Plans, Performance, Budgets

Planning and Performance

This page features quick links to the most recently published Department of State performance-related plans and reports, budget documents, and Agency Financial Reports. An archive of past reports, including available HTML or multi-part PDF versions of reports, is also available.


Date: 11/15/2011 Description: Cover of RM bureau's FY 2011 Agency Financial Report. - State Dept ImageAgency Financial Report
The FY 2011 Agency Financial Report provides an overview of the Department’s financial and performance data to help Congress, the President, and the public assess our stewardship over the resources entrusted to us.

Date: 03/27/2012 Description: State-USAID Agency Priority Goals for Fiscal Years 2012-2013  for U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development
 - State Dept ImageState-USAID Agency Priority Goals
The State-USAID Agency Priority Goals for Fiscal Years 2012-2013 for the U.S. Department of State and the
U.S. Agency for International Development.
Date: 02/13/2012 Description: Cover of FY 2013 State Department Executive Budget Summary. - State Dept Image Executive Budget Summary
The FY 2013 Executive Budget Summary of the Congressional Budget Justification summarizes the resources needed to help achieve key national priorities while building the foundation for lasting global progress.
Date: 02/13/2012 Description: Cover of FY 2013 State Department Operations Congressional Budget Justification. - State Dept Image Congressional Budget Justification
The FY 2013 Department of State Operations CBJ details the resources requested to fund Department programming, policy, and management activities around the world. This also serves as the FY 2011 Annual Performance Report and the FY 2013 Annual Performance Plan. (Also see Foreign Operations CBJ).
Cover of FY 2011 Joint Summary. Joint Summary
The Joint Summary of Performance and Financial Information for FY 2011 describes the performance and accomplishments achieved by State and USAID toward the highest U.S. diplomatic and development objectives.
Cover of April 2010 Citizens Guide. A Citizen's Guide to Foreign Affairs
The April 2010 Citizen's Guide is a companion reference brochure to the Joint Summary of Performance and Financial Information for Fiscal Year 2009. The Citizen's Guide outlines performance and resource highlights, and presents priorities and a look ahead.
Date: 01/21/2011 Description: Screen shot of web site. - State Dept Image Foreign Assistance Dashboard
The dashboard provides a view of U.S. Government foreign assistance funds and enables users to examine, research, and track aid investments in a standard and easy-to-understand format.
Date: 12/01/2010 Description: Logo of State Department and USAID seals. State Department and USAIDStrategic Plan
The Department of State and USAID Strategic Plan presents how the Department and USAID will implement U.S. foreign policy and development assistance.
 Portion of banner from OIG website.Inspector General Audits and Reports
The Office of Inspector General conducts independent audits, inspections, and investigations that advance the missions of the Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors.
 Logo from GAO Reports website.Government Accountability Office (GAO) Reports
GAO reports on all federal agencies to help improve the performance and ensure the accountability of the federal government. To view the U.S. Department of State's GAO reports click on the image or link, and search reports by date.


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