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AN/UYQ-100 Undersea Warfare Decision Support System (USW-DSS)

The AN/UYQ-100 Undersea Warfare-Decision Support System provides an integrated near-real-time net-centric Undersea Warfare (USW) Command and Control (C2) capability across multiple platforms. USW-DSS leverages existing communication links, networks, contact pictures, and multi-platform sensor data providing an integrated capability to plan, conduct, and coordinate USW operations. USW-DSS will provide a critical capability for the Sea Combat Commander (SCC), Theater USW Commander (TUSWC), Mine Warfare Commander (MIWC) and Anti-Submarine Warfare Commander (ASWC). In so doing, USW-DSS will contribute to increased lethality and survivability through improved asset allocation, optimized sensor and asset placement, and consistent situational awareness. Under the USW-DSS program, development of a multi-discipline and multi-sensor integrated display with an interoperability infrastructure on a commercial workstation will allow differing system architectures, as well as data exchange schemes to work together without costly software code modifications and demonstrate the integration of data presented from multiple sensor systems.
The USW-DSS program initiated Technology Development in FY02 when the former Program Executive Office for Mine and Undersea Warfare (PEO MUW) leveraged resources to start Common Undersea Picture (CUP) (now known as USW-DSS).

Delivery of USW-DSS began in February 2004 with a Technology Insertion (TI) "Build Zero" version, which was constructed using a number of prototype equipments and installing them on a temporary basis to demonstrate a proof of concept and requirements validation spiral to provide an initial capability required by the Top Level Requirements (TLR) document. In May 2004, N61C (now N2/N6F4) changed the program name from CUP and Undersea Tactical Decision Aids (U-TDA) to Undersea Warfare Decision Support System (USW-DSS). It is an Acquisition Category (ACAT) IVT program.

TI Build 0.3 functionality provided basic USW Mission Planning, battlespace definition, ASW performance prediction and basic plan formulation/dissemination. TI Build 0.3 also provided the capability to monitor mission execution by assessing the tactical situation, coordinating actions and decisions and reporting tactical assessment.

TI Build 1.0 adopted an Open Architecture/Open Source (OA/OS) approach using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) design methods. Redesign of the USW-DSS architecture to conform to OA standards removed artificial constraints imposed by closed TI Build 0.3 applications. This critical effort facilitated integration with future application deliveries to solve unique USW-DSS requirements. The functionality provided by TI Build 1.0 includes lessons learned from TI Build 0.3 that have expanded USW Mission Planning including full battlespace definition, vulnerability assessment and plan formulation/dissemination via web services. TI Build 1.0 also expanded the capability to monitor mission execution by adding the ability to direct and control assets and exercising command authority. In this phase, they developed a Concept of Operations (CONOPS) in close collaboration with Fleet users. Additionally, TI Build 1.0 was certified for Grade B shock.

TI Build 2.0 has evolved through the three previous build cycles to encompass increasing functionality for ASW Planning and Execution. With Build 2.0, USW-DSS will implement the previously deployed functionalities, including additional search planning support, mission execution metrics, and the integration of program of record applications for the sensor performance calculations / execution metrics and fused data from additional sources into a Common ASW Tactical Picture (CASWTP). The CASWTP brings a shared tactical situational awareness, real-time interfaces to tactical sensors in the Strike Group, in-situ mission execution monitoring, and a rapid response to ASW tactical dynamics. Build 2.0 functionality will involve the integration of dedicated and stand-alone applications within a single system baseline. It will also include system interfaces to AN/SQQ-34 Aircraft Carrier Tactical Support Center, AN/SQQ-89(V) Surface Ship ASW Combat System, and SURTASS ICP 4.5.
Point Of Contact
Office of Corporate Communication (00D)
Naval Sea Systems Command
Washington, D.C. 20376
Last Update: 18 November 2011