The State Department's Conventional Weapons Destruction Program: Making the World Safer

Bureau of Political-Military Affairs

The United States is the world’s leading provider of financial and technical assistance for countries seeking to build peace and security though conventional weapons destruction. Since 1993, the United States has invested more than $1.9 billion to save lives and promote post-conflict recovery in 81 countries by clearing landmines and unexploded ordnance; helping countries safely dispose of their excess small arms, light weapons, and munitions, including man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS); and helping countries properly secure and manage their military stockpiles.

This photo gallery showcases efforts by the Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA) to honor the enduring U.S. commitment to help millions of people around the world “To Walk the Earth in Safety.”

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A demining technician from The HALO Trust conducts clearance operations in Georgia.
State Dept Image / Jun 16, 2009
Photo: A demining technician from The HALO Trust conducts clearance operations in Georgia.

Learn more about U.S. conventional weapons activities around the world as presented in the following photo slideshow.

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