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History > References

Did you know that at the end of fiscal year 1946 (June 30, 1946) there was only one federally recognized flying squadron in the organization that officially became the Air National Guard (ANG) in September 1947? Were you aware that National Guardsmen served as aviators in every major conflict since World War I and that Air Guardsmen have flown almost every major aircraft in the Air Force's inventory since it became a separate military. These and other objective aspects of the Air Guard's rich history are highlighted in the reference portion of the "History" section of the ANG's public web site.

Chief, Air National Guard History
ANG Leaders NGB
Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962, mobilized units
Federal Funding: FY 1946 - FY 2004
Flying Units, FY 1946-2004
Full time Support Personnel, FY 1949 - FY 2004
Korean War, 1950-1953, mobilized AC&W units
Korean War, 1950-1953, mobilized flying units
List of ANG Mission Aircraft from FY 1946-FY 2004
NG Aviation Pers 1919-45
Observation Squadrons mobilized for duty in World War II, 1940-1945
Persian Gulf Crisis, 1990-1991, mobilized units
Persian Gulf Crisis, 1990-1991, volunteer units
Personnel Mobilized: Wars and Major Contingencies, 1916-1999
Pre-World War II National Guard Aviation units
Programmed and Assigned Personnel, FY 1946 - FY 2004
Pueblo Crisis and Vietnam War, 1968-1969, mobilized units
Strait Oral Hist
Women in the ANG, 1957-2004
1915 New York Adjutant General Report
This excerpt shows the establishment of the Signal Corps Aero Company of New York, the first aviation unit in the National Guard. It was organized by Raynal C. Bolling.

Air Guard Recue in Katrina by David P. Anderson
This article explores the contributions by Air National Guard Pararescuemen and Combat Controllers during Hurricane Katrina.

Air Guard's wildfire fighting role evolves by Charles J. Gross, PhD
A brief history of the Air National Guard's role in aerial firefighting.

Air National Guard Fighter Squadrons in Vietnam by Joseph B. Speed
This article provides an historical recounting of the activities of the ANG Fighter Squadrons that served in Vietnam.

Bombsight for a Freight Train by Frank L. Howe
This thesis explores a critical period in the history of the Air National Guard, 1946-1950.

Chronology of Air National Guard Operations after Hurricane Katrina by David P. Anderson
This chronology covers the significant events of Air National Guard operations in the aftermath of Hurrican Katrina in 2006-2006.

Contact! by Charles J. Gross, PhD
A brief article that looks at the earliest aviation units in the National Guard.

First Post-World War II National Guard Unit Recognition
The Colorado National Guard's 120th Fighter Squadron was the first National Guard unit to receive federal recognition after World War II.

Initial Plan for the Air National Guard (1946)
This is from the original plan establishing th e Air National Guard--giving the organization and lay out of the Air Guard.

Maj Gen John F. Williams
History: Guard Roots
Making a Difference: The Tennessee Air National Guard During the Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962
This excellent article describes the contributions of the Tennessee Air National Guard during the height of the Cold War. This article is only for personal and educational use.

National Security Act of 1947
Thisdocument established the modern Department of Defense. It also established the USAF and the Air National Guard (see page 43).

Remembering the Air Guard in Vietnam by John W. Listman Jr.
A short article examining the Air National Guard's role in Vietnam.

Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird's policy letter on Total Force Policy
This is the Memorandum that Sec. Def. Laird issued in 1973 making the Total Force concept (active, guard, reserve) a DOD policy.

Strait Oral Hist
Strait Oral Hist
Surviving the Perfect Storm by Mark P. Soupiset
This short article explores the contributions of the New York Air National Guard during the "Perfect Storm" of 1991.

The Air National Guard: Past Present and Future Prospects by Charles J. Gross
This article provides an overview of the Air National Guard, its changing missions, and its evolution as a reserve component of the Air Force.

The Aviation Corps of the Nebraska National Guard, 1915-1917 by Robert B. Casari
This article explores the beginnings of aviation in the National Guard.

The Sky's No Limit: Turf and the Air Force and the Air National Guard by Kevin Buterbaugh
This article explores the dynamic between the Air Force and the Air National Guard during the 1950s when the Air National Guard assumed responsibility for Air Sovereignty Alert missions.

Total Force comments by Theodore Marrs
Theodore Marrs served as an Assistant Secretary of Defense and worked to build support for the Total Force policy within the Pentagon in the early 1970s. He was also a former Alabama Air Guardsman.

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