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Strategic Business Consulting

  • Submitted on 12 August 2010

    Every business needs to plan for success.  At MBDA Minority Business Development Centers, we provide your company with business consulting services to create a sound roadmap for growth.  To ensure that your company has sound management practices and processes in place, we provide the following services:

    Client Assessment

    A business evaluation designed to provide background on the company and a review of core competencies, organizational structure, resources and financial viability.  

    Based on this process, we can develop a plan to address immediate and long-term needs of the company and make recommendations for overall business improvement.

    Market Analysis

    Minority Business Development Centers help minority business owners define their target markets and understand their operating environment.

    Financial Management

    Working with a Minority Business Development Center, we help minority business owners get a comprehensive view of their company’s financial performance in several key areas:

    • profitability;
    • stability and solvency;
    • past, present and future financial performance; and
    • key competitors’ financial performance.  

    These analyses are critical in assisting minority business owners make informed decisions regarding their business ranging from taking on a loan or investment, expanding into new markets or evaluating the feasibility of new projects.

    To grow your business, you must have sound management practices and processes in place. Our services include:

    • Strategic and business planning
    • Staffing
    • Organization and structure
    • Policies and procedures
    • General business consulting


Did you know...

MBDA Minority Business Centers helped clients obtain capital totaling $4.76 billion during the last 5 fiscal years.
Graph for Dollar Value of Capital

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