democracy. Individuals who are privileged to taste freedom due to our support should thank us; not attack us.
  4. On this day of remembrance, everybody marks the events of September 11th in their own way. Share your stories on how you honor those who were taken away so tragically, or where you were 11 years ago when you learned of the horrific attacks on America.
  5. It was great to meet today with Dewey and Virginia Riehn from the VFW!
    Photo: It was great to meet today with Dewey and Virginia Riehn from the VFW!
  6. Photo from today's 9/11 Congressional Remembrance Ceremony. It was a beautiful tribute to those lost, their loved ones, and those who continue to fight for our freedom.
    Photo: Photo from today's 9/11 Congressional Remembrance Ceremony. It was a beautiful tribute to those lost, their loved ones, and those who continue to fight for our freedom.
  7. The Capitol looks serene this morning but things were different 11 years ago.

    Remembering the brave heroes, victims, families, and troops today; praying for peace.
    Photo: The Capitol looks serene this morning but things were different 11 years ago.

Remembering the brave heroes, victims, families, and troops today; praying for peace.
  8. Coming up: Defending our Defenders Tour and UCM. Join me and other Members of Congress as we have a town-hall style discussion with citizens of Missouri's 4th District. Come and discuss issues facing our military today, as well as our veterans. To view the invitation and RSVP, visit my website.
  9. Under the Sequestration Transparency Act of 2012, the President was mandated to prepare and deliver a report to Congress with the specifics on where cuts will come from under sequestration. This bill passed both the House and Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support, and was signed in to law by the President himself. The report to Congress was due yesterday, and this morning, we still have nothing. The American people deserve to know what sequestration's full impact will be.
  10. It's beginning to look like fall in the country. The sunflowers are blooming along the country roads near our farm.
    Photo: It's beginning to look like fall in the country.  The sunflowers are blooming along the country roads near our farm.
  11. The GAO confirmed today that the Administration has circumvented Congressional authority by waiving work requirements for welfare. Work requirements were instituted in a bipartisan manner, and it is irresponsible to waive a key requirement at the center of federal welfare programs.
  12. The House has passed 32 jobs bills that are stuck in the Senate. With high unemployment, and the looming threat of sequestration, it's time for the Senate and the President to get on board to get America working again. House Republicans have a plan to create jobs and get America back on track.
  13. Today, our debt passed the $16 trillion mark. That's over $140,000 per taxpayer. It's well past time for the Senate and the President to come to the table and pass a fiscally responsible budget. The House Republicans have a plan to keep America strong.
  14. We are grateful for the 4.5" of
    rain we received this weekend. The wheat beans have jumped 2" but there are still big cracks along the road.
    Photo: We are grateful for the 4.5" of
rain we received this weekend. The wheat beans have jumped 2" but there are still big cracks along the road.
  15. COMING UP: Defending our Defenders Tour, September 18 at UCM. Along with other Members of Congress, I will be holding a forum to discuss looming defense cuts, and how we can best care for those who have given so much for our country. View the invite and RSVP here:
  16. I am the Honorary Host for this year’s Missouri Business Conference at UCM. The event will be Wednesday, September 26. This event is a great way to see new innovations in Missouri businesses, and to meet those who are “boldly accelerating Missouri’s Small Businesses”! Register here:
  17. I was honored to speak with the Heart of America Chapter of MOAA. I spoke on my work for veterans on the House Armed Services Committee. It’s always a humbling experience to work for these great Americans.
  18. I am honored to receive the Standing Up for America's Seniors award from RetireSafe for my work standing up for seniors and protecting Medicare.
    Photo: I am honored to receive the Standing Up for America's Seniors award from RetireSafe for my work standing up for seniors and protecting Medicare.

Earlier in September

Earlier in August

Earlier in 2012